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How to Use Eventbrite Create an Event Check Analytics Integrations and more

Tanushree Munda
By Tanushree Munda | Last Updated on July 17th, 2024 10:53 am

Eventbrite is a powerful platform that simplifies the process of hosting, promoting, and managing events, integrating seamlessly with workflow automation tools to streamline every aspect of event management. Whether you're organizing a local workshop, a global conference, or a virtual webinar, Eventbrite offers a suite of tools to help you create a memorable event. This guide will walk you through the basics of using Eventbrite, from setting up your event to analyzing its success, leveraging workflow automation tools to enhance efficiency and ensure a smooth, successful event execution.

What is Eventbrite?

Eventbrite is an event management and ticketing website that allows users to browse, create, and promote local events. It provides event organizers with tools to help manage ticket sales, registrations, and event promotion, making it easier to reach a wide audience.

How to Use Eventbrite

  1. Sign Up or Log In:

Visit the Eventbrite website and click on the "Sign Up" button to create a new account. You'll need to provide basic information such as your email, name, and a password. If you already have an account, simply click on "Log In" and enter your credentials.

  1. Browse Events:

Once logged in, use the search bar at the top of the homepage to find events. You can filter events by category, date, or location to narrow down your search. Eventbrite also offers recommendations based on your past activities and preferences.

  1. Create Your Own Event:

Access the creation tools by clicking on the "Create Event" button, usually found at the top right of the page. Eventbrite guides you through the process with prompts and suggestions, making it straightforward to set up your event.

How to Create an Event on Eventbrite

  1. Click on 'Create Event':

This button is prominently displayed on your dashboard. Clicking it initiates the event creation process.

  1. Fill Out Event Details:

  • Event Name: Choose a name that is both descriptive and catchy.
  • Description: Provide a detailed overview of what attendees can expect. Include any key speakers, activities, or highlights.
  • Location: Specify whether your event is happening online or at a physical location. If it's in-person, provide the address.
  • Date and Time: Select the start and end times, and don’t forget to set the correct time zone.
  1. Set Up Tickets:

  • Decide on the type of tickets you want to offer. You can have multiple ticket types, like Early Bird, General Admission, VIP, etc.
  • Set the price for paid tickets or indicate if they are free or by donation.
  1. Publish Your Event:

  • Review all the details you’ve entered. Eventbrite allows you to preview your event page before it goes live.
  • Click "Publish" to make your event visible to the public. You can still edit most details after this point.

How to Add Discount Codes on Eventbrite

  1. Navigate to Your Event:

  • Access the dashboard for the event you're managing by selecting it from your Eventbrite homepage.
  • Select 'Promotions'
  • Look for the "Promotions" tab within your event dashboard. From there, choose "Discount & Access Codes" to manage or create new codes.
  1. Create a New Code:

  • Click on "New Code". You’ll be prompted to select whether this code applies to specific tickets or to any ticket for the event.
  • Define the discount type (percentage or fixed amount off) and the code attendees will use at checkout.
  1. Configure Your Discount:

Set parameters like the discount amount, the number of uses allowed, and the validity period.

How to Email Attendees on Eventbrite

  1. Go to Your Event Dashboard:

  • Find and select your event from your main Eventbrite page to access its dashboard.
  • Choose 'Emails to Attendees':
  • Within the dashboard, locate the "Manage Attendees" menu and select "Emails to Attendees" to start crafting your message.
  1. Compose Your Email:

  • Write your message, keeping in mind the purpose of your email. Whether it's logistical information, a reminder, or a thank-you note, ensure your message is clear and concise.
  • Eventbrite provides formatting tools and the ability to insert dynamic event details directly into your email.
  1. Send or Schedule:

Once your email is ready, you can choose to send it immediately or schedule it to be sent at a later time. Scheduling emails can be particularly useful for reminders or follow-up messages.

How to Check Your Analytics on Eventbrite

To effectively measure the success of your event and make data-driven decisions for future events, Eventbrite's analytics feature is invaluable. Here's a deeper look into how to navigate and utilize this feature:

  1. Access the Event Dashboard

  • Navigate to Eventbrite: Log in to your Eventbrite account to access your main dashboard.
  • Select Your Event: Your dashboard will display a list of your current and past events. Click on the event you're interested in analyzing. This action will take you to that event's specific dashboard, which is the control center for managing all aspects of your event.
  1. Click on 'Analytics'

  • Find the Analytics Tab: Once in your event's dashboard, look for the "Analytics" tab. This tab is usually located in the menu at the top or on the left side of the page, depending on Eventbrite's current layout. The Analytics section is divided into various reports and metrics that offer insights into different aspects of your event's performance.
  • Explore Different Reports: Eventbrite provides several analytics reports, including:
  • Overview : A snapshot of key metrics such as ticket sales, revenue, and attendance.
  • Sales : Detailed data on ticket sales over time, allowing you to see how different promotions or announcements have impacted sales.
  • Attendees : Information about your event attendees, including where they are coming from and when they are buying tickets.
  • Traffic : Insights into how attendees are finding your event page, including which websites are driving the most traffic.
  1. Review Your Data

  • Analyze Ticket Sales and Revenue: Look at the trends in ticket sales and revenue to understand the most effective sales periods and identify any lulls that might need addressing in future events. This can help in planning the timing of promotional efforts or discounts.
  • Understand Attendee Demographics: By reviewing the attendee data, you can get a sense of who your audience is, including their geographical locations. This information is crucial for targeting your marketing efforts more effectively.
  • Evaluate Marketing Channels: The traffic report shows which marketing channels and campaigns are driving visits to your event page. Use this data to assess the ROI of your marketing efforts and to refine your strategy for future events.
  • Page Views and Conversion Rates: Pay attention to how many page views your event page is getting and the conversion rate from views to ticket purchases. This can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your event description, images, and overall page layout.
  • Utilize Custom Reports: Eventbrite allows you to create custom reports. This feature can be particularly useful if you’re looking for specific insights or need to combine data in unique ways to inform your event strategy.
  1. Taking Action Based on Insights

  • Implement Changes for Future Events: Use the insights gained from your analytics to make informed decisions about future events. This might include adjusting your marketing strategy, changing ticket pricing, or modifying the event schedule.
  • Share Insights with Stakeholders: Analytics reports can be downloaded and shared with team members, sponsors, or stakeholders to provide evidence of the event's success and for planning future events.

By following these steps to access and analyze your Eventbrite analytics, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to improve your event planning and execution, leading to more successful events in the future.

Popular Eventbrite Integrations With Other Apps for Better Reach

Integrating Eventbrite with other platforms can significantly enhance your event's visibility and streamline your workflow. Appy Pie Connect stands out by allowing seamless integration of Eventbrite with numerous other apps without the need for coding. This platform simplifies workflow automation, helping organizers achieve their goals with less effort.

By using Appy Pie Connect, you can automate tasks related to Eventbrite, such as syncing with CRM tools, marketing platforms, and more, making event management a breeze. Here are some notable integrations:

How To Use Eventbrite Integrations with Appy Pie

Eventbrite integrations with Appy Pie Connect can significantly boost your event management efficiency by automating workflows and centralizing information. Here's how to set up powerful Eventbrite integrations:


1. Login/Signup:


Begin by accessing Appy Pie Connect. Sign up for a new account if you don't have one, or log in to your existing account.


2.Navigate to Dashboard: Once logged in, head to your dashboard and locate the "App Directory" option, typically at the top. Click on it.


3.Select Trigger App: As your starting point, choose Eventbrite as your trigger app.

4.Choose Trigger Event: Here, select the specific action in Eventbrite that will initiate an action in another app.

Choose Trigger Event

This could include:

  • Creating a new event
  • Registering a new attendee
  • Completing ticket sales for an event

Tip: Choose a trigger event that aligns with your workflow and automates tasks you want to streamline.


5. Connect Your Trigger App: Follow the prompts to connect your Eventbrite account to Appy Pie Connect. This might involve logging into Eventbrite and granting Appy Pie Connect access.

6. Click Continue: Proceed to the next step by clicking "Continue" after connecting your trigger app.


7. Select Your Action App: Choose the app you want Eventbrite to interact with. This could be a project management tool, email marketing platform, or any relevant tool you use.

8. Select the Action: Decide on the specific action you want the action app to perform based on the Eventbrite trigger. Examples include:

  • Adding attendees to a project management tool
  • Sending an automated email to new registrants
  • Creating a task list for event logistics in another app

9. Connect Your Action Account: Similar to Eventbrite, connect your chosen action app's account to Appy Pie Connect.


10. Click Continue: After establishing the connection, click "Continue" to finalize your workflow.

11. Happily Manage Events:

With your automation set up, you can now manage events more efficiently. These integrations will help automate repetitive tasks, freeing you to focus on other crucial aspects of event planning.

Tip: Regularly review and adjust your integrations as needed to continually optimize your event management workflow.

Remember: These steps guide you through creating Eventbrite integrations to automate tasks and streamline your event management process.


Eventbrite is a versatile platform that can transform how you organize and manage events. By understanding how to use its various features, from creating events to analyzing their success, you can host events that engage and delight your audience. Moreover, leveraging Eventbrite's integrations, especially through platforms like Appy Pie Connect, can further enhance your event's reach and efficiency. Whether you're a seasoned event organizer or new to the scene, Eventbrite provides the tools you need to make your event a success.

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