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Mastodon vs. Twitter: What Should You Choose?

By Ruchi | Last Updated on June 22nd, 2024 12:57 pm

As social media landscapes evolve, users are increasingly seeking alternatives to platforms like Twitter. One such alternative gaining traction is Mastodon. With the help of certain workflow automation tools, transitioning from Twitter to Mastodon can be made seamless. In this guide, we'll explore the process of transitioning from Twitter to Mastodon with the assistance of these workflow automation tools. We'll delve into the unique features and advantages that Mastodon offers over Twitter, providing readers with valuable insights into why it's worth considering as an alternative social media platform.

What is Mastodon?

Mastodon is a decentralized social media platform, offering an open-source alternative to centralized platforms like Twitter. Unlike Twitter, Mastodon operates on a network of independently operated servers called instances. Users can choose which instance to join based on their preferences, interests, and community guidelines.

How to Get Started on Mastodon?

To join Mastodon, start by selecting an instance that aligns with your interests and values. Each instance has its community and rules, so choose wisely. Once you've selected an instance, sign up for an account, complete your profile, and start exploring the platform. The advantage of joining a specific server is the sense of community and shared interests, fostering meaningful interactions and connections.

How to Find Your Twitter Friends on Mastodon?

To find your Twitter friends on Mastodon, use tools like the Mastodon Bridge, which allows you to connect your Twitter account and find users who have also migrated to Mastodon. Additionally, there are popular X integrations available on Mastodon, such as Crossposter, which automatically shares your Mastodon posts on Twitter, keeping your followers updated across both platforms.

Here are some popular Twitter Integrations:

  1. Create a Discord with Twitter integration
  2. Create a LinkedIn and Twitter integration
  3. Create a Slack with Twitter integration
  4. Create an Everbridge and Twitter integration
  5. Create a Whatsapp Business with Twitter integration
  6. Create a Zendesk and Twitter integration

Twitter vs. Mastodon: What's Really Different?

Mastodon is a lot like Twitter, but it has its unique features. Let's explore the differences:

Centralized vs. DecentralizedTwitter operates on a centralized platform owned by Twitter, Inc.Mastodon operates on a decentralized platform with multiple independent servers (instances).
Character LimitTweets are limited to 280 characters.Mastodon allows longer posts, up to 500 characters by default, with some instances allowing even longer posts.
Algorithmic TimelineTwitter employs an algorithmic timeline, which curates tweets based on user engagement and other factors.Mastodon offers a chronological timeline, displaying posts in the order they were published without algorithmic interference.
Account VerificationTwitter has a centralized account verification process managed by Twitter, Inc.Mastodon's account verification process varies between instances, with some instances allowing local verification by instance administrators.
Advertising OptionsTwitter offers a variety of advertising options, including promoted tweets, accounts, and trends.Mastodon does not have built-in advertising options, but some instances may allow sponsored content or donations to support the server.
Content ModerationTwitter has a centralized content moderation system, with policies enforced by Twitter, Inc.Mastodon's content moderation policies vary between instances, with each instance responsible for enforcing its own rules and guidelines.
Privacy and Data ControlTwitter's privacy and data control policies are governed by Twitter, Inc., with users having limited control over their data.Mastodon offers greater privacy and data control, with users able to choose instances based on their privacy preferences and data retention policies.
Community and CultureTwitter has a diverse and global user base, with a culture shaped by its centralized platform and features.Mastodon's community is decentralized, with each instance fostering its own unique culture and community guidelines.
Open SourceTwitter's platform is closed source and owned by Twitter, Inc.Mastodon is open source, allowing for transparency, community contributions, and the creation of alternative implementations.

This table provides a comparison of key differences between Twitter and Mastodon, highlighting aspects such as platform structure, features, content moderation, privacy, and community dynamics.


Switching from Twitter to Mastodon may seem daunting at first, but with the right tools and understanding, the process can be smooth and rewarding. As you set up your Mastodon account and explore its unique features, you'll find a vibrant community and a refreshing alternative to traditional social media platforms.

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