
(Based on VPAT® Version 2.4)

Appy Pie Accessibility Conformance Report Revised Section 508 Edition

Name of Product: Appy Pie

Product Description: Appy Pie enables you to make an Android & iOS mobile app without coding in 3 easy steps.

Report Date: December 17, 2020

Contact Information: [email protected] | +1 888 322 7617

Notes: This document has been completed based on the current tested and specified functionality of the named Application.

Evaluation Methods Used: Conformance to the listed accessibility standards has been evaluated using manual testing. The accessibility testing include: (i) semi-automated scans, (ii) human judgement tests such as tool-assisted tests, visual inspection (iii) testing with assistive technology by an expert user.

Applicable Standards/Guidelines

This report covers the degree of conformance for the following accessibility standard/guidelines:


The terms used in the Conformance Level information are defined as follows:

  • Supports: The functionality of the Appy Pie has at least one method that meets the criterion without known defects or meets with equivalent facilitation.
  • Partially Supports: Some functionality of the Appy Pie does not meet the criterion.
  • Does Not Support: The majority of Appy Pie functionality does not meet the criterion.
  • Not Applicable: The criterion is not relevant to the Appy Pie.
  • Not Evaluated: The Appy Pie has not been evaluated against the criterion.

WCAG 2.0 Report

Tables 1 and 2 also document conformance with Revised Section 508:

  • Chapter 5 – 501.1 Scope, 504.2 Content Creation or Editing
  • Chapter 6 – 602.3 Electronic Support Documentation

Note: When reporting on conformance with the WCAG 2.0 Success Criteria, they are scoped for full pages, complete processes, and accessibility-supported ways of using technology as documented in the WCAG 2.0 Conformance Requirements.

Table 1: Success Criteria, Level A

CriteriaConformance LevelRemarks and Explanations

1.1.1 Non-text Content (Level A) Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Does Not SupportAppy Pie does not consistently provide text alternatives for the non-text content, including controls, input, sensory content and images.

1.2.1 Audio-only and Video-only (Prerecorded) (Level A) Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportsAppy Pie supports alternatives for video-only and audio-only content.

1.2.2 Captions (Prerecorded) (Level A) Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportsAppy Pie can provide captions for prerecorded audio within synchronized media.

1.2.3 Audio Description or Media Alternative (Prerecorded)
(Level A)
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportsAppy Pie can provide alternatives for time-based media/prerecorded video.

1.3.1 Info and Relationships (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Does Not SupportAppy Pie does not provide a logical structure where information and relationships can be programmatically determined or are available in text.

1.3.2 Meaningful Sequence (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportAppy Pie presents content in a meaningful order.

1.3.3 Sensory Characteristics (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportAppy Pie does not rely on sensory information alone to convey meaning.

1.4.1 Use of Color (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Partially SupportAppy Pie does not rely only on color coding to convey information.

  • Links are not underlined in the articles

1.4.2 Audio Control (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportAppy Pie does not play audio or any multimedia automatically.

2.1.1 Keyboard (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Does Not SupportAppy Pie core functionality cannot be accessed by the keyboard. Some active elements like links, buttons, form fields do not receive keyboard tab focus.

2.1.2 No Keyboard Trap (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportsThere are no keyboard traps in Appy Pie.

2.2.1 Timing Adjustable (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportsAppy Pie does not have any timed activities that requires additional time.

2.2.2 Pause, Stop, Hide (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportsAppy Pie does not use moving or blinking content.

2.3.1 Three Flashes or Below Threshold (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportsAppy Pie does not use flashing content.

2.4.1 Bypass Blocks (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software) – Does not apply to non-web software
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs) – Does not apply to non-web docs
SupportsAppy Pie does not provide a way to bypass navigation blocks for keyboard only users by providing a “skip to content” link. Landmarks are not correctly labeled for screen reader users to navigate through the pages.

2.4.2 Page Titled (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Does Not SupportAppy Pie does not use clear and unique page titles.

2.4.3 Focus Order (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Partially SupportsFocus has been implemented for most of the active elements in Appy Pie, and components receive focus in an order that preserves meaning.

  • Focus is not trapped inside the modals

2.4.4 Link Purpose (In Context) (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Does Not SupportThere are multiple instances of links in Appy Pie that do not use meaningful link names.

3.1.1 Language of Page (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportsAppy Pie uses html language attributes in the pages.

3.2.1 On Focus (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportsElements in Appy Pie does not change when they receive focus.

3.2.2 On Input (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportsChanging the setting of any user interface component does not automatically cause a change of context.

3.3.1 Error Identification (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Does Not SupportError messages are not announced to assistive technology.

3.3.2 Labels or Instructions (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Does Not SupportThere are multiple instances of elements that do not have meaningful label names.

4.1.1 Parsing (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Does Not SupportThere are multiple code errors in the application.

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value (Level A)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportsName, role, and value of interface elements are available to assistive technology.

Table 2: Success Criteria, Level AA

CriteriaConformance LevelRemarks and Explanations

1.2.4 Captions (Live) (Level AA) Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Not ApplicableThere are no live media used for Appy Pie.

1.2.5 Audio Description (Prerecorded) (Level AA) Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportsAppy Pie supports alternative video files with audio description built into the video.

1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) (Level AA) Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Does Not SupportThere are multiple instances of interface text in Appy Pie that do not meet minimum color contrast ratio against its background color.

1.4.4 Resize text (Level AA)
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportsAppy Pie does not lose content or functionality using the 200% zooming.

  • Above 150 zoom level, badge progress is no longer visible

1.4.5 Images of Text (Level AA)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportsAppy Pie does not provide a logical structure where information and relationships can be programmatically determined or are available in text.

2.4.5 Multiple Ways (Level AA)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software) – Does not apply to non-web software
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs) – Does not apply to non-web docs
Partially SupportsAppy Pie provides multiple ways to reach a page.

  • When user clicks “Back button” from “Choose the category that fits best”, user is not navigated back to the “Choose the category that fits best”

2.4.6 Headings and Labels (Level AA)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportPage headings and labels are meaningful.

2.4.7 Focus Visible (Level AA)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
Does Not SupportVisual focus indicator is not consistently available for keyboard only users across Appy Pie workflow.

3.1.2 Language of Parts (Level AA)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportAppy Pie uses language attributes.

3.2.3 Consistent Navigation (Level AA)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software) – Does not apply to non-web software
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs) – Does not apply to non-web docs
SupportsAppy Pie uses consistent menu navigation across the pages.

3.2.4 Consistent Identification (Level AA)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software) – Does not apply to non-web software
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs) – Does not apply to non-web docs
SupportsAppy Pie uses icons and buttons consistently across the pages.

3.3.3 Error Suggestion (Level AA)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportsAppy Pie clearly identify the input errors.

3.3.4 Error Prevention (Legal, Financial, Data) (Level AA)
Also applies to:
Revised Section 508

  • 501 (Web)(Software)
  • 504.2 (Authoring Tool)
  • 602.3 (Support Docs)
SupportsAppy Pie reduces the risk of input errors for sensitive data.

Revised Section 508 Report

Chapter 3: Functional Performance Criteria (FPC)

CriteriaConformance LevelRemarks and Explanations

302.1 Without Vision

Does Not SupportAppy Pie does not support users without vision due to the issues mentioned in table 1 & 2 above.

302.2 With Limited Vision

Does Not SupportAppy Pie does not support users with low vision due to the above-mentioned issues in success criteria 1.4.3 Contrast (Minimum) and 1.4.4 Resize text.

302.3 Without Perception of Color

Partially SupportsAppy Pie partially supports this criterion because links are not underlined in the articles and it uses color coding only to convey information.

302.4 Without Hearing

SupportsAppy Pie does not rely on sound alone to access any of its core functionality.

302.5 With Limited Hearing

SupportsAppy Pie does not rely only on audio to present information.

302.6 Without Speech

SupportsAppy Pie does not rely on speech input alone to access any of its core functionality.

302.7 With Limited Manipulation

Does Not SupportAppy Pie does not support alternative forms of input that are compatible with the keyboard/mouse driver due to its keyboard issues.

302.8 With Limited Reach and Strength

SupportsAppy Pie does not require simultaneous actions.

302.9 With Limited Language, Cognitive, and Learning Abilities

SupportsAppy Pie uses a simplified language to convey meaning of functions within the application.

Chapter 4: Hardware

Note: This section is not applicable to the application, as there are no hardware components.

Chapter 5: Software

Note: This section is not applicable as the application is not a platform software.

Chapter 6: Support Documentation and Services

CriteriaConformance LevelRemarks and Explanations

601.1 Scope

Heading cell – no response requiredHeading cell – no response required

602 Support Documentation

Heading cell – no response requiredHeading cell – no response required

602.2 Accessibility and Compatibility Features

SupportsAccessibility and compatibility features of the Appy Pie documentation can be made available in accessible versions of HTML, Word, and PDF formats at no additional charge.

602.3 Electronic Support Documentation

See WCAG 2.0 sectionSee information in WCAG section

602.4 Alternate Formats for Non-Electronic Support Documentation

SupportsAlternate Formats for non-electronic support documentation can be made available on request at no additional charge.

603 Support Services

Heading cell – no response requiredHeading cell – no response required

603.2 Information on Accessibility and Compatibility Features

SupportsSupport services are provided online, over the phone, or by email to provide information on accessibility and compatibility features to end users with disabilities.

603.3 Accommodation of Communication Needs

SupportsSupport services are provided online, over the phone, or by email to meet the communication needs of end users with disabilities.

Legal Disclaimer

Appy Pie has made every attempt to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided in this report as of the date of the report. We cannot guarantee that this application is free from accessibility defects. The contents of this document are subject to change without notice. No contractual obligations are formed either directly or indirectly by this document, and this document shall not be interpreted to be included in any contract between the parties.