Blog Article

How to Make a Sales Chatbot? A Beginner’s Guide

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on May 20th, 2024 11:59 am | 6-min read

Chatbots are not just a fancy, experimental piece of application that the big players are toying around with. Today, every website and even some mobile applications are looking at different ways to strategically incorporate a chatbot into their operations. Yes, there are multiple ways to use a chatbot for business. In this blog, however, we are going to mainly discuss how you can make a bot for sales, the benefits of chatbots for sales, and share some unique tips on making your sales chatbot a big success! But first, let me ask you this simple question - are your concerns about coding stopping you from making your own chatbot! It shouldn’t! Not with our no-code chatbot maker - Appy Pie Chatbot. It requires no coding and lets you create a chatbot in minutes!


The fact that more and more businesses are implementing chatbots in their operations is an indication that this piece of technology actually works for businesses in different capacities. While some use chatbots exclusively for booking appointments, others are using chatbots to improve customer service, reduce churn, and even generate and qualify leads. For the purpose of this blog, I looked into some interesting facts about sales chatbots, and here is a small infographic that talks about the need for sales chatbots and how you can make one!

What is a sales chatbot?

A sales chatbot is a chatbot with a focus on your sales activities and intends to help your sales team in prospecting, lead qualification, and integration with other sales software. Appy Pie Chatbot has multiple types of chatbots that can help businesses cater to multiple aspects of their sales. Explore the different types of chatbot templates offered by Appy Pie and choose the one that fits your purpose the best

How to make a sales chatbot with Appy Pie Chatbot?

Yes, a chatbot is a fairly advanced piece of technology, and most businesses get intimidated even before they start out. Hence, Appy Pie Chatbot emerges as the perfect solution for everyone. Here are a few highlights of the platform that should give you an idea why it is so popular:
  • No coding needed to create your own chatbot
  • Easy-to-use platform with a WYSIWYG functionality
  • Entirely customizable chatbots with options to change the flow, script, appearance, and brand placement
  • Create an unlimited number of chatbots from the same account
  • Multiple ready-to-use chatbot templates for speed and efficiency
Excited to make your own chatbot for sales? Let’s tell you how easy it is to make a sales chatbot using Appy Pie Chatbot - the no-code chatbot building platform.
  • Enter a name for your chatbot
  • Give your sales chatbot a name and choose the template that you wish to use for your chatbot. Don’t worry. You can change it whenever you want!
  • Make as many edits as you want
  • Appy Pie offers you the flexibility to change every little element of your chatbot, from the script, flow, fonts, colors, avatar, and anything else you want to change.
  • Integrate the chatbot to your site
  • All that is left now is for you to copy your chatbot widget and add it to your website. That’s it! Now you can start serving all your customers without overburdening your sales team.

Benefits of a bot for sales

Chatbots can bring about a significant change in your sales processes while adding efficiency and boosting your bottom line. Let’s take a look at some of the major benefits of a chatbot for your sales team.
  1. Better communication - more sales
  2. A chatbot improves overall customer communication by providing an efficient way for your customers to interact with your sales team. Not only can they get instant answers to the frequently asked questions, but they can also help smooth chat transitions from bots to live agents, should the customer want it.
  3. Round the clock availability
  4. Implementing round-the-clock availability with human agents can prove to be quite an expensive affair. However, if you choose not to be available at all hours, you stand the chance of losing sales opportunities. A sales chatbot remains available to all your website visitors any time of the day. The customers are happy to be served immediately, and you don’t have to burn a hole in your pocket!
  5. Eliminates tedious tasks with automation
  6. Whether it is finding answers to FAQs or booking appointments, certain tasks are repetitive, mundane, and somewhat tedious. A sales chatbot can help you automate a number of such tasks, leaving your human agents free for the tasks that need their attention. It saves time and definitely increases the efficiency of the entire sales team.
  7. Serve customers from all over the world
  8. Why limit your sales efforts to just one language when you can serve customers in as many languages as you want! Appy Pie Chatbot lets you create multilingual chatbots that let you talk to customers in a language that they are most comfortable with. A multilingual chatbot increases sales by letting you reach out to a wider audience while removing all language barriers.
  9. Generates quality leads
  10. A chatbot has the ability to not only capture as many leads as come your way but also make sure that they meet your quality requirements. Your sales chatbot can work 24X7 to collect leads with all the information you may require to qualify them. Also, you can integrate your chatbot on multiple platforms, including your website, your mobile app, your Facebook page, etc., to generate a massive amount of qualified leads.
  11. Great for cross-selling without being intrusive
  12. Many customers or your site visitors may not want to talk to a live agent as they can be a little pushy when it comes to cross-selling. A chatbot, however, can be entirely non-intrusive and sit nonchalantly at the corner of your screen. It can help the customers when they need assistance and engage in some relevant cross-selling while holding a natural conversation.

Tips to make your sales chatbot a success

I have talked extensively about the benefits of bots for sales and how a chatbot increases sales, but you will not get all these benefits with a generic sales bot. To make your job easier, I have some actionable tips to help you make your sales chatbot a success!
  1. Define clear goals
  2. It’s easy to go wrong when you don’t know where you are going. Yes, of course, you are making a sales chatbot to increase sales, but there is more to it.
    • Do you want your visitors to buy more?
    • Are you looking forward to getting more appointments?
    • Would you like the site visitors to register for demos or schedule more calls?
    • Do you want to qualify leads before transferring them to a live agent, or
    • Would you like a greater number of qualified leads to reach your sales team?
    Though there may be hundreds of more such goals, the idea here is to define a clear goal for your sales chatbot so that every decision you make takes you closer to your defined goal.
  3. Personalize your greetings
  4. We all appreciate being greeted by the sales representatives when we enter a store. Why would it be any different for a virtual space? When you welcome your site visitors with a personalized message, you kind of break the ice and engage them in a conversation instantly or come back later for it. You can have a different messaging for new customers and an entirely different messaging thread for returning customers.
  5. Define a trigger
  6. A trigger is essentially the visitor action that would lead the bot to engage with them. The trigger could be anything, for example, a certain time spent on the site, clicking a specific CTA, or taking the pointer out of the website area. By choosing a trigger wisely, you can make sure that you are not intruding and only enhance your site visitors’ experience.
  7. Collect data and feedback
  8. Data is gold! A chatbot lets you collect insurmountable amounts of data about your site visitors and answers critical queries about what they are looking for. Of course, while gathering leads, you get basic demographic information about the clients, but by adding a simple feedback form, you can gain valuable insights into how your site visitors perceive you.
  9. Improve your chatbot using collected data
  10. The data that you collected and the feedback you receive from your visitors can give you great insights. You can analyze all this data you collected and find out the areas of your business, website, and chatbot that you can work on. In this way, you get to improve your chatbot and provide a further enhanced experience to the prospects and customers who visit your website.
  11. Don’t let them leave
  12. Customers have a really short attention span, and any delay is only going to drive them away. Make sure that your chatbot can engage them in a way that they stick around for longer. You can even offer some well-timed discount coupons or advise a product that might go well with their recent purchases or some alternatives to the products they are considering buying.
  13. Let your chatbot answer FAQs
  14. Let’s face it. There are some questions even your support team is tired of answering. You can set up your sales chatbot to reply to the most frequently asked questions without involving your sales personnel. Not only does it improve the overall customer experience, but it also sets you up for an opportunity to recognize the friction areas and present quick resolutions.
  15. Make your chatbot multilingual
  16. You are restricting your sales revenue by limiting your chatbot to just one language! Make your chatbot multilingual and expand your audience. Serving customers in the language of their comfort will naturally grow your audience and eventually increase your sales.
  17. Work to reduce cart abandonment
  18. Shopping cart abandonment is a pretty common phenomenon, and there are two primary reasons for that - shipping costs and discounts or deals. A chatbot can help you combat this common problem by engaging them in a conversation that involves a special deal or reminds them that they can get their shipping charged waived by meeting the minimum order value.


Integrating a sales chatbot into your website can appear to be expensive or complicated. However, with Appy Pie Chatbot, you can create a chatbot in minutes without learning to code. The best part is that the platform doesn’t burn a hole in your pocket. It’s time to try your hand at building a bot for yourself.
Do you have a tip that should be mentioned here? Let me know in the comments section! I will be happy to know.

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie