Ramadan Calendar Feature

Create an Android & iPhone app with the Ramadan Calendar Feature

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Appy Pie

How to Make a Prayer Times App in 3 Easy Steps?

  1. Enter the name of your app

    Select the category that suits your needs.

  2. Add the features you want to add to your app

    Create a prayer times app in minutes without any coding.

  3. Publish the app on app stores

    Help users pray at the right time using your app

Top 7 must-have features in a Prayer Times app

Here are the top must-have features for a tour app that makes travel convenient and memorable:

  1. Prayer Alerts: This feature of your app will notify users at the time their prayers should start. This can be especially helpful during festivals like Ramadan. Prayer alerts help ensure that your users never miss a single prayer.
  2. Virtual Compass: While praying, it is important to pray towards a particular direction especially in religions like Islam. Having a virtual compass allows you to face in the right direction. A virtual compass can be added to an app using the in-built location feature of your device.
  3. Scheduling Calendar: Every religion has its festivals. Adding a calendar that displays the dates and timings for various festivals can help make your app better. Ramadan calendars are especially popular as they make it easier to schedule prayer times.
  4. Silent Mode: Mobile phones can be interfering during prayer. Having an option in the app that sets the phone on silent during prayer times can help user’s concentrate on their prayers better and improve your prayer app.
  5. Feed: A simple news feed that gives users the latest religious news and motivates them with writings from religious scriptures can help make your app feel more interactive to your users.
  6. Push notifications: The push notifications feature allows you to send out alerts and information to your members through your app. You can send reminders, news, updates, and notifications for prayer timings and special services with a single tap on your screen.
  7. Contact: Contact gives your members a convenient way to get in touch with you anywhere, anytime. The contact feature helps you build a community, share contact information, and much more. The contact feature also helps organize events, festivals, and more.

Why you need a Prayer Times App?

Prayer is a necessary aspect of most religions. In religions like Islam, one must pray five times a day on set timings. It can be difficult to remember prayer times when preoccupied with work. This is where a prayer times app comes in. Unfortunately, proper apps for praying, and religious worship are lacking.

With a good prayer times app, you could potentially help people around the world pray at right times. Everything from fasting to festivals could utilize a prayer times app. The best Ramzan apps and the best fasting apps currently available on various app stores lack many key features that are a part of a good prayer app.

This is exactly why you must create a prayer time app for android and iOS. Be it a simple Ramadan calendar for 2021 or a completely unique scripture and namaz app, you have complete control over what you want to create for your fellow worshippers. Begin creating your prayer times app today!

Benefits and USPs of building a Prayer Times app with Appy Pie AppMakr

Here are some benefits of building Prayer Times apps with Appy Pie:

  1. It takes a few minutes to build a Prayer Times app.
  2. No coding skills required.
  3. Your Prayer Times apps get published & shared on Apple’s App Store and Google Play Store.
  4. Apps can be easily monetize with ads. Earn from your apps while you sleep.
  5. App publishers get real-time app analytics that can help you create elaborate strategies.
  6. Allows you to keep a track of and analyze user behavior.
  7. Allows you to receive feedback through polls, surveys, or RSVPs.
  8. Allows you to send push notifications for special announcements, offers, products, etc.
  9. Keeps expenses low by allowing you to access all the information digitally.
Page reviewed by: Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on August 26th, 2023 5:31 am