What Are dApps and What Are They Used for?

By Snigdha | Last Updated on November 20th, 2023 1:59 pm

Have you ever used a dApp? If you are a tech novice, your answer will be a resounding no, and even if you are tech-savvy, chances are you would say the same. To a casual observer, it is tough to spot a decentralized app and differentiate it from the regular (centralized) apps. If you are interested in web 3.0 and dApps, it will do you well to go ahead and check out our Web 3.0 app maker and test the waters.

What are dApps?

dApps or Decentralised apps are much like regular apps in their functionality, with one key difference. The dApps run on peer-to-peer networks, e.g., blockchain. Thus, while answering the question of what are decentralized apps - it is prudent to remember that no single person or entity has total control over the network. Here are a few other defining characteristics of dApps -
  • The dApp must be open source, and no single entity should have control over it.
  • All the data and records associated with dApps must remain ‘public’.
  • The dApp must use a cryptographic token to ensure network security.
However, these characteristics are more of beliefs than mandates. Hence as the system evolves, most dApps retain only some or none of these characteristics. Like any other technology, there are some clear pros and cons of dApps, and we have discussed them all at length in one of our previous posts.

What are dApps used for?

Now that you know what dApps are, it is time to move on to the next question - what are dApps used for? The modern-day dApps act as the bridge between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0. In multiple scenarios, this would mean that you’d be able to access the dApps through conventional web browsers while communicating with the underlying blockchain network using smart contracts. Considering the fact that this technology is comparatively new, the number of dApps is definitely lower than traditional apps. As the technology is evolving, the ecosystem is evolving to its tune as well. Some of the most popular dApps belong to the following categories.
  • Crypto walletsCrypto wallet dApps are instrumental in buying, selling, and trading cryptocurrencies. There are two kinds of crypto wallets - custodial and non-custodial.
  • Decentralized exchangesDEX dApps can be accessed through a web browser. Once you navigate to the DEX URL, an interface will allow you to connect your crypto wallet. Once this connection is complete, you can start interacting with your DEX dApp, completing actions like liquidity pools, lotteries, NFT marketplaces, and more.
  • Social mediaSocial media dApps like social media apps facilitate online connection. However, there is one defining difference in the fact that the social media dApps reverse the flow and reward you for engaging with it, instead of using your data for monetization.
  • GamesDecentralized gaming or gaming dApps are easily the most prominent category in the blockchain ecosystem. These gaming dApps use NFTs to make sure that the value generated by the users in the metaverse is retained.

What is dApp development?

Now that you know what are dApps, it is time to discuss dApp development or how to make a decentralized app. Front-end dApp development is pretty similar to regular application development. You need to apply exactly the same UI guidelines to Web3.js. The real difference lies in the backend development of dApps, and due to the novelty of it all, there is a legitimate scarcity of developers who truly understand the nuances of dApp development. Traditional dApp development is expensive, time-consuming, and resource-intensive. Web 3 promises a more decentralized internet that addresses specific inherent issues with the Internet bringing about a backend revolution. This means the Web 3 and dApps need to take into account quite complex decentralized backend development. To make sure that this barrier is eliminated, Appy Pie’s Web 3.0 app maker ensures that these complexities are taken out of the equation.

How to make a dApp?

We have now talked about the complexities of back-end development and its hindrances for the ‘not so tech-savvy’ users. In the spirit of making technology accessible and affordable, Appy Pie has a no-code Web 3 app maker to make your own dApp in minutes! Here are three simple steps to make your own dApp with Appy Pie.
  1. Give your dApp a name.After choosing a name for your dApp, choose the right theme, and tweak the layout and design of your dApp as per your unique needs.
  2. Add the required features.After you are happy with the design of your dApp, add the features that would make your app perfect for your organization.
  3. Test your app and then launch it!Once you are happy with the features and visual appeal of your dApp, it is time to test it. This phase ensures that there are no bugs or app crashes in real-world scenarios.
Time to create your own dApp right now!


In this article, we have described the basics of dApps and how to make a dApp, the smart way, with Appy Pie’s no code Web 3 app maker. dApps have decentralized the ownership of the app so that no single person has control over it. What do you think about dApps and their future in the tech space? Do you think I missed out on a point here? Let me know in the comments section. I’d love to hear from you!

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