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Wave vs QuickBooks- Which Should You Choose

By Tanya | Last Updated on May 1st, 2024 10:55 am

Choosing the right accounting software is very important for small to medium-sized businesses. It helps keep track of money, send invoices, and keep the business healthy. Two main options are Wave and QuickBooks Online. Each of these has different features that suit various needs and budgets. This guide will help make choosing easier by looking at their costs, how easy they are to use, their invoicing and reporting abilities, and other special features.

We'll also touch on workflow automation tools, an essential component for streamlining accounting tasks. rewrite it without complex words.

Wave vs. QuickBooks Online : Comparison at a Glance

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Comparison of Accounting Software Features

Feature Wave QuickBooks Online
Pricing Free with paid add-ons. Starts at $30/month with tiered plans.
User Interface Simple and intuitive. Detailed with a learning curve.
Invoicing Easy, customizable templates. Advanced features and customization.
Time Tracking Third-party app integration needed. Built-in, with advanced options for an extra fee.
Mileage Tracking Requires external solutions. Integrated with detailed reports.
Advanced Reporting Basic with limited templates. Extensive with customizable reports.
Inventory Management Workarounds needed. Comprehensive features included.
Live Chat Support Chatbot and limited human support. Extensive, including 24/7 for higher plans.
Payroll Paid add-on with basic features. Integrated, more features at extra cost.


Wave is a comprehensive, free accounting software designed specifically for freelancers, and small business owners. It stands out for its ease of use and cost-effectiveness, offering a range of financial services without the hefty price tag. Wave simplifies accounting, invoicing, and receipt scanning, making it accessible for non-accountants.

Key Features:

  1. Cost-Free Accounting: Wave provides a completely free suite of accounting features, including invoicing and receipt scanning, making it ideal for businesses on a tight budget.
  2. User-Friendly Interface: With its intuitive design, Wave allows users to easily navigate through the platform, manage their finances, and customize invoices without prior accounting knowledge.
  3. Direct Bank and Credit Card Connections: Users can link their bank accounts and credit cards for automated transaction imports, streamlining the reconciliation process.
  4. Multi-Currency Support: Wave supports transactions in multiple currencies, which is beneficial for businesses dealing with international clients or vendors.


QuickBooks Online is a robust accounting solution developed by Intuit, catering to small to medium-sized businesses seeking comprehensive financial management tools. It offers a wide range of features from basic accounting to advanced reporting, payroll, and time tracking, tailored to support the growth and complexity of your business operations.

Key Features:

  1. Scalable Plans: QuickBooks offers various subscription levels, from Simple Start to Advanced, allowing businesses to choose a plan that best fits their needs and scale up as they grow.
  2. Advanced Reporting: With customizable reports and dashboards, QuickBooks provides deep insights into business performance, helping owners make informed decisions.
  3. Integrated Payroll: QuickBooks simplifies payroll processing and tax filing with its integrated payroll feature, ensuring accuracy and compliance.
  4. Time Tracking and Inventory Management: It includes time tracking and inventory management capabilities, making it suitable for businesses that need to manage employees' hours and stock levels efficiently.

Both Wave and QuickBooks offer unique advantages tailored to different business needs. Wave is an excellent choice for those seeking a straightforward, cost-effective solution, while QuickBooks is ideal for businesses looking for a comprehensive, scalable financial management system.


Wave stands out for its cost-effectiveness, offering a free basic plan that caters well to freelancers and small businesses needing simple invoicing and accounting solutions. While Wave's core services are free, it does charge for additional features like payroll and payment processing.

QuickBooks Online , on the other hand, is designed for businesses with more complex accounting needs, offering a tiered pricing model that starts at $30/month. Its comprehensive features justify the higher cost, making it suitable for medium to large businesses.

User Interface

Wave offers a clean, intuitive interface, making it accessible even to those with minimal accounting knowledge. Its simplicity does not compromise on efficiency, providing a seamless user experience for managing finances.

QuickBooks Online, while offering a broader range of features, has a steeper learning curve. Its interface can be overwhelming, but it's highly effective once mastered. For businesses requiring detailed financial management, QuickBooks Online's complexity is a worthwhile trade-off.


Wave offers a user-friendly and efficient invoicing system that is particularly appealing to small businesses and freelancers. When setting up your first invoice, Wave guides you through the creation of a template, offering several customizable options to ensure your invoices match your brand identity, including logo insertion and color selection. This attention to detail enhances the professional look of your invoices. The platform's preview feature allows you to see how your invoice will appear to recipients, ensuring accuracy and satisfaction before sending. Additionally, Wave simplifies the process of applying discounts to invoices, offering a toggle between dollar amounts and percentages, which is a handy tool for promotions or special pricing scenarios.

QuickBooks, while offering a robust invoicing system, presents a slightly more complex setup with a focus on detailed customization. Although it limits users to a single template design for customization, it compensates with extensive options for personalizing invoices once the template is selected. QuickBooks enables users to send sample emails to themselves, allowing for a preview of the customer's invoice receipt experience—a feature not found in Wave. The platform also supports a variety of customization options, including custom fields, design choices, payment options, and automation features for a more tailored invoicing process. Finding and applying discounts is straightforward once the relevant section is located, and QuickBooks offers several preview modes (email, PDF, payor view) for thorough invoice review before dispatch.

Reporting for Business Insights

QuickBooks Online excels in reporting capabilities, offering a wide range of options and custom reports, especially with its Advanced plan. This makes it ideal for businesses that require detailed financial analysis and forecasting.

Wave provides basic reporting functions, sufficient for freelancers and small businesses focused on straightforward financial tracking and management.

QuickBooks vs. Wave: Advanced Features

QuickBooks Online outshines Wave in terms of additional features, including time tracking, inventory management, and mileage tracking. These features are particularly beneficial for businesses with complex operations, needing detailed tracking and management capabilities.

QuickBooks offers a comprehensive suite of features that justify its cost, catering especially to the needs of medium to large businesses with its array of advanced functionalities.

Time Tracking

QuickBooks Online includes a manual timesheet feature, allowing for detailed time tracking. For more sophisticated needs, QuickBooks Time offers real-time tracking and retroactive time entry, but this requires an additional subscription to QuickBooks Payroll. This setup is ideal for businesses needing to manage billable hours, schedule work, and oversee projects and employee time off.

Mileage Tracking

Unlike Wave, QuickBooks has built-in mileage tracking, enabling employees to log trip details directly in the app. This feature simplifies the process of distinguishing between business and personal trips and even offers a Round Trip option to avoid manual double entries. A dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of miles driven, potential deductions, and other relevant data, streamlining mileage reporting for tax and compensation purposes.

Advanced Reporting

QuickBooks Online Advanced elevates reporting capabilities, offering a wide array of customizable report templates. Categories range from business overview to detailed financial statements, sales, expenses, and payroll. This level of detail supports in-depth analysis and decision-making. While Wave also offers reporting features, they are more basic in comparison, focusing on essential financial statements and insights.

Inventory Management

For businesses managing physical products, QuickBooks Plus and higher plans include inventory management. This feature allows for detailed tracking of stock levels, vendor information, and product details, complete with images and category organization. The system updates automatically with each sale or purchase, ensuring accurate inventory levels. Wave users seeking similar functionality would need to employ external tools or workarounds.

Live Chat Support

QuickBooks enhances user support with live chat, offering assistance from real humans in addition to automated bot responses. This feature is particularly useful for navigating the platform's complex features or resolving issues quickly. Wave, while offering a help chat, limits real-time human support to weekdays, potentially leaving users without immediate help during off-hours.

Therefore, QuickBooks stands out for its extensive features that support a wide range of business operations, from time and mileage tracking to advanced reporting and inventory management. Its live chat support further adds value by providing timely assistance. Wave, while more straightforward and cost-effective, offers basic functionalities suitable for smaller businesses or those with simpler accounting needs.

Wave vs. QuickBooks: Which Should You Choose?

Deciding between Wave and QuickBooks comes down to what your business needs and how much you're willing to spend. Wave is great for small businesses or freelancers who want a simple, free way to manage invoices and do basic accounting. It's easy to use and doesn't cost anything for the basic features. QuickBooks, however, is better for bigger businesses or those that are growing fast and need more from their accounting software. It has more tools, like inventory tracking and detailed reports, but it also costs more. Think about what your business really needs and how much you can spend to make the best choice.

Automating Your Accounting Software

Integrating workflow automation tools into your accounting software can save time and reduce errors. Both Wave and QuickBooks Online can connect with Appy Pie Connect, enabling you to automate tasks such as data entry, invoice generation, and financial reporting. This integration can significantly streamline your accounting processes, allowing you to focus more on business growth.

Popular Wave Integrations

Popular QuickBooks Integrations


In conclusion, the decision between Wave and QuickBooks should be based on your specific business requirements and growth plans. Wave offers a straightforward and cost-free solution ideal for small businesses or freelancers who prioritize ease of use and basic financial management. It simplifies accounting tasks effectively without overwhelming users. On the other hand, QuickBooks is better suited for larger businesses or those experiencing rapid growth, providing a comprehensive set of features, including payroll support and advanced reporting, to meet more complex financial needs. Assessing your current and future business needs will help you choose the software that best supports your financial management, ensuring your business's continued success and ease of operation.

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