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Mastering Your First 90 Days in Sales: A Step-by-Step Guide

Prerna Pundir
By Prerna Pundir | Last Updated on May 10th, 2024 6:13 am

Embarking on a new sales role can be a daunting experience, but a structured 30-60-90 day plan can pave the way for success. This guide introduces a strategic blueprint that divides the initial three months into phases of learning, contributing, and leading. It outlines how this approach helps new salespeople understand their role, set achievable goals, and effectively use sales tools to integrate into the company, engage with the team, and drive sales outcomes. Through practical steps and the integration of technology, this plan is designed to enhance customer engagement and streamline sales processes, setting a solid foundation for a flourishing sales career.

Understanding a 30-60-90 Day Plan

A 30-60-90 day sales plan is a roadmap designed to set new salespeople up for success. It breaks down the first three months on the job into phases: learning, contributing, and leading. This plan is vital for understanding your role, setting realistic goals, and using sales tools effectively. It helps you quickly integrate into your company, actively contribute to your team, and eventually drive sales results, using technology to streamline processes and enhance customer engagement.

Benefits of Creating a 30-60-90 Day Plan

Here are the benefits of creating a 30-60-90 day plan:

  1. Clear Objectives: Helps set specific goals for different phases, making it easier to focus and prioritize tasks.
  2. Faster Onboarding: Allows new hires to understand their role and responsibilities quickly, reducing the time it takes to become effective in their position.
  3. Increased Engagement: Keeps employees motivated and engaged by setting clear expectations and milestones.
  4. Performance Measurement: Offers a structured way to track progress and measure success against predefined objectives.
  5. Strategic Focus: Encourages a strategic approach to tackling job roles and responsibilities, focusing on what needs to be accomplished at each stage.
  6. Personal Development: Highlights opportunities for growth and learning within the first three months.

The First 30 Days: The Learning Phase

Objective: Begin by getting to know the company's sales CRM system, which is crucial for managing customer relationships. There are different types of CRM systems, each designed to cater to various sales and marketing needs. Your goal is to understand how these systems work and which one your company uses to keep track of customer interactions, sales opportunities, and client data.

Actions: Dive into learning by engaging with the help desk and customer support teams. This interaction is vital for understanding the common questions and concerns customers have. By using the live chat feature, you can directly communicate with customers, providing you with hands-on experience in addressing their needs and learning about their preferences and expectations. This phase is about laying the foundation for successful sales strategies by building product knowledge, understanding the company's culture, and getting to know the customer base intimately.

The Next 30 Days: The Contributing Phase

Objective: Utilize the understanding of the company's CRM system to address customer inquiries effectively through various channels like live chat, help desk, and call centers. Your objective is to spot and leverage sales opportunities by applying the knowledge acquired during the learning phase.

Actions: Collaborate closely with the customer support team to enhance the overall customer experience. Introduce and make use of sales software solutions to make the sales process more efficient and streamlined. This stage is about putting your learning into action, ensuring that every customer interaction is an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the company's products and services and to contribute to the sales team's goals.

The Final 30 Days: The Driving Results Phase

Objective: The goal is to leverage salesforce automation and integrate a sales assistant chatbot to optimize the sales processes. This stage is critical for actively contributing to the sales team's objectives and targets.

Actions: Focus on evaluating the effectiveness of various sales and support channels, with a special emphasis on the impact of the sales assistant chatbot on enhancing customer engagement. Based on the analysis, fine-tune and adjust strategies to boost sales outcomes, ensuring alignment with the company's overall goals and improving customer satisfaction.

Crafting a 90-Day Sales Strategy Plan

Creating a 30-60-90-day plan for sales isn't about sticking to a strict format. The main goal is to keep it straightforward and easy to follow, which usually means making it between three to eight pages long. Going over can be too detailed, but having less might not show enough effort.

What to Put in Your Plan

Your plan needs to have clear, achievable goals, a schedule for hitting those goals, and a way to check if you're successful.

Take, for example, a plan for someone new to sales. An early goal is to get to know the company's products. It's important to understand what you're selling, including its benefits. Even though it's hard to measure this knowledge in numbers, there are other ways to see how well you know the product.

In a detailed 30-60-90 day sales plan, you could set it up like this:

Goal: Get to know the company’s products well.

  • Spend at least 30 minutes every day looking through the product catalog.
  • Have conversations with at least three coworkers about the product each week.
  • Read at least 20 customer reviews of the product every day.

How to Measure Success: Be able to talk about the product for 15 minutes straight, answering any questions without needing to check the catalog, by the end of the first month.

How Technology Enhances the Sales Plan

Let's dive into how integrating the following tools into your 30-60-90 day sales plan can significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of your sales strategy, leading to better customer relationships and increased sales outcomes.

  1. Sales CRM: Essential for managing customer relationships, tracking sales activities, and analyzing data to make informed decisions. It streamlines communication and ensures all team members are updated on customer interactions.
  2. Customer Support: Encompasses tools and platforms designed to address customer needs and issues promptly. It improves customer loyalty and trust through efficient service.
  3. Sales Software: Automates sales tasks, such as email marketing and lead tracking, enhancing productivity and allowing sales teams to focus on closing deals.
  4. Salesforce Automation: Streamlines the sales process through technology, automating repetitive tasks and organizing information, making the sales cycle more efficient.
  5. Sales Assistant Chatbot: Offers 24/7 assistance to customers, automating responses to common queries and guiding them through the sales funnel without human intervention.
  6. Call Center: Facilitates direct communication with customers, offering personalized support and fostering relationships. It's effective for handling complex queries and providing detailed assistance.
  7. Live Chat: Provides immediate customer support and engagement, allowing for real-time problem-solving and boosting customer satisfaction. It's crucial for answering queries quickly and efficiently.
  8. Conclusion

    A well-structured 30-60-90 day sales plan, combined with the strategic use of technology such as CRM, live chat, help desk, call center, and sales automation tools, can set the foundation for achieving sales excellence. It's about learning, contributing, and finally, driving results that align with the company's goals and customer needs. Incorporating these tools and strategies into your plan will not only streamline the sales process but also enhance customer engagement and satisfaction, paving the way for sustained success in your sales career.

    To truly capitalize on the strengths of your 30-60-90 day sales plan, consider the power of automation and personalization that a chatbot can bring to your sales strategy. With Appy Pie's cutting-edge chatbot builder, you can easily create a chatbot tailored to your sales process, enhancing customer interactions and boosting efficiency. Start building your chatbot with Appy Pie today and revolutionize your sales approach, ensuring a seamless experience for both your team and your customers.

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