Blog Article

How to use Google Forms and Google Spreadsheets to Update Inventory Automatically

Neeraj Shukla
By Neeraj Shukla | Last Updated on June 20th, 2024 8:57 am

Inventory management has significantly evolved from traditional methods to automated solutions, with tools like Google Forms, Google Sheets, and workflow automation platforms playing crucial roles in this transformation. This blog post highlights how these tools can revolutionize inventory management by automating updates, and enhancing efficiency, and accuracy. Google Forms allows for easy data entry through customizable forms, facilitating the seamless collection of inventory data. This data is directly fed into Google Sheets, a potent platform for organizing, analyzing, and storing data efficiently. Together, these tools create a synchronized system that simplifies inventory tracking and makes the process more accessible. By leveraging Google Forms and Google Sheets integrations, businesses, and individuals can manage inventory Google Forms sheets with minimal effort, transforming inventory management into a hassle-free task.

How to Set Up an Inventory Spreadsheet?

Setting up an inventory spreadsheet can streamline your inventory management process, making it easier to track stock levels, reorder points, and overall inventory health. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to create an effective inventory spreadsheet using a program like Google Sheets:

Step 1: Open Your Spreadsheet: Start by opening Google Sheets. Google Sheets, you can access it through your browser by going to the Google Sheets website and clicking on the "+ Blank" option or by opening an existing template.

Step 2: Create Column Headings: At the top of your spreadsheet, create column headings to reflect the data you need to track. Common columns include Item Name, SKU (Stock Keeping Unit), Category, Supplier, Purchase Date, Quantity In Stock, Reorder Level, Reorder Quantity, Unit Price, and Total Value. You might also want columns for Location (if you store items in multiple places) and Sales Price.

Step 3: Input Your Inventory Data: Start entering your inventory data under the appropriate headings. Be as detailed as possible to ensure accurate tracking. For each item in your inventory, you should fill out each column with the relevant information.

How to Set Up a Google Sheets and Google Forms Integration?

Creating a Google Form is a streamlined and user-friendly process that can significantly enhance data collection and analysis. By following these clear, actionable steps, you can leverage Google Forms effectively, incorporating Google Forms tips to optimize your form creation and management. Here's how to get started:

Step 1: Sign In to Google Drive

Go to Google Drive.

Sign in with your Google account. If you don't have one, you'll need to create it.

Step 2: Create a New Form

In Google Drive, click on the New button on the left side.

Hover over More, then select Google Forms.

For using templates, choose From a template.

Step 3: Name Your Form

Click on Untitled form at the top.

Enter a name for your form and an optional description.

Step 4: Add Questions

Questions are added automatically. To change the type (e.g., multiple choice, short answer), use the dropdown next to the question.

Type your question and fill out any necessary options or answers.

To add more questions, click the + icon on the toolbar to the right.

Step 5: Customize Responses

For choice-based questions, enter the options for answers.

Toggle the Required switch to make a question mandatory.

Step 6: Personalize Your Form

Click the palette icon in the upper right to change the form’s color theme or add a header image.

Google Forms to Google Sheets: How to automatically update inventory with Appy Pie Automate

Automating inventory updates between Google Forms and Google Sheets can significantly streamline your inventory management process. Using Appy Pie Connect, a popular automation tool, you can set up a workflow that automatically updates your inventory records in Google Sheets every time a new response is submitted through Google Forms. Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up this automation:

Step 1: Set Up Your Google Form

Create a Google Form that collects necessary inventory information, such as product name, quantity, and any other relevant details. Ensure each field in the form is clearly labeled to match the corresponding columns in your Google Sheets inventory record.

Step 2: Prepare Your Google Sheets

Create a Google Sheet to serve as your inventory database. Label the columns to correspond with the fields in your Google Form (e.g., Product Name, Quantity, etc.).

Step 3: Sign Up or Log In to Appy Pie Connect

Navigate to the Appy Pie Connect website and either sign up for a new account or log in if you already have one.

Step 4: Create a New Connect

Once logged in, click on the Create Connect button. In the search bar, type Google Forms and select it when it appears. Next, search for Google Sheets as the app you want it to connect with.

Step 5: Choose a Trigger

Select the trigger event from Google Forms, typically New Form Response. Follow the prompts to connect your Google Forms account to Appy Pie Connect and choose the specific form you want to use for inventory updates.

Step 6: Choose an Action

After setting up the trigger, select the action that will occur in Google Sheets, such as Add Row. Connect your Google Sheets account to Appy Pie Connect and select the specific sheet and worksheet where inventory updates will be recorded.

Step 7: Map Form Fields to Sheet Columns

Appy Pie Connect will show you a list of fields from your Google Form and corresponding columns in your Google Sheet. Map each form field to the appropriate column in your sheet. This ensures that data from each form response is placed in the correct column in your sheet.

Step 8: Test the Automation

Appy Pie Connect allows you to test the automation to ensure it’s working as expected. Submit a test response to your Google Form and check if the new data appears correctly in your Google Sheets.

Step 9: Activate Your Connect

If the test is successful, go ahead and activate your connect. From this point on, every new response submitted through your Google Form will automatically be added to your Google Sheets, updating your inventory records in real time.

Both Apps Easily Integrate with Appy Pie Connect

Integrating Google Forms with Google Sheets and other platforms through services like Appy Pie Connect has transformed how businesses and individuals manage data, tasks, and projects. This Google Forms to Google Sheets Integration not only automates data collection and management but also enhances productivity by syncing information across various applications. Let’s explore the capabilities and benefits of these integrations.

  1. Google Forms and Trello Integration
  2. Integrating Google Forms with Trello can significantly improve task management and project planning. For example, each form submission can automatically create a new card in Trello, representing a task, feedback, or inquiry. This ensures that information collected through forms is actioned promptly, improving response times and project tracking.

  3. Google Sheets and Jira Integration
  4. The integration between Google Sheets and Jira enhances project management and issue tracking for development teams. By syncing data between Google Sheets and Jira, teams can automate the creation of issues, update statuses, and compile reports, allowing for a streamlined workflow that bridges project management and technical development tasks.

  5. Google Sheets and HubSpot Integration
  6. For businesses using for customer relationship management (CRM), integrating Google Sheets with HubSpot can automate the transfer of lead information, sales data, or customer feedback directly into HubSpot. This connection ensures that customer interactions are logged accurately and are accessible for analysis, campaign management, and personalized follow-ups, thereby enhancing the CRM process.

  7. Smartsheet and Google Sheets Integration
  8. Smartsheet’s integration with Google Sheets offers advanced project management capabilities with the familiarity and accessibility of Google Sheets. This integration allows users to import and export data between the two platforms, facilitating complex project tracking, resource management, and reporting in a more dynamic and customizable environment.


In wrapping up this comprehensive guide, it's evident that leveraging Google Forms and Google Sheets, particularly when integrated with platforms like Appy Pie Connect, can significantly transform and enhance inventory management practices. The automation and synchronization capabilities offered by these integrations not only streamline data collection and analysis but also optimize efficiency and accuracy across various business functions. From seamless inventory updates to improved task management and enhanced CRM processes, the integration of these tools with Trello, Jira, HubSpot, and Smartsheet opens up a plethora of opportunities for businesses to operate more effectively. Adopting these digital solutions enables businesses and individuals alike to manage their operations with greater ease and precision, ultimately leading to improved productivity and the ability to make informed decisions swiftly. This digital transformation journey, powered by Google Forms and Google Sheets integrations, paves the way for a more organized, accessible, and efficient future in inventory management and beyond.

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Neeraj Shukla

Content Manager at Appy Pie