Integrate Zoom with Instagram - Appy Pie

How to Integrate Zoom with Instagram?

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on May 15th, 2024 8:28 am | 4-min read

Instagram was launched as a social networking app in 2020. It has now turned into one of the biggest online platforms for brand promotion. It lets users share their photos and videos with their family, friends, and people across the world. *

Instagram alone can help businesses achieve all-new heights. However, after integrating with any other business app, it can do wonders of next level. Integration can certainly aid businesses in automating various workflows and managing huge database seamlessly. Zoom with Instagram- this integration can be unbelievably useful for businesses. Zoom is a cloud-based video communication tool that has recently gained popularity during the pandemic. It has become the most used app to conduct webinars and engage maximum people a specific brand. In this blog, we will discuss in detail about one of the popular integration- Zoom Instagram. Before proceeding ahead, let's have a look at key statistics related to both platforms.Appy Pie - Integrate Zoom with Instagram

Why Integrate Zoom with Instagram?

Integrating two business apps has become a new normal for boosting the growth and revenues of any business. The integration of Zoom with Instagram is no more than an exception. It can be easily done by using any third party automation software available online.Instagram Zoom integration can benefit businesses in several ways. Let us discuss some major of them.

  1. Brand Promotion- Brand Recognition- Brand Awareness
  2. Posting images on Instagram and conducting frequent webinars on Zoom are the easy, quick, and fun ways to promote any brand. Images can be used to attract potential customers and spread the word about your brand. Similarly, webinars can help you connect with your niche audience and inform them about the latest product launch and other updates. Have you imagined how your brand can be promoted when you integrate Insta with Zoom? You can conveniently invite the audience of Instagram to join a Webinar on Zoom. As soon as you create a webinar link on Zoom, the details get automatically posted on Instagram along with the link to join. You can avoid the mess of first creating the webinar link and then copy-paste it to Instagram. In this way, you can spread the information related to your business to a wider audience in no time.

  3. User Engagement- User Interaction-User Experience
  4. Instagram is one of the best social media apps known for a seamless experience. From its interface to features, users enjoy everything about Instagram. Users find it easy to interact with the audience across the world. Similarly, Zoom has become more than just a video conferencing app. It allows businesses to conduct Q&A sessions, interactive shows, and various other programs to engage with people. By integrating Zoom with Instagram, you can increase interaction with your users. You can automatically Go Live on Instagram when conducting a Zoom webinar. In this way, your followers and potential users can engage directly from Insta. Also, you can receive feedbacks related to your products and businesses.

  5. Collaboration Opportunities- Paid Promotions- Partnership Offers
  6. Instagram offers collaboration opportunities to promote your brand. Instagrammers having a huge number of followers readily market your products or services either by collaborating with you or in form of paid promotions. While Zoom does not offer opportunities to collaborate, it provides a platform to explain the benefits of your brand products. When you integrate Zoom with Instagram, your opportunities for collaboration can increase. You can set a trigger for sending the Zoom conference link directly to the influencers so that they can promote your brand on their Insta account too. Also, after taking the due permission of influencers, you can post the snippet of your webinar to their accounts and improve brand recognition.
Zoom and Instagram integration can help your business to take at all new levels. Your digital presence can be strengthened, and revenues can certainly scale up after implementing the integration.

How to Integrate Zoom with Instagram?

Integrating Zoom with Instagram may seem like a challenging task. However, with a workflow automation software like Appy Pie Connect, it is the matter of a few clicks. Now the biggest question here is how Appy Pie Connect can help in connecting Zoom to Instagram. Appy Pie Connect is easy-to-understand and simple-to-use automation software. It lets you design the “visual workflows” for all the databases you want to manage between two apps. Then, by using these workflows, you can start integrating Zoom and Instagram along with defining the “triggers”. You can further select the desired actions for triggers. And you are done! Everything from sharing the details of Zoom meeting on Instagram to sharing the snippets of the webinar (automatically) can be made possible in 5 simple steps.Integrate zoom with instagram - Appy PieStep 1: Choose Zoom as a trigger app and authenticate your app on Appy Pie Connect.Step 2: Select the trigger from the list that will initiate data exchange between two apps. You can select any number of triggers.Step 3: Choose Instagram as the action app and authenticate your Instagram account with Appy Pie Connect.Step 4: Select the desired action for the selected trigger.Step 5: Choose the type of data you want to share between two apps. You can change this as per your changing needs. And you are all set to automate the various workflows between Zoom and Instagram!


Both Zoom and Instagram are helping businesses to improve brand awareness, increase user engagement, and enhance collaboration opportunities. Undoubtedly, both the apps are well equipped with advanced features and doing well separately. But, after getting integrated, they can help businesses take advantage of both worlds. The integration can aid businesses to not only improve the outreach but also improve customer experience. There are multiple automation platforms available online. But we would like to recommend the Appy Pie Connect. It is an easy-to-use and affordable integration tool which can cater to the needs of every business. It not only offers Zoom-Instagram integration but provides trigger options for 150+ business applications. So just don’t waste time and log in to Appy Pie today. So, don’t delay in connecting both the apps and take your business to all new heights! Try Appy Pie Connect Now!

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie