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Best Tips to Create an Attractive Story For Instagram

By Jayesh | Last Updated on July 23rd, 2024 2:25 pm | 4-min read

Instagram Stories have become a significant part of the Instagram experience, with over 500 million people using them daily. These Stories allow you to share photos, videos, and other content that disappears after 24 hours, creating a sense of urgency and exclusivity. They offer a fun and engaging way to connect with your audience, showcase your personality, and promote your brand.

The goal of this blog is to provide you with practical tips and techniques to create attractive and eye-catching Instagram Stories. By following these tips, you'll be able to captivate your audience and make the most out of this popular feature. Also, you will find how AI Design Tools have now made it easier for users to create the best Instagram stories.

Key Features of Instagram Stories

Ephemeral Content: Stories disappear after 24 hours, making them perfect for sharing real-time updates and casual moments without long-term commitment.

Interactive Elements: Stories offer various interactive tools, such as polls, question stickers, quizzes, and emoji sliders. These features encourage direct engagement from your followers.

Customization Options: You can add text, drawings, stickers, and filters to your stories. Instagram provides a range of fonts, colors, and effects to make your content visually appealing and unique.

Highlights: Stories can be saved and categorized into Highlights on your profile. This allows you to keep important or favorite stories accessible beyond the 24-hour limit.

Swipe-Up Links: If you have over 10,000 followers or a verified account, you can add swipe-up links to your stories. This feature is valuable for driving traffic to websites, blog posts, or product pages.

Location Tags and Hashtags: Adding location tags and hashtags to your stories can increase their visibility. This helps more people discover your content through location and hashtag searches.

Music Integration: You can add music to your stories from Instagram's music library, allowing you to set the right mood and enhance the viewing experience.

Direct Sharing: You can share your stories directly with specific friends or groups through Instagram Direct. This makes it easy to share moments with a select audience.

Further, you can use our Instagram Story Maker tool and take benefit of its features to create an engaging and attractive story for your Instagram audience.

Why Instagram Stories are Effective for Engagement

Real-Time Connection: Stories offer a way to connect with your audience in real time. Sharing spontaneous and behind-the-scenes content helps build a more personal and authentic connection.

Increased Visibility: Stories appear at the top of the Instagram app, making them one of the first things users see when they open the app. This prime placement increases the likelihood of your content being viewed.

Interactive Features: The interactive tools within Stories, such as polls and question stickers, encourage users to engage directly with your content. This can lead to higher interaction rates compared to regular posts.

Casual Content: Because stories are temporary, they allow you to share more casual and spontaneous content. This can humanize your brand and make you more relatable to your audience.

Analytics and Insights: Instagram provides detailed analytics for stories, allowing you to track views, interactions, and other metrics. This data helps you understand what content resonates most with your audience and refine your strategy accordingly.

Further, you can create Instagram posts regarding your product offerings and increase your reach. An Instagram Post Maker can streamline the creation of these engaging posters, offering templates and design tools to help you craft visually appealing and interactive content effortlessly.

Suggested Read: 11+ Instagram Story Ideas for Your Business

Tips for Creating Attractive Story for Instagram

Creating attractive Instagram Stories can boost your engagement and help you connect with your audience. Here are some simple tips to make your Stories stand out.

Planning Your Content for Instagram Stories

Planning your content for Instagram Stories ensures you deliver engaging and relevant messages to your audience. By defining your goals and understanding your followers' preferences, you can create stories that resonate and keep viewers coming back for more.

Define Your Goal: Inform, Entertain, or Promote

  • Inform: Share useful information, tips, or news. This could be industry updates, how-to guides, or educational content.
  • Entertain: Post fun, engaging content that captures attention. This could include memes, funny videos, or behind-the-scenes glimpses.
  • Promote: Highlight your products, services, or upcoming events. Use clear calls to action to encourage your audience to take the next step.

Know Your Audience

  • Demographics: Consider the age, gender, and location of your audience. This information can help you tailor your content to better suit their interests and needs.
  • Behavior: Notice when your followers are most active and what types of stories they engage with the most. Use this information to post at optimal times and create content that they are likely to interact with.

Creating a Content Calendar

  1. Plan Your Content: Decide on the topics and themes you want to cover each week or month. Make a list of ideas and categorize them based on your goals (inform, entertain, promote).
  2. Schedule Your Stories: Use a calendar to map out when you will post each story. Consider key dates, holidays, and events that are relevant to your audience.
  3. Create in Batches: To save time, create multiple stories at once and schedule them for future posting. Tools like Later, Planoly, or Buffer can help you schedule and automate your Instagram Stories.
  4. Review and Adjust: Regularly review the performance of your stories and adjust your content calendar as needed. If certain types of stories are performing well, consider creating more of that content.

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Design Basics for Creating Attractive Instagram Story

Creating visually appealing Instagram Stories is key to grabbing your audience's attention. Focus on using high-quality images, a consistent color palette, and balanced text and visuals to create a cohesive and attractive story.

Importance of Visual Aesthetics

Visual aesthetics are crucial for capturing and holding your audience’s attention. An attractive Instagram Story can make viewers pause, engage, and even share your content. Good aesthetics create a cohesive and professional look, which helps in building your brand identity. Consistency in your design elements makes your stories recognizable and appealing.

Choosing the Right Color Palette

Selecting the right color palette is vital. Colors evoke emotions and can influence how your audience perceives your content. Here’s how to choose a good color palette:

  1. Brand Colors: Use brand colors that match your brand’s identity. This consistency reinforces your brand image.
  2. Contrast: Ensure there is enough contrast between your background and text to make the content easy to read.
  3. Mood: Different colors set different moods. For example, blue can be calming, while red can be exciting. Choose colors that match the mood you want to convey.
  4. Complementary Colors: Use colors that complement each other. Tools like Color Wheel can help you find color combinations that work well together.

Using High-Quality Images and Videos

High-quality images and videos are essential for professional-looking stories. Blurry or low-resolution content can turn off viewers. Here’s how to ensure your visuals are top-notch:

  1. Resolution: Always use high-resolution images and videos. Instagram Stories supports images with a resolution of 1080 x 1920 pixels.
  2. Lighting: Good lighting makes a significant difference. Natural light is often the best, but you can also use ring lights or other lighting tools for better results.
  3. Editing: Use editing tools to enhance your photos and videos. You can use our Photo Enhancer and adjust brightness, contrast, and saturation to make your content more appealing.

Balancing Text and Visuals

Balancing text and visuals is key to maintaining viewer interest and delivering your message effectively. Here’s how to achieve this balance:

  1. Clarity: Keep your text clear and concise. Avoid overcrowding your story with too much text. Stick to key points and use bullet points if necessary.
  2. Placement: Place text strategically where it doesn’t cover important parts of your visuals. Instagram’s text alignment tools can help with this.
  3. Font and Size: Choose easy-to-read fonts and appropriate sizes. Instagram offers various font options; pick one that suits your style but is still legible.
  4. Text Contrast: Ensure your text color contrasts well with the background to make it readable. Using a text-shadow or a semi-transparent background behind the text can enhance readability.

Additionally, if you lack designing skills and you think designing is not something you can show confidence in front of your audience, you can use our Instagram Story Templates and customize those pre-designed templates as per your desire.

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  • instagram story maker

Using Instagram’s Built-in Tools for Creating Attractive Story

Instagram offers a variety of built-in tools to enhance your stories. Use stickers like polls, questions, and emojis to engage your audience, and apply filters and effects to make your visuals stand out. Experiment with text tools to ensure your message is clear and appealing. Here's how you can use them effectively:


Stickers add fun and interactive elements to your Stories. You can find them by tapping the sticker icon after capturing or uploading a photo or video.

  • Polls: Create a simple poll with two options. It’s a great way to get quick feedback or opinions from your audience. To add a poll, select the Poll sticker, type your question, and enter two response options.
  • Questions: Use the Question sticker to invite your followers to ask you anything or respond to a specific question you pose. This can drive engagement and make your audience feel more connected. Select the Question sticker, type your question, and post it.
  • Quizzes: Create a multiple-choice quiz to test your followers' knowledge or just for fun. Choose the Quiz sticker, enter your question, provide answer options, and mark the correct one.
  • Emojis: Add emoji sliders to gauge your audience’s feelings on a topic. Choose the Emoji slider sticker, type your question, and select an emoji for the slider. If you want to make your personalized emoji, you can use our Emoji Generator tool.

Filters and Effects

Filters and effects can make your Stories visually appealing. Instagram offers a range of filters and effects that you can apply with a swipe.

  • Filters: Swipe left or right on your image or video to preview different filters. Each filter changes the color tone and mood of your Story. Choose one that fits your content’s vibe.
  • Effects: Tap the effects icon (the smiley face with sparkles) to explore different AR effects. You can change backgrounds, add face filters, or incorporate animations. Browse through the effects and tap on one to apply it to your Story.

Text Tools

Text is essential for adding context, captions, or emphasis to your Stories. Instagram provides various text tools to help you make your text stand out. 

  • Fonts: Instagram offers several font styles like Classic, Modern, Neon, Typewriter, and Strong. After tapping the text icon (Aa), you can cycle through these fonts by tapping the font name at the top of the screen.
  • Sizes: Adjust text size by pinching to make it larger or smaller. This helps you emphasize key points or ensure that text fits within the screen.
  • Alignment: Align your text left, center, or right by tapping the alignment icon at the top of the screen. Proper alignment ensures that your text looks neat and is easy to read.

Additionally, you can use our Font Generator to create a font that stands out and creates an impression that catches your audience's attention.

Suggested Read: Stylish Font for Instagram: Copy and Paste Fonts

Analyzing Your Stories' Performance

Understanding how your Instagram Stories perform is essential to improving your content and increasing engagement. Here’s how you can use Instagram Insights to track your stories' performance accurately.

Using Instagram Insights to Track Engagement

Instagram Insights provides valuable data on how your stories are performing. To access Insights:

  1. Go to your profile and tap on the menu (three horizontal lines) in the upper right corner.
  2. Select "Insights."
  3. Navigate to the "Content You Shared" section and tap on "Stories."

Here, you can view detailed analytics for each story you’ve posted in the past 14 days.

Key Metrics to Monitor

    • This metric shows how many people have viewed your story. Higher views generally indicate better reach and interest.
    • You can see the total number of views and a breakdown of unique views.
  2. Interactions
    • Interactions include actions like replies, sticker taps, and profile visits initiated from your story.
    • Monitoring interactions helps you understand what content prompts your audience to engage directly with your story.
  3. Swipe-Ups
    • If you have a business profile with over 10,000 followers or are a verified user, you can add swipe-up links to your stories.
    • The swipe-up metric indicates how many people followed the link in your story, showing direct traffic driven by your content.

Adjusting Your Strategy Based on Analytics

  1. Identify Patterns
    • Look for patterns in your high-performing stories. What type of content gets the most views and interactions? Are there certain times or days when your stories perform better?
  2. Content Types
    • If tutorials get more interactions than product showcases, consider focusing more on instructional content. Use data to decide what content types to prioritize.
  3. Optimize Posting Times
    • If your stories have higher views in the evenings, schedule your posts for that time to maximize reach.
  4. Engagement Techniques
    • If interactive elements like polls and Q&A increase interactions, incorporate them more frequently in your stories.
  5. Experiment and Iterate
    • Use Insights to test new content ideas and strategies. Track their performance and refine your approach based on the results.

Suggested Read: Leveraging Instagram for Business Account Growth: Expert Tips for Success


To sum up, creating an attractive Instagram Story involves understanding the platform’s features, planning your content, and using design principles to catch viewers' attention. Start by defining your goals and knowing your audience. Utilize Instagram’s built-in tools like stickers, filters, and text options to enhance your stories. Experiment with creative ideas and consider using third-party apps for additional design options.

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