Real Estate App

How Property Dealers Can Boost Up Their Revenue with a Real Estate App?

Aasif Khan
By Aasif Khan | Last Updated on November 11th, 2023 8:36 am

App Builder Appy Pie, May 01: The real estate industry is highly competitive nowadays, and its competition has also led to new technologies to operate. The use of advanced technologies is increasing in the real estate sector for helping buyers to find their dream home. Today, every realtor and real estate agent is using the high-end mobile apps to add value to their business. With the use of real estate app, the real estate agents and the buyers are being benefited equally. Here are discussed some benefits of having real estate apps:Improved Customer InteractionIn today’s time, smartphones have become an integral part of everyday life. Almost everyone depends on smartphone a lot. Similarly, when businesses have their own mobile apps, they can easily interact with their customers. As a real estate professional, you know that communication is one of the most important factors in your business. With an app, you will able to maintain constant and direct contact with your clients, updating them on the latest listings or other information they want to know.Faster Property SearchIt has been noticed that often brokers are unable to close a deal because they are not in a position to provide full information to the prospective buyer quickly. Having a mobile app will allow real estate agents to provide all information to the buyers related to listed properties such as dimensions, floor plans, location, and price. As a result, they can search their desired properties on the go.Improved Process EfficiencyAn interactive real estate app help realtors or real estate agents improve their process efficiency. It reduces paper work, helps to integrate the onsite operations, and allow you to deliver best customer service. Your real estate app can also act as better feedback systems. Your app will allow your clients to provide you with immediate feedback which you can use to strengthen your service.Higher EngagementCustomer engagement is one of the most important metrics for achieving business success. Providing a seamless user experience through mobile apps will help you increase customer engagement. By monitoring customers’ behavior through mobile app, you can give them what they are looking for. This will help you increase customer engagement rate.Enhanced Customer Support As a real estate professional, you know that customer support is important for maintaining healthy relationship with your customers. By providing customer assistance system in your mobile app, you can serve them around the clock in the most effective way.Provides Direct Marketing ChannelIn all aspects, your real estate app will provide updated information to your customers including image and prices. A real estate mobile app helps property agents deliver offers and special deals to all app users without wasting any time. Also, having a mobile app for your real estate business provides you with various ways to market your business without any extra marketing budget.Improved Customer SatisfactionThe real estate business requires a deep satisfaction of clients. As a real estate agent, you have to explain your properties to buyers more thoroughly, considering location, view, interiors etc. However, there are a number of realtors and real estate agents who struggle to explain their properties to prospect buyers. With the use of AR and VR feature in real estate app, real estate agents can provide a clear view of properties to the buyers in a more detailed way. Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) feature help buyers to experience a property personally without actually being present physically.

Top 5 Questions You Need to Ask Before Creating Your Real Estate App

  1. Who is Your Audience?Not all real estate agents target the same demographics. This means that you shouldn’t necessarily copy what another agent or firm is doing on their own mobile app. Look into your target demographics’ habits. Are they likely to use a mobile app for real estate purposes? For example, 92% of millennials used mobile devices in 2018. If millennials are your target market, dig a little deeper into what they look for in an app. If you tailor your real estate app to what your audience wants, you’ll be more likely to gain active users.
  2. What Other Real Estate Apps Are On the Market?You’re not the first person who has thought of developing an app for real estate! Be sure to check out what else is available on the market. See who is doing what and which ones are successful. There are bound to be some apps that are gaining more traction than others. Your mission is to find out why – and how you can position yourself on the winning side.
  3. What is Missing in the Real Estate Mobile App Space?Are there any gaps in your market currently? Most likely. Does your idea for an app match the gaps of the niche? This is what you need to find out. If your original idea doesn’t fit what you learn as you go, that’s okay! Your first idea is rarely your best one – and that’s why it’s better to do market research first before spending your resources on development. Because you haven’t yet invested anything in your idea except time, it’s never too late to iterate on a new concept that will better serve your current market.
  4. How Will People Benefit From Your App?The main goal of your app is to generate clients for your real estate or brokerage firm. But you won’t benefit if your users don’t benefit first. Find out what your audience needs in your research – and how you can position your app as a direct solution to that need. Reading reviews on other apps are a great way to figure out what people are thinking about existing apps, but we’ll go into more detail later.
  5. Can Your Target Audience Afford Your App?Do you plan to offer a paid real estate app? If so, what price point do you have in mind? But most importantly, can your target audience afford this price? Your research should tell you this. What’s the current price that they are willing to spend on existing apps? What’s great about apps is that prices are always listed in the app store, so it’s easy to compare what’s on the market right now. You’ll be able to adjust your pricing structure from there.

Take the Real Estate World By Storm with Your App

With the proper research, you’ll gain a solid understanding of the app market in the real estate niche. You’ll know whether or not there is a need for the app you want to make, and you’ll know how to make your app that much better than your competition’s. You won’t waste time – or your development budget – on ideas that won’t fly. But even better, you’ll be creating an app that your target real estate clients want and need. A well-researched app will make their lives easier, which makes them more likely to do business with you. So, if you are looking at building an interactive real estate mobile app for your business, you can now create it in a matter of minutes with the awesome App Builder, Appy Pie. You need no coding skills – just a great idea, a dash of creativity and less than 10 minutes of time- to make a real estate app with multiple interesting features. So let those creative juices flow- try out how to build an app at Appy Pie – NOW!!

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Aasif Khan

Head of SEO at Appy Pie