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How Augmented Reality Can Be Applied For Social Good?

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on January 7th, 2023 10:39 am
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App Builder Appy Pie: Augmented reality brings a sprinkle of fantasy to the reality by projecting an AR object over a real world scene and lets you see this blended or augmented reality Drag-and-Drop AR/VR App Builder
Appy Pie’s AR/VR app builder is equipped with all the necessary features to help you create your own AR/VR app in just a few simple steps.
through your device. Augmented reality enhances the world by adding a layer of useful or entertaining images that are computer generated.

Now, we have all heard of games like Pokémon Go Top 7 Augmented Reality Apps for Android & iOS
AR or Augmented Reality has long been considered a mad scientist’s concept that might be realized sometime far in the future, but the fact is that the technology has in fact been around for quite a long time!
using Augmented Reality for entertainment and by brands like IKEA to help their customers understand how a piece of furniture is going to look in their homes. As AR is expanding in its scope of functionality and features we see it being applied to a lot of meaningful fields, and what could be better than using AR for Good!

AR can be used in order to create some unique experiences with the noble motive of doing something for charitable causes, non-profit organizations, or any other organizations aiming to do something of social significance.

AR For Art

The arts form the foundation of a culturally evolved and advanced society. Promoting the arts can bring about a definite sophistication and cultural upliftment in our society. In this day and age where every commodity, every cause, every activity is coming to you, instead of you having to go out and get it, then why should Art be any different?

“If you can’t go to the Monalisa, Bring her home!”

Respected art galleries and museums in the world are known to house some of the richest sources of knowledge in the form of precious works of art created through time. Now, for someone who is sitting in Austin, Texas, going to the Louvre to appreciate the strokes made by Picasso on Monalisa might just remain a dream forever. After all, how many people have the freedom, time, and the ability to jet set around the world to sate their love for art.

Creative video agency RYOT has managed to bring Monalisa to you by making good use of Augmented Reality. In doing so, they managed to recreate the Louvre Museum at a humble warehouse in Los Angeles and brought art in the lives of the local children.

The children could see the paintings from Louvre appear in front of their eyes, in the designated frames by holding an iPad in front of the empty frames that hung in the warehouse, and it all happened through augmented reality.

The world of art can now step outside the confines of just but one geographic destination or a particular building and the art establishments and organizations can make it possible to showcase the prized and rare collections anywhere in the world, without having to expose them to the risks of travelling. People who may have been deprived of this artistic delight for any reason, now would have the opportunity to overcome the physical hurdles and indulge in artistic delights even in their very own homes.

The British Museum too has found a great way to make use of AR and have managed to enhance the experience of the art lovers who have come to soak in artistic experiences. Leveraging AR hotspots, the museum offers detailed information about the exhibits that populate their collection.

You can now walk up to almost any painting or work of art in the museum and the AR recognition would work for you, taking the experience several notches up!

AR For Healthcare

The importance of good healthcare services and system cannot be stressed enough upon. Applying Augmented Reality as a technology in the healthcare sector has the potential to save lives.

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The foundation of the healthcare sector in any country or state lies in the strength of the education system. It is absolutely important that the education aspect of the healthcare system stays updated and abreast of the latest evolution and development in the arena.

ARnatomy has actually applied AR in the cleverest of ways in the field of medical education so that the students as well as the teachers are able to pinpoint the exact type of bone in addition to revealing relevant information about it on the screen.

The medical field is known for the exhaustive amount of study material, massive textbooks that need to be consulted. With ARnatomy’s use of AR for education, the medical students can actually do away with these textbooks and have the added advantage here is that the students have, at their disposal a kind of tangible skeletal model without even having to meet a real patient.

The students are not the only beneficiaries when it comes to the application of AR in the field of healthcare. This is best demonstrated by Vipaar, which is a service especially designed to cater to the practicing surgeons. With Vipaar, a remote surgeon can make use of AR and project their hands on to the display that is being used by a surgeon on the site who is wearing AR enabled glasses. The remote surgeon can now point and instruct the hands of the surgeon present on the site who might have much less experience in the particular specialized surgery that needs to be performed at that time.

This is not one of those far in the future fantasies, this has actually been already put to use. A surgical team in the University of Alabama was responsible for carrying out one of the first surgeries that used Google Glass which is a wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display.

Aside from this, AR has also found application in procedures that might seem a little more mundane that these super specialized procedures.

It is a little disturbing to know that about 40% of the IVs fail to find a vein in the first attempt. To address this issue, AccuVein, a medical company has come up with an AR scanner that projects over the skin and the nurses or the doctors can easily see all the veins, valves, and bifurcations in the patient’s body.

This scanner has already been used on more than 10 million patients and has managed to make the process of finding the vein in the first attempt 3.5 times more likely. Maybe you would see even your local doctor using it in near future!

AR For Visually Impaired

To most of the people AR seems to be something that can add some excitement or entertainment to their life, but AR actually has the potential to change the lives of many people who have challenges that we can’t even begin to imagine. It may even change the way people see the world, quite literally!

From among the people who might have been classified as legally blind there are many that retain at least a part of their vision. These people may be unable to pick out faces, obstacles or any other such details and the problem worsens in the low light conditions. AR can actually make it easier for some people who have sight impairment to be able to see and experience their surroundings in an easier way.

VA-ST have created software which can be trained to identify everyday 3D objects which they can later identify them within a scene. This software can be used in combination with their SmartSpecs glasses in order to offer a revolutionary new way to enhance the vision for quite a few people who are legally blind or are partially sight impaired. Can you imagine the way the life of these people is going to change? They are bound to gain a new kind of confidence as they are able to navigate even the unfamiliar environments with ease.

Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie

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