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Stripe vs PayPal: Which Payment Gateway Is Better in 2024?

Neeraj Shukla
By Neeraj Shukla | February 14, 2024 10:18 am

Choosing the right payment gateway is essential for the success of any online business, with Stripe and PayPal emerging as prominent contenders. Deciding between Stripe and PayPal for your e-commerce platform, subscription service, or any form of online payment processing requires evaluating multiple factors. These include processing fees, user experience, ease of integration, customer support, and the capacity for workflow automation. Both platforms offer robust features for Stripe integration and app integrations, facilitating seamless operations across various business applications. Incorporating these elements into your decision-making process ensures a comprehensive comparison, helping you determine which payment gateway aligns best with your business needs, enhances your workflow automation, and offers the most efficient Stripe and app integrations.

Stripe vs. PayPal Comparison

Feature Stripe PayPal
Fees 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction (for standard online transactions) 2.9% + 30¢ per transaction (for standard online transactions)
International Support Supports over 135 currencies and various payment methods Supports payments in over 100 currencies
Ease of Use Developer-friendly with extensive API support, suitable for businesses seeking customization User-friendly, with easy setup and recognizable interface for quick integration
Security Advanced security features, with more control for customization Robust automatic security measures, handling much of the security without needing merchant intervention
Customer Support 24/7 support via email, chat, and phone, plus comprehensive documentation Extensive support through various channels, though resolving complex issues may take longer
Integration Flexible APIs for a tailored payment process, ideal for tech-savvy businesses Straightforward integrations, well-suited for businesses looking for simplicity and quick setup
Payment Processing Customizable checkout process, allowing for a seamless user experience Simplified payment process with PayPal Checkout, enhancing trust and potentially increasing conversions
Additional Fees Additional fees for international cards, currency conversion, and ACH direct payments Additional fees for chargebacks, international payments, and currency conversion

Stripe vs. PayPal: Detailed Comparison

Ease of Setup and Use

PayPal is widely recognized for its straightforward setup and ease of use. It offers a plug-and-play solution that enables businesses to start accepting payments almost immediately, with minimal technical knowledge required. This accessibility is one of PayPal's strongest selling points, making it an attractive option for new startups and small businesses that may not have dedicated IT support. The platform's user interface is intuitive, and the process of integrating PayPal into a website or e-commerce platform is streamlined through pre-built plugins and extensions for popular CMS and e-commerce systems.

Conversely, Stripe is an excellent Paypal alternative that emphasizes providing a seamless user experience that can be intricately customized to match your brand's look and feel. While it requires more technically savvy to set up compared to PayPal, Stripe's comprehensive API documentation and developer tools offer unparalleled flexibility. This makes Stripe the preferred choice for businesses looking to implement sophisticated payment processes, such as on-site checkouts, without redirecting customers away from their website. The customization options available through Stripe ensure a cohesive brand experience, which can significantly enhance customer trust and satisfaction.

Global Reach

PayPal's international footprint is massive, with availability in over 200 markets and the ability to accept payments in over 100 currencies. This extensive reach makes PayPal an excellent option for businesses targeting a global audience, providing a familiar and trusted payment method to customers worldwide. PayPal also handles currency conversions and international payments, simplifying the process for merchants, albeit with higher fees for these services.

On the other hand, Stripe offers a compelling value proposition for businesses looking to expand globally, supporting over 135 currencies and a variety of local payment methods. Stripe's platform is designed to adapt to different markets, providing localized buying experiences that can increase conversion rates in international transactions. The ability to accept payments directly on your site, coupled with Stripe's sophisticated currency and payment method handling, positions it as a powerful tool for businesses with a strong or growing international presence.

Payment Options

You can accept payments using Stripe as it supports a wide array of payment methods, including credit and debit cards, ACH transfers, Bitcoin, and local payment options like Alipay or SEPA direct debits. This diversity enables businesses to cater to a broad spectrum of customer preferences, potentially increasing conversion rates by offering the preferred payment method of every customer. Stripe's approach is to be a single platform that can handle all types of payments, anywhere in the world, making it an excellent choice for businesses that value versatility and aim to provide a frictionless payment experience to their customers.

PayPal offers a more limited selection of payment methods but brings the advantage of its vast user base, with millions of users worldwide preferring PayPal for online transactions. The ability for customers to pay using their PayPal balance, bank account, or credit card within the PayPal ecosystem can simplify the checkout process and improve conversion rates, particularly in markets where PayPal is a dominant payment method. While PayPal's method variety might not match Stripe's, its widespread recognition and trust can be invaluable assets, particularly for consumer-facing businesses.

Security and Compliance

When it comes to security and compliance, both Stripe and PayPal excel, offering industry-leading protection measures to safeguard sensitive data. They adhere to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and employ advanced encryption and fraud detection technologies to minimize risks. Stripe distinguishes itself by offering businesses more granular control over their security settings. This can be particularly beneficial for enterprises with unique security requirements or those looking to integrate Stripe into a larger, complex security framework. The platform's approach to security is proactive, with tools and resources that enable businesses to customize their payment environment to meet specific compliance and security standards.

PayPal simplifies security for its users by managing most of the compliance and fraud protection measures internally. This hands-off approach is ideal for smaller businesses or those without dedicated security teams, as it reduces the burden of configuring and maintaining security protocols. PayPal's automatic fraud screening and its reputation for secure transactions make it a trusted name for both merchants and consumers. However, businesses seeking more in-depth control over their security and compliance measures may find PayPal's offerings a bit limiting compared to Stripe's customizable solutions.

Recurring Payments and Subscriptions

Stripe excels in managing recurring payments and subscriptions, providing businesses with a robust set of tools to automate and customize these processes. Its platform is designed to handle varying subscription models, trial periods, and prorated charges with ease, offering a high degree of flexibility to meet the diverse needs of subscription-based businesses. Stripe's API-first approach means that integrating and managing these payment structures can be seamlessly done within the app, providing a smooth experience for both businesses and their customers.

PayPal also supports recurring payments and offers subscription services but with a caveat. The setup might require additional steps or the integration of third-party services to achieve the same level of customization and control available on Stripe. PayPal's solution is straightforward and effective for many standard use cases, but businesses looking for a highly tailored subscription model might find Stripe's offering more aligned with their needs. Despite this, PayPal's widespread acceptance and consumer trust can significantly benefit businesses by reducing friction in the payment process, especially for users already familiar with and confident in the PayPal ecosystem.

Customer Support

Stripe has built a reputation for providing exceptional customer support tailored to businesses with varying levels of technical know-how. Its 24/7 support system is accessible via email, chat, and phone, ensuring that assistance is readily available whenever needed. Stripe's commitment to support extends to its extensive documentation, which covers everything from basic setup to complex integration scenarios, making it a valuable resource for developers and non-developers alike. This approach not only helps in resolving issues quickly but also empowers users to learn and implement solutions independently, fostering a deeper understanding of the platform.

PayPal, on the other hand, is known for its reliable and accessible customer service. Offering support through multiple channels, including phone, email, and community forums, PayPal ensures users can find help in the way that suits them best. However, the platform's vast user base can sometimes lead to longer wait times for issue resolution, a point of contention for some businesses. Despite this, PayPal's effort to maintain high service standards is evident in its comprehensive help center, which provides answers to a wide array of common questions and issues.

Explore the Integration Capabilities of Stripe vs. PayPal: Which Suits Your Business Better?

When it comes to selecting a payment gateway for your online business, the integration capabilities of the platform play a crucial role in determining its suitability and effectiveness for your specific needs. Stripe and PayPal are two of the most popular and widely used payment processing processors, each offering unique advantages and challenges in terms of integration with various business systems. The addition of Appy Pie Connect, an AI-powered automation tool, into this equation further amplifies the possibilities, enabling businesses to automate workflows between their payment gateways and other applications without the need for coding. Let's delve into specific integrations for both Stripe and PayPal, highlighting how these can benefit your business operations. Here, we explore the integration capabilities of both Stripe and PayPal to help you decide which payment gateway is better suited for your business.

Stripe Integrations

  • Stripe with QuickBooks Online: Integrate Stripe to QuickBooks Online and simplify accounting processes. This integration ensures that sales, fees, and refunds are accurately recorded, providing real-time financial insights and simplifying tax preparation.
  • Stripe Integration with Salesforce: Connecting Stripe with Salesforce enables businesses to automate payment processing for sales and provides a unified view of customer transactions within Salesforce. This integration enhances customer relationship management by linking payment data with customer profiles and sales activities.

PayPal Integrations

  • Facebook PayPal integrations: Integrate Facebook with PayPal using Appy Pie Connect which will allow you to accept payments directly through Facebook, making it easier to sell products or services on one of the world's largest social media platforms. By linking PayPal with your Facebook page or ads, you can streamline the purchasing process for customers, potentially increasing conversion rates.
  • WooCommerce with PayPal Integrations: Integrate WooCommerce with PayPal and make your e-commerce business more lucrative. For businesses using WooCommerce for their online stores, integrating PayPal offers a trusted payment option for customers. This setup not only enhances the checkout experience but also provides access to PayPal's buyer protection and risk management features.
  • Integrate PayPal with QuickBooks: Similar to Stripe, integrating PayPal with QuickBooks Online automatically syncs transaction details, including sales, fees, and expenses, directly into your accounting software. This automation saves time on bookkeeping and ensures financial data accuracy.
  • PayPal Integration with Website: PayPal offers various integration options for websites, including payment buttons and full checkout experiences. These integrations allow businesses to accept payments securely on their sites, providing customers with a seamless and secure checkout process.

Advanced Integrations

  • Google Assistant with PayPal Integration: Linking PayPal with Google Assistant enables voice-activated payments, adding a layer of convenience for users. This innovative integration allows customers to send money or make purchases using simple voice commands.
  • Azure DevOps Integrate with PayPal: For teams using Azure DevOps for project management and collaboration, integrating PayPal can facilitate seamless billing and payments for services or subscriptions. This connection is particularly useful for tech companies that manage software development and IT services.


The choice between Stripe and PayPal depends on your specific business needs, technical capabilities, and global reach aspirations. Stripe shines with its robust customization options, extensive API support for sophisticated integrations, and a wide range of payment methods, making it ideal for businesses aiming for a tailored payment experience and global expansion. PayPal, known for its ease of use, quick setup, and strong brand recognition, offers a trusted and straightforward solution, particularly for startups and smaller businesses looking for reliable and widely accepted payment methods. Both platforms provide excellent security, and customer support, and are capable of handling a variety of integrations, ensuring that your choice should align with your operational requirements and customer expectations.

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Neeraj Shukla

Content Manager at Appy Pie