7 Ways to Use Real EstateMarketing Automation - Appy Pie

7 Ways to Use Real Estate Marketing Automation

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on March 13th, 2024 11:54 am | 4-min read

A real estate business is usually more challenging than many real estate agents believe. Once your business grows beyond a certain level, it can become arduous to deal with your clientele, and ensure a smooth working environment for your business.*

Over the years, there have been various suggestions on how real estate can be managed more efficiently. Current industry trends point towards a rather radical solution for the real estate industry - automation. Automation in real estate is not a new concept. However, its real-world applications are still limited to a certain extent. According to research, almost 40% of tasks in real estate can be automated. The main purpose of real estate marketing automation is to save time. In this small guide, you will learn the importance, benefits and how you can apply real estate marketing automation to your business. However, before we jump into it, here is an infographic stating how automation can impact real estate.How to Improve Real Estate Businesswith Automation - Appy Pie

What is Real Estate Marketing Automation?

Automation is essentially a way to reduce manual work and let your tools do more for you. In real estate, workflow automation can be used to automate email workflows, notifications, and internal integrations between various software used by real estate businesses. Real estate automation is a way to reduce the workload on your employees by automating menial tasks to help make their work more efficient and easier. Automation is generally used to simplify their work by taking the mundane and repetitive tasks and have automation software work on them. Real estate marketing automation, in particular, utilizes automation technology to automate marketing campaigns such as social media marketing, mobile messaging, etc. Marketing automation tools have been around for years. However, their true scope is yet to be utilized. Here are some of the benefits marketing automation tools bring to your business

Benefits of Using Real Estate Automation Software

Real estate marketing automation’s main purpose is the manipulation of various business data. This brings many benefits to your business. Here are the main ones:

  • Consistency
  • Automation ensures that the data that is being used by your agency is up-to-date, clear, and consistent. This smoothens the business process and minimizes data loss. It helps create a consistent flow of data within your business.

  • Efficiency
  • Workflow automation brings a new level of efficiency to your real estate business. Automation takes care of all the menial and mundane tasks within the business. This helps your business become more efficient. It also leaves more time for your employees to help them focus on more important tasks and generate stronger results for your business.

  • Speed
  • According to a survey, 20% of man-hours are spent doing menial tasks that can be automated easily. Automation ensures that employees are faster with their work and also get more time for important business-related tasks.

7 Ways to Use Automation in the Real Estate Business

It is time for us to move on to the most important part. Here are 7 different ways automation can be used in your real estate business:

  1. Automated Lead Generation
  2. Lead generation is an extremely important process in marketing. Without a proper lead generation strategy, a business will collapse. For a real estate business, each lead can be worth millions of dollars, which is why you must ensure a proper lead generation strategy is executed. With automation, you can standardize your lead generation strategy to ensure maximum possible success for your business. Everything from collecting email addresses of potential clients to sending them marketing copies can be automated with the help of a real estate workflow automation software. Appy Pie Connect provides many automated integrations that can be used to automate lead generation.

    Popular integrations on Appy Pie Connect

    • Connect Facebook Lead Ads with Gmail so that whenever a new lead is added through Facebook Lead Ads, an email draft is created and sent through your Gmail account.
    • Integrate Instagram Lead Ads with Twilio so that whenever a new lead is added to your Instagram Lead Ads, an SMS is automatically generated and sent to the number through Twilio.

  3. Segmentation and Syncing Leads
  4. Generating leads is the tip of the iceberg. For a real estate business, every lead is different. Since every potential client has a different expectation from you, it becomes important to segment your clients and ensure they get the best possible experience. This means that each client must be categorized and they must receive marketing copy for what they want. With automation, you can collect client preferences and segment them into the right categories. This ensures that you provide your leads with what they want, increasing your chances of converting them into customers. This automation helps your leads sync with the right teams of your real estate business. For example, a client looking for a penthouse apartment will automatically be segmented and synced for your team that specializes in selling penthouse apartments.

    Popular integrations on Appy Pie Connect

    • Connect Typeform and Microsoft Teams so that whenever a new form is created on Typeform, a new member is automatically added to a specific group on Microsoft Teams.
    • Integrate Getform and Microsoft Excel so that whenever a new submission is received to a selected form on Getform, a new row is automatically added to the end of a specific table on Microsoft Excel.

  5. Nurturing Leads
  6. Simply generating and syncing leads isn’t enough. Every lead must be nurtured especially in the real estate business. Automation can help make the nurturing process simpler. You must nurture each lead with your marketing until they turn into a customer. Automation can help nurture leads. You can automate various parts of the lead nurturing process such as sending automated emails, asking for client feedback, etc. With workflow automation software as versatile as Appy Pie Connect, it is possible to create entire automated workflows dedicated to lead nurturing using CRM and other tools.

    Popular integrations on Appy Pie Connect

    • Connect Google Forms and MailChimp so that whenever a new response row is added to the bottom of a spreadsheet, a new subscriber is automatically added to a MailChimp mailing list of your choice.
    • Connect JotForm with ActiveCampaign so that whenever there is a new submission on a specific JotForm form, a corresponding new contact is automatically added on your next lead nurturing campaign through ActiveCampaign.

  7. Data Entry
  8. One of the most popular applications of workflow automation is data entry. A modern-day real estate business must deal with enormous amounts of data while working. To manage this data, one must create a dedicated database. Traditionally there would be dedicated teams to data entry. However, data entry is boring menial work. With an automation software, data entry can be completely automated leaving your employees more time to be productive with their other tasks. According to a research, automating data entry can save up to 9 hours every week per employee.

    Popular integrations on Appy Pie Connect

    • Connect LeadFuze and Google Sheets so that whenever you add a new lead to a list on LeadFuze, a new row is automatically added in a specified Google Sheets spreadsheet.
    • Integrate Salesforce and Google Sheets so that whenever a new lead is added on Salesforce, a new row is automatically added to a specified Google Sheets spreadsheet.

  9. Transaction Management
  10. With the number of customers a real estate has to take care of, it can sometimes be impossible to keep track of all customers and their transactions. Using automated integrations between CRM and transaction software, you can create automated task lists to help manage various client transactions.

    Popular integrations on Appy Pie Connect

    • Connect Zoho CRM and Revolut so that whenever there is a new transaction in Revolut, a new entry is created in a module in Zoho CRM.
    • Integrate BrainTree and Freshworks CRM so that whenever you add a new transaction on BrainTree, a contact is created automatically in Freshworks CRM.

  11. Reminders and Notifications
  12. Using various integrations with scheduling software, you can automatically send out work-related reminders and notifications both to your external customers and internal employees. These reminders and notifications can include everything from a client meeting to remembering to nurture particular leads. Instead of trying to mark dates on a calendar software you could simply integrate your favorite calendar tool with your CRM and mailing software to automate reminders and notifications. Here is an example of various popular integrations for Google Calendar that Appy Pie Connect offers.

    Popular integrations on Appy Pie Connect

    • Connect Google Calendar and Zoho Mail so that whenever an event matching a search is created, a new email is sent automatically through Zoho Mail.
    • Integrate Calendly and Microsoft To Do so that whenever you have a new event is added on Calendly, a new task is created automatically on Microsoft To Do.

  13. Activity-Based Information Workflows
  14. As a real-estate business, it is natural for your business to track your leads occasionally to nurture them. Based on lead activity on your websites, you can create workflows that automate engagement with said leads. With specialized lead engagement strategies, workflow automation can help engage your leads increasing your chances of directing leads into your sales funnel.

    Popular integrations on Appy Pie Connect

    • Connect Intercom and Robly so that whenever a new conversation is created by a user in Intercom, a contact is added to a list on Robly.
    • Integrate Customerly and SendGrid so that whenever a new lead is created on Customerly, an email is automatically sent through SendGrid.


Those were 7 ways you can automate your real estate business. There are more use cases for real estate automation that are still being explored by real estate businesses. You can check out Appy Pie Connect’s 1000+ available software automation to find the one that fits your real estate business needs. Automation is the future. There is no denying that. However, it begins with small menial automations to increase the efficiency of your work. Various real estate automation software like Appy Pie Connect are responsible for this monumental move to automation. It is a good time to start learning about their various applications and applying them to your business. Good Luck!

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie