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Kanban vs Scrum vs Agile Methodology: Which is Better for You?

Samarpit Nasa
By Samarpit Nasa | Last Updated on March 15th, 2024 10:15 am

In the dynamic and fast-paced world of project management, the quest for the most efficient and flexible methodologies leads many to consider Agile methodologies, notably Kanban and Scrum. These methodologies, while sharing the Agile philosophy's core principles of adaptability, collaboration, and customer focus, offer distinct approaches to project management. As businesses strive to stay competitive and responsive to market changes, the question of whether Kanban or Scrum is more suitable for a particular team's needs becomes increasingly pertinent. This article aims to explore the intricacies of each methodology and introduce how workflow automation tools can enhance their implementation, thus aiding you in making a well-informed decision tailored to your project management needs.

Understanding Agile Project Management

The Agile method to project management stands as a testament to the evolving landscape of project management. This method distinguishes itself from the conventional, rigid frameworks by endorsing a fluid, adaptive approach to managing projects. In the realm of Agile, the linear and sequential playbook is replaced with a dynamic strategy, designed to accommodate the unpredictable twists and turns of project development. This is especially relevant in fast-paced sectors like software development, where the winds of customer preferences and market dynamics shift with little notice.

The Agile Manifesto

At the heart of Agile project management is the Agile Manifesto, a doctrine crafted in 2001 by forward-thinking developers. This manifesto is not just a set of guidelines but a revolutionary perspective on how projects should be executed. It outlines four foundational values that continue to shape Agile methodologies:

  1. Individuals and interactions over processes and tools: Agile puts a spotlight on the human element of project management. It suggests that successful outcomes are achieved through collaborative efforts and direct communication rather than over-reliance on rigid processes and complex tools.
  2. Working software over comprehensive documentation: In the traditional project management paradigm, hefty documentation was often prioritized. Agile flips the script by emphasizing the importance of delivering functional software. This value encourages teams to focus on creating software that meets users' needs now, rather than getting bogged down in documenting features that might never be used.
  3. Customer collaboration over contract negotiation: Agile promotes an open-door policy with customers, advocating for continuous engagement rather than setting everything in stone at the outset. This approach ensures that the project evolves in alignment with the customer's changing requirements, leading to more satisfied clients and products that truly meet their needs.
  4. Responding to change over following a plan: Perhaps the most revolutionary aspect of the Agile Manifesto is its stance on change. Unlike traditional methods that view change as a disruption, Agile welcomes it. This flexibility allows teams to pivot as needed, ensuring the project remains relevant and valuable even as external conditions evolve.

The Agile Approach: Prioritizing Flexibility and Functionality

By adhering to these principles, Agile project management facilitates a more responsive, efficient, and collaborative environment. Teams are empowered to make decisions and adapt their strategies in real time, fostering innovation and ensuring the end product genuinely reflects the customer's current needs. This approach not only enhances team dynamics but also significantly increases project success rates.

Moreover, Agile's emphasis on working solutions and customer involvement ensures that projects are aligned with market demands, allowing businesses to stay competitive and responsive. This customer-centric approach, combined with the method's inherent adaptability, makes Agile particularly suited to industries characterized by rapid change and high uncertainty.

Kanban: Mastering Efficiency through Visualization

Kanban stands out as a revolutionary method that brings the principles of visual management to the forefront of project and task management. Originating from the Japanese word for "billboard," Kanban's inception in the 1940s by Toyota marked a significant shift in how work is organized and visualized. This system uses boards and cards to visually represent tasks and their progress through various stages such as "To Do," "In Progress," and "Done." It's a simple yet powerful tool designed to promote efficiency, flexibility, and a seamless flow of work.

Key Features of Kanban

  1. Visualization of Work: Kanban's core strength lies in its ability to make the invisible visible. By displaying all tasks in their respective stages, team members gain a comprehensive overview of the project's current status. This transparency ensures that everyone is on the same page, facilitating better communication and collaboration.
  2. Limiting Work in Progress (WIP): One of Kanban's fundamental principles is to prevent overloading team members with too many tasks simultaneously. By limiting the number of tasks in progress, Kanban encourages a focused and manageable workload. This not only enhances productivity but also ensures that quality is not compromised due to multitasking or spreading resources too thin.
  3. Flexibility: In today's fast-paced work environments, the ability to adapt to changing priorities is crucial. Kanban excels in this area by allowing for the reprioritization and reassignment of tasks based on evolving needs and capacities. This level of flexibility supports a dynamic work environment where adjustments can be made swiftly and efficiently.

Benefits of Implementing Kanban

  • Improved Efficiency: By visually tracking the progress of tasks, teams can identify bottlenecks and address them promptly. This leads to smoother workflows and faster completion times.
  • Increased Productivity: Limiting work in progress helps team members concentrate on completing current tasks before taking on new ones, leading to higher quality outcomes and fewer delays.
  • Enhanced Flexibility: Kanban's adaptable framework means that changes can be incorporated easily, allowing teams to respond to new information or shifting priorities without disrupting the overall flow of work.
  • Better Team Collaboration: Visualizing work creates a shared understanding among team members, fostering a collaborative environment where everyone is aligned and informed.

Implementing Kanban in Your Workflow

Adopting Kanban involves setting up a Kanban board, either physically with cards and boards or digitally using project management software. The board is then divided into columns representing different stages of the workflow. As tasks progress, they are moved from one column to the next, providing a visual representation of their journey towards completion.

It's essential to start with a clear understanding of your current process and identify the key stages that tasks go through. From there, you can customize your Kanban board to reflect your specific workflow, ensuring that it serves as an effective tool for managing and improving your work processes.

Scrum: Structured Agility in Agile Project Management

Scrum represents a structured yet flexible approach to Agile project management, focusing on improving team collaboration and accelerating product delivery. This methodology breaks down the work into sprints—short, consistent periods usually lasting two to four weeks. During these sprints, teams concentrate on delivering specific features or components of the product. The structure of Scrum is supported by defined roles, including the Product Owner, Scrum Master, and the development team, each carrying out specific functions to ensure the project's success.

Scrum Process Explained

The Scrum process is designed to provide a framework that facilitates clear communication, efficient problem-solving, and rapid adjustments. It comprises several key activities:

  1. Sprint Planning: This initial phase involves the team coming together to decide the scope of work to be completed in the upcoming sprint. It's a collaborative effort to define the sprint's goals and select the tasks from the product backlog that will be addressed.
  2. Daily Stand-ups: These are brief, daily meetings (often not exceeding 15 minutes) where team members discuss their progress since the last stand-up, plan their work for the current day, and highlight any obstacles that might impede their progress. This ensures that issues are identified and addressed promptly.
  3. Sprint Review: At the end of each sprint, the team demonstrates what they've accomplished to stakeholders. This is a time for feedback and for the team to showcase their work, fostering transparency and stakeholder engagement.
  4. Sprint Retrospective: This is a reflective meeting where the team discusses the just-concluded sprint. The focus is on identifying what went well, what could be improved, and how to implement these improvements in future sprints. It's a crucial step for continuous improvement.

Benefits of Implementing Scrum

Implementing Scrum in your project management practices offers numerous benefits:

  • Enhanced Flexibility and Adaptability: Scrum enables teams to adapt to changing project requirements and priorities easily, making it ideal for projects with evolving scopes.
  • Increased Product Quality: Regular reviews and retrospectives lead to continuous improvement in both the product and the process, directly impacting the quality of the final product.
  • Improved Stakeholder Satisfaction: Frequent demonstrations and the opportunity for feedback ensure that the product meets the stakeholders' needs and expectations.
  • Faster Time to Market: By focusing on delivering potentially shippable increments of the product at the end of each sprint, Scrum can significantly reduce the time to market.
  • Better Team Dynamics: Scrum fosters a collaborative and transparent work environment, enhancing communication and team dynamics.

Kanban vs. Scrum: A Comparison

Here's a comparison that outlines the main differences between Kanban and Scrum methodologies:

Comparison of Project Management Methodologies

Criteria Kanban Scrum
Roles and Responsibilities No pre-defined roles for a team. Collaboration is encouraged, and a Project Manager may oversee without defined roles. Predefined roles exist: Scrum Master, Product Owner, and Team Members with specific duties.
Due Dates / Delivery Timelines Continuous delivery on an as-needed basis. Due dates are determined by business needs. Deliverables are determined by sprints—set periods in which work must be completed and reviewed.
Delegation & Prioritization Uses a “pull system” where team members pull new tasks only after completing the previous ones. Also uses a “pull system,” but an entire batch of tasks is pulled for each sprint.
Modifications / Changes Allows for mid-stream changes, supporting iterations and continuous improvement before project completion. Changes during a sprint are discouraged to maintain focus and sprint goals.
Measurement of Productivity Uses “cycle time” to measure productivity, tracking the time to complete a project piece from start to end. Uses “velocity” through sprints, with each sprint building on the success of the previous one.
Best Applications Suitable for projects with varying priorities that may change over time. Ideal for teams with stable priorities that are less likely to change significantly.

Kanban vs. Scrum: Which Should You Choose for Your Project?

Kanban and Scrum both have their unique strengths, and deciding between the two is not just a matter of preference but of strategic fit. Understanding the nuances of Kanban and Scrum can help you decide which methodology aligns best with your project's needs, your team's dynamics, and the outcomes you aim to achieve.

Kanban is a visual project management tool that emphasizes continuous delivery without overburdening the team. It is highly adaptable, allowing for changes in priorities as new information or tasks arise. This flexibility makes Kanban an excellent choice for projects where requirements are expected to change or when the scope is not fully defined at the outset.

Scrum, conversely, is structured around fixed-length iterations known as sprints, typically lasting two to four weeks. This framework is designed to support complex projects that can be divided into smaller, manageable increments. Scrum encourages regular reassessment of tasks and goals, making it ideal for projects that evolve rapidly and require frequent adjustments.

Considerations for Selection

When choosing between Kanban and Scrum, several factors come into play:

  • Project Complexity: Scrum's iterative approach is particularly beneficial for complex projects that necessitate regular testing, feedback, and adaptation. This framework allows teams to break down large tasks into smaller, more manageable chunks, facilitating easier tracking and adjustment.
  • Team Size and Composition: Kanban is known for its adaptability to teams of various sizes and compositions. Its flexibility and lack of prescribed roles make it a strong fit for teams that may fluctuate in size or have members with overlapping skill sets.
  • Customer Involvement: Scrum's structure supports active customer involvement, particularly through regular sprint reviews and planning sessions. This involvement ensures that the project continuously aligns with customer needs and expectations, making it a suitable choice for projects where customer feedback is crucial to success.

Popular Kanban Integrations


Both Kanban and Scrum offer unique advantages for managing projects in dynamic environments. The choice between them should be based on your specific project requirements, team preferences, and organizational goals. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each methodology, you can select the one that best aligns with your project's needs, ensuring a more efficient and effective path to success.

The goal of Agile methodologies is to enhance flexibility, collaboration, and customer satisfaction. Whether you choose Kanban, Scrum, or a hybrid approach, the key is to adapt the methodology to fit your project rather than forcing your project to adhere to a strict set of rules.

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Samarpit Nasa

Content Team Lead at Appy Pie