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How to Send Newsletters in Gmail with Multi-Send Mode

Neeraj Shukla
By Neeraj Shukla | Last Updated on July 23rd, 2024 2:44 pm

In today's digital landscape, email newsletters remain a vital tool for communication and marketing in the digital age. While Gmail may not be explicitly designed for extensive email marketing campaigns, its features can be effectively utilized to send newsletters. This guide explores how to maximize Gmail's capabilities for sending newsletters efficiently, covering customized layouts, multi-send mode, best practices, and more. Additionally, it delves into the integration of Gmail with other tools, workflow automation, strategies on how to build an email list, and recommendations for the best newsletter platforms available. By incorporating these insights, users can optimize their email marketing efforts and achieve greater success in reaching their audience with compelling and engaging newsletters. Whether you're a small business, freelancer, or nonprofit organization, leveraging Gmail for email newsletters can streamline your communication and help you connect effectively with your subscribers.

What is Email Newsletters in Gmail?

Email newsletters in Gmail refer to the practice of creating and sending regular updates, promotions, or informational content to a list of subscribers directly through Gmail's email service. While Gmail may not offer the extensive features of dedicated email marketing platforms, it provides built-in tools and functionalities that can be harnessed for managing email newsletters. Despite potential limitations, such as the lack of advanced workflow automation or analytics features, Gmail's simplicity and accessibility make it an attractive option for small businesses, freelancers, and individuals looking to engage with their audience. With Gmail, users can customize email layouts, personalize content, and send newsletters efficiently to their subscribers.

Efficient email newsletter management is crucial for maintaining a positive relationship with subscribers and maximizing engagement. By leveraging Gmail's features, users can effectively communicate their message, promote products or services, and provide valuable content to their audience. While Gmail may not be designed explicitly for extensive email marketing campaigns, its flexibility, and ease of use make it a viable option for businesses and individuals looking to establish a connection with their subscribers through regular email newsletters. With proper planning and execution, Gmail can be a valuable tool for effective email newsletter management and communication.

How to Set Up Your Gmail for Multi-Send Mode?

Setting up your Gmail for Multi-Send Mode is an essential step before launching any email campaign, especially if you're planning to send out newsletters, promotional emails, or any form of bulk communication. This preparation ensures that your emails reach your audience's inboxes efficiently and effectively. Here's a detailed guide on how to get your Gmail account ready for Multi-Send Mode:

Step 1: Verify Your Gmail Account

Verifying your Gmail account is crucial for enhancing your account's security and for increasing your email sending limits. If you've not already verified your account, you may be prompted to do so by Gmail, especially if you attempt to use features like Multi-Send Mode.

  • Phone Verification: Often, Gmail will ask for a phone number to verify your account. This can help in recovery options and prove that you're not a robot.
  • Email Verification: In some cases, you might need to verify your Gmail account with a secondary email address. This adds an extra layer of recovery options and security.

Step 2: Understand and Comply with Gmail's Bulk Email Policies

Sending bulk emails can quickly get your account flagged if you're not careful. Gmail has strict policies to prevent spam and ensure a safe, secure environment for its users. Before sending out newsletters or any bulk emails, familiarize yourself with these guidelines:

  • Avoid Spammy Content: Gmail's algorithms are designed to detect spammy content. Ensure your emails provide value and are relevant to your audience.
  • Permission-Based Lists: Only send emails to recipients who have explicitly opted in to receive communications from you. Unsolicited emails can lead to high spam complaints.
  • Use Clear Unsubscribe Options: Make sure that your emails include an easy way for recipients to opt out of future communications. This is not only a best practice but also a legal requirement in many jurisdictions.

Step 3: Warm Up Your Gmail Account

If you're planning to send a large volume of emails, especially if your account is relatively new or hasn't been used for bulk mailing before, you should consider warming up your account. This involves gradually increasing the volume of emails you send over a period to build a good sending reputation.

  • Start Small: Begin by sending emails to a small group of recipients who you know will engage with your emails (open them, reply to them, etc.).
  • Gradually Increase Volume: Slowly increase the number of emails you send over time. This gradual increase helps avoid sudden spikes that could alert Gmail's spam filters.

Step 4: Set Up Email Authentication

Email authentication techniques like SPF (Sender Policy Framework), DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail), and DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance) can significantly improve your email deliverability and protect your domain from being used for email spoofing.

  • SPF: Validates that an email was sent from an authorized mail server to prevent email spoofing.
  • DKIM: Adds a digital signature to emails, allowing the recipient server to verify that the email hasn't been tampered with.
  • DMARC: Works with SPF and DKIM to provide instructions to the recipient server on what to do if neither of those authentication methods passes.

How to Send Newsletter in Gmail?

Sending a newsletter through Gmail, especially for small-scale operations or personal projects, can be straightforward. Here’s a concise guide to doing it effectively:

  • Prepare Your Content: First, draft your newsletter. Pay special attention to crafting a compelling subject line, as this will significantly affect your open rates. While Gmail doesn’t support complex HTML email templates like professional email marketing platforms, you can still use basic formatting options such as bold, italic, and bullet points, and include images to make your newsletter visually appealing and engaging.
  • Compliance and Permissions: Ensure that you have explicit permission from all recipients to send them newsletters. This is not just ethical but a legal requirement under laws like GDPR in Europe and CAN-SPAM in the United States. Also, make sure to include a clear and easy way for recipients to unsubscribe from future newsletters, maintaining compliance with email marketing best practices.
  • Using Multi-Send Mode: If you’re planning to use Gmail’s Multi-Send Mode, which allows you to send an email to multiple recipients more efficiently while treating each email as a separate conversation, you’ll need to enable this feature in your Gmail settings first. Once enabled, compose your email and click on the “Multi-Send” icon next to the send button. This allows you to add multiple recipients without them seeing each other's email addresses, preserving privacy and giving the email a more personal touch.
  • Add Recipients Carefully: You can manually type in the email addresses of your recipients or choose from your contacts. Ensure that each recipient has agreed to receive your newsletter to avoid it being marked as spam.
  • Send a Test Email: Before sending out your newsletter to everyone, it’s a good idea to send a test email to yourself or a close contact. This helps you see how your newsletter will appear to your recipients and gives you a chance to catch any formatting issues or typos.
  • Review and Send: Once you’re satisfied with your newsletter’s appearance and content, review your recipient list for accuracy, then click send. Each recipient will receive an individual copy of the email, enhancing privacy and personalization.

Connect Gmail with Other Productivity Tools

Integrating Gmail with various productivity tools can significantly enhance your workflow and efficiency. Using Appy Pie Connect, you can easily set up integrations between Gmail and other services like Outlook, Slack, Mailchimp, HubSpot, Salesforce, and Mailgun without needing to write any code. Here’s how you can use Appy Pie Connect to achieve these integrations, incorporating the given keywords:

  • Gmail Integration: Start by setting up your Appy Pie Connect account and choose Gmail as your trigger app. This will be the basis for your email integrations, allowing you to automate workflows that begin with incoming or outgoing Gmail messages.
  • Gmail Outlook Integration: Link Gmail and Outlook to automate email forwarding or sync contacts between the two platforms. This ensures that important emails are always accessible, no matter which email service you prefer to use at any given time.
  • Gmail Slack Integration: Create automation that sends notifications to a Slack channel when you receive emails in Gmail that match certain criteria, such as from a specific sender or containing specific keywords. This keeps your team updated without constantly checking their inbox.
  • Email Integration: Broadly, integrating Gmail with other email services or tools can streamline your communication process, ensuring that important messages are automatically organized, forwarded, or even translated into tasks in project management tools.
  • Gmail Mailchimp Integration: Automate the addition of new Gmail contacts to a Mailchimp list, or trigger an email campaign in Mailchimp based on specific actions in Gmail. This can be particularly useful for email marketing and keeping your audience engaged.
  • Gmail HubSpot Integration: Connect Gmail to HubSpot to automatically log emails as interactions within your CRM, or to create tasks and reminders based on email content. This ensures that your sales and marketing efforts are closely aligned with your email communication.
  • Outlook Gmail Integration: This is similar to Gmail Outlook integration but focuses on starting with Outlook as the primary app. You can automate tasks such as syncing emails and contacts from Outlook to Gmail, ensuring seamless communication across both platforms.
  • Gmail Salesforce Integration: By connecting Gmail with Salesforce, you can automatically log emails and attachments to Salesforce records, create new leads or opportunities based on email content, and more. This integration is key for sales teams looking to capture and act on leads efficiently.
  • Gmail Integration Mailgun: For those who manage email campaigns or transactional emails through Mailgun, integrating with Gmail allows you to track the delivery status of emails sent through Mailgun or even automate follow-up emails based on campaign interactions.

To set up these integrations using Appy Pie Connect:

Log in to Appy Pie Connect and select "Create Connect."

Choose Gmail as the trigger or action app depending on the workflow you’re aiming to automate.

Select the corresponding service (e.g., Outlook, Slack, Mailchimp) you want to integrate with Gmail.

Follow the prompts to specify the trigger and action criteria for the automation.

Authenticate your accounts for both services when prompted.

Test the integration to ensure it works as expected.


Leveraging Gmail to send newsletters offers a practical and accessible solution for businesses, freelancers, and organizations aiming to connect with their audience through email marketing. By preparing your Gmail account for Multi-Send Mode, adhering to best practices for email composition and compliance, and utilizing integrations with other productivity tools via Appy Pie Connect, you can create and distribute compelling newsletters with customized layouts. This approach not only streamlines your communication strategy but also enhances engagement with your subscribers. Embracing these techniques ensures that your newsletters are both effective and efficient, maximizing your email marketing efforts with the tools you already use.

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Neeraj Shukla

Content Manager at Appy Pie