How to live stream successfully - Appy Pie

How To Live Stream Successfully?

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on July 4th, 2024 7:21 am | 4-min read

Live streaming is a concept that we stumble upon very frequently these days in many different contexts. It is another gift for humankind in a world of technological wizardry. Hundreds of thousands of people are tuning in to live-streamed videos every day. According to statistics, the live stream industry will be worth $70.5 billion by 2021. So, if you have an idea to sell, want to expand your new start-up or simply want to create an online presence for yourself, then this is something that you need to tap into to get your content out there and build maximum online traction and enhance your visibility. Live streaming is a promising avenue that offers rich dividends. But, only if you learn the ropes and use this technology wisely.Appy Pie - How to Live Stream SuccessfullyIn this blog, we will discuss what the hype over live stream is all about and how to live stream so that you too can make the most of this new trend.

What is live streaming?

Live streaming refers to transmitting data on an online platform in real-time in the form of videos. The content is recorded and broadcast simultaneously. This deviates from the erstwhile practice of recording on an earlier date and scheduling its transmission later. Live-streamed videos cannot be cut and edited as they are sent out the moment they are recorded. So, not only is it live, but it is also uncensored. Since bits of the video are streamed in successive seconds, the audience does not have to download the content to watch it. Live streaming and pre-recorded broadcasting are different in the same way that a play being enacted before an audience is different from a movie.

In which fields is live streaming utilized?

The scope of live streaming is endless. It is proven by how its popularity keeps rising every year. Live streaming is usually utilized for broadcasting:
  • Educational content, such as lectures
  • Sports events
  • Literary meetings
  • Interviews
  • Product launches
  • Press conferences
  • Music concerts

Marketing with Live-streaming app

In this era of instant communication, it is different social media that serve as immediate sources of information keeping the users updated not just about their friends but also about what’s going on in the world. As social media, mobile apps, and internet have come together to form a trinity, it has become a lot easier to reach out to a large global audience with information and get their feedback or comments in moments.

  • Going BIG with Live-streaming apps
  • Live-streaming apps have enabled us to look at the world through others’ eyes, thus letting us view events and get updates in real time. This technology has immense potential for marketers to reach their target audience and connect with them on a more personal level. However, like any other platform it does need some time for familiarization so that it may be leveraged effectively. Everyone wants to know what’s happening right now! Everyone wants answers immediately! And the internet has made it possible. Live-streaming apps have taken this possibility to another level by letting your customers interact immediately with the people who represent your business, giving you the opportunity to forge lasting relationships.

  • Client interaction with Live-streaming apps
  • The modern customers are not just some passive receptacles, they need interaction and engagement. They will ask questions and demand answers. This interaction is quite important if you wish to build any kind of trust between you as a company and your customers. Live-streaming apps present you with an opportunity to invoke interest among people about your business. While choosing the topic that you are going to live-stream about, make sure that it is unique and something that your target customers or viewers would get excited about. It could be a Q&A session, a webinar, a behind-the-scenes video, or something entirely fun! It may be better to reserve a How to video or a tutorial for platforms like YouTube, though.

How to make a live stream?

Around 59% people have said that it is preferable to gather information through live-streamed videos than reading. So, are you planning on launching your own live-streamed content? Here are a few tips that will make a success out of your endeavour:

  • Planning is crucial
  • You can’t go about making a live stream video without a plan in place. Just like any other event, you need to chalk out a course of action. Who would be the guests on your show? What about the set and the lighting? Clearly envision what you want your video to look and feel like and take extensive notes.

  • Reach out to people with experience
  • If you are a beginner, then it is best to pick the brains of someone who has been there and done that. Live stream videos contain information you can use to contact the people behind it. Seek their advice.

  • Get an insight into your audience
  • Live streaming rule 101: Understand your audience. Who are you going to appeal to? What do they generally like? What captivates them and holds their attention? Research the current trends. If your audience involves the international populace, then the timing of live streaming is also a factor that you need to look into.

  • What is your live stream all about?
  • To make sure that your live-streamed video hits home, you need to present it cleverly. What category does it fall into? Pick a suitable title that describes the content and piques people’s curiosity. There should be a clearly defined CTA (call to action).Then, highlight the vital points when you present the video so that the audience’s attention does not flag. If it is a lecture or interview, you must prepare the questionnaire or text beforehand and sit down with your moderator or presenter so that the important points are underscored during streaming.

  • Where will you live stream?
  • You have to decide which online platform you will be using to live stream. Again, this will hinge on your audience. Different categories of audience tune in to different media for live-streamed content. So, this is something that you need to look into.Generally, common live streaming channels are:

    • Facebook
    • Inarguably, Facebook is the most favoured platform for launching live-streamed videos. And, creating a video is easy here. How to go live on Facebook? Just go to ‘Write Something Here’ scroll down, and you will find the ‘Go Live’ option. Facebook live-streamed videos generate 6 times more interaction than other platforms.

    • YouTube
    • YouTube Live is the tool to use if you want to increase your revenue. How to live stream on YouTube? You will need a Google account and then you have to create one on YouTube. And, then from You Tube’s ‘Live Streaming Events’ you can click ‘Enable Live Streaming’ to get started. Remember, there is a buffer period of 24 hours between clicking ‘Enable Live Streaming’ and the actual streaming.

    • Instagram
    • Instagram is popular among the youth and another excellent candidate for live streaming. You can even save it in your stories to be replayed later. With reposts shared by users, your video spreads with very little effort from you.

    • Twitch
    • If you are wondering how to start a live stream on Twitch, then it is simple. Just download the app and create your profile. There is a camera icon that you need to tap to begin your live stream.

  • Promotion is crucial
  • In the days leading up to the live streaming, promote the event. If you are active on social media, then create advertisements to draw attention to the future broadcast. Facebook and Instagram allow very effective paid promotion campaigns.

  • Engage with your audience
  • During and after the live stream, comments will pour in. Try to answer as many of them as possible, even if the comments are less than kind. This will help you assess the audience’s response and figure out the areas of improvement.

  • Learn from your experience
  • Your very first live-streamed video might not be a roaring success. But, it is a learning curve. Check the number of likes, shares and the size of the audience it reached. You can incorporate this data into lead generation. If you are not familiar with the nuances of social media management, then consider hiring a professional.
Live streaming is a great way to reach out to the new generation. There are many platforms that offer unique features which can help you stream your content in high resolution and without any technical glitches. But, if you want a live TV and video streaming app that guides you through all the relevant steps and helps you create the kind of live stream video that grabs eyes, we suggest AppyPie AppMakr. It allows you to share your live-streamed content, integrate your Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter accounts, sends updates to the users, and even allows you to make money off your app. It supports high-resolution videos in multiple formats. Check out Appy Pie AppMakr today and create your own Live TV and VideoStreaming app

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie