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How to Turn Off the Red Dot in Slack: A Step-by-Step Guide

Neeraj Shukla
By Neeraj Shukla | Last Updated on July 4th, 2024 10:58 am

In today's fast-paced digital work environment, Slack has emerged as an indispensable communication tool, seamlessly connecting teams and streamlining workflow through efficient workflow automation and top Slack integrations. These features are designed to enhance productivity by integrating various applications directly into Slack, thus facilitating a smoother workflow. However, the constant influx of messages and notifications, symbolized by the notorious red dot, can sometimes become a source of distraction rather than a beacon of productivity. If you find yourself overwhelmed by Slack's relentless notifications, this guide offers a comprehensive walkthrough on managing, and if desired, turning off the red dot. Incorporating Slack integrations wisely can ensure that your focus remains undisturbed, making the platform a true asset for workflow automation and efficient team communication.

How to Turn Off the Red Dot in Slack?

To manage and minimize distractions from Slack, specifically focusing on hiding the red dot notification across different devices and operating systems, follow these tailored steps for Mac, Windows, iOS, and Android devices. The red dot in Slack signifies unread messages or notifications, and adjusting your notification settings is key to managing this feature.

On a Mac:

Open Slack on your Mac.

Click on your workspace name at the top left corner.

Choose "Preferences" from the dropdown menu.

Navigate to the "Notifications" tab.

Under "Notify me about", you can adjust your notification settings to reduce the frequency of the red dot. Opting for "Direct messages mentions & keywords" can help limit notifications to essential interactions.

To further reduce distractions, consider enabling "Do Not Disturb" mode for specific hours by setting a schedule in the same Notifications menu.

On Windows:

Open the Slack app on your Windows computer.

slack open your window

Click on your workspace name located in the top left corner.

Select "Preferences" from the dropdown.


Go to the "Notifications" section.


Here, adjust your settings under "Notify me about" to control the appearance of the red dot. Choosing settings like "Nothing" or "Direct messages, mentions & keywords" can significantly decrease interruptions.

Utilize "Do Not Disturb" mode to silence notifications during periods of focused work.

On iOS:

Open the Slack app on your iOS device.

Tap on "You" at the bottom right, then "Notifications".

In the notifications settings, you can adjust how Slack notifies you. To minimize interruptions, you might want to set it to notify you only for direct messages and mentions.

For a temporary respite, use the "Do Not Disturb" mode by tapping on "Do Not Disturb" within the settings and selecting your preferred duration.

On Android:

Launch the Slack app on your Android device.

Tap on the three dots in the top right corner of your profile picture to access "Settings".

Select "Notifications", and under this menu, you can customize your notification preferences to limit the red dot's appearance.

For moments when you need to focus, activate "Do Not Disturb" by going to the "Do Not Disturb" option in your settings and setting it up as needed.

Why Should You Turn Off the Red Dot in Slack?

Turning off or managing the red dot notification in Slack, which signifies unread messages or activities, can have several benefits, especially in terms of productivity and mental well-being. Here's why considering this adjustment might be beneficial:

  • Reduces Distractions: The red dot is designed to catch your attention, signaling that there's something new to check out. While it helps stay on top of things, it can also be a constant source of distraction. By controlling or turning off the red dot, you can help minimize distractions, allowing you to focus more deeply on your work without the urge to constantly check Slack.
  • Improves Focus: Constant notifications, including the red dot, can interrupt your flow and reduce your ability to concentrate on tasks that require sustained attention. Managing these notifications allows you to dedicate blocks of time to focused work, potentially enhancing your productivity and the quality of your output.
  • Decreases Stress and Anxiety: For some, the presence of unread notifications can create a sense of urgency or anxiety, leading to stress. This is especially true in environments where rapid response times are valued. By turning off the red dot, you might reduce the pressure to immediately read and respond to every message, thus lowering stress levels.
  • Encourages Intentional Communication: When notifications are controlled or reduced, it encourages more intentional checking of messages and channels. This means you're likely to approach communication on Slack with more focus and thoughtfulness, rather than reacting impulsively to every alert.
  • Supports Work-Life Balance: For those who find it hard to disconnect from work, managing Slack notifications, including the red dot, can be a step towards better work-life balance. It helps in setting boundaries, ensuring that you're not constantly drawn into work matters outside of your working hours.
  • Customizes Your Workflow: Not all Slack notifications are created equal. Some messages and channels are more relevant to your immediate tasks than others. By adjusting which notifications trigger the red dot, you can tailor your Slack experience to fit your workflow, prioritizing alerts that matter most to your work.

Top Slack Integrations to Enhance Your Workflow

Slack integrations, facilitated by platforms like Appy Pie Connect, can significantly enhance your workflow by seamlessly integrating the tools and services you use daily directly into your Slack channels including how to create auto-replies in Slack. By integrating various applications, you can streamline processes, improve communication, and boost productivity without ever leaving Slack. Here are some of the top Slack integrations that can help transform your workflow:

  • Integrate Slack with Square: Seamlessly manage your sales and customer interactions by integrating Square with Slack, streamlining payment notifications and customer queries.
  • Cloudbeds and Slack Integrations: For those in the hospitality industry, integrating Cloudbeds with Slack can enhance operational efficiency by keeping teams updated on reservations and guest needs.
  • Integrate Basecamp Classic with Slack: Bridge your project management tools and communication platforms by integrating Basecamp Classic with Slack, ensuring your team stays on the same page.
  • Integrate Slack with HubSpot: Sync your marketing, sales, and service data by integrating HubSpot with Slack, allowing for real-time updates and notifications.
  • Integrate Slack with Freshdesk: Improve your customer support by integrating Freshdesk with Slack, enabling your support team to receive and respond to tickets directly from Slack.
  • Integrate Salesforce with Slack: For sales teams, integrating Salesforce with Slack can drive productivity by providing instant access to sales data and customer interactions.
  • Integrate Slack with ShipRocket: E-commerce businesses can benefit from integrating ShipRocket with Slack, facilitating smooth logistics and shipment tracking.


Mastering Slack through careful management of notifications, such as the red dot, and leveraging its powerful integrations and features, including Appy Pie Connect and auto replies, empowers teams to maintain a distraction-free, productive work environment. By customizing Slack to fit individual and team workflows, users can ensure that their digital workspace enhances efficiency without overwhelming them with constant alerts. The integration of Slack with essential tools like Square, Cloudbeds, Basecamp Classic, HubSpot, Freshdesk, Salesforce, and ShipRocket further streamlines operations, making Slack not just a communication platform, but a central hub for managing a wide array of business processes. Embracing these strategies can transform Slack from a potential source of distraction to a key asset in achieving workflow automation and efficient team communication, thus making it an indispensable tool in today's digital work environment.

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Neeraj Shukla

Content Manager at Appy Pie