Why the education industry should start leveraging knowledge bases - Appy Pie

Why the Education Industry Should Start Leveraging Knowledge Bases?

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on June 14th, 2023 7:45 pm | 4-min read

The importance of a knowledge base for business is well established. Ever since their inception, knowledge bases have become a staple of the tripartite customer support system alongside HelpDesk and LiveChat/ChatBot. One observed difference between knowledge bases and the others is the application. Knowledge Bases are more versatile than the other two. A knowledge base can do a lot of things. It has been underused and deserves more recognition among people and can possibly become the best way to share knowledge. In this blog, we shall discuss how knowledge bases can be leveraged by the education industry to make online education easier.Knowledge Bases & The Education Industry - Appy PieDespite how far, technology has come in the past two decades, the education industry is still mostly offline. The 2020 pandemic proved this point when most schools were unprepared to go online during the crisis.The crisis has proven the necessity of adopting new online ways to educate children is now a must for every school. While video calling, classroom software, and email are standard procedures, there is another technology that can help support online learning. Knowledge bases can be efficiently leveraged to support the education industry. You must be wondering how. Not to worry, just read on to find out.

Unique Features of Knowledge Bases that Can Support Education

We start by talking about knowledge base features that can actively support learning. These features have multiple purposes but we are going to talk about how educators can use them to leverage the technology. Here’s a list of features and what they do:

  • Selective Access
  • Knowledge bases can provide selective access to their content which is a massive advantage and you can give access only to students who need it.

  • Table of Contents
  • While this might not seem like an advantage, a knowledge base’s table of contents is usually very customizable and intuitive. The amount of heading, subheadings, and redirections you can put in allows you to design extensive courses for your students.

  • Searchability
  • Knowledge Bases have an excellent search engine built into them. For extensive courses and large knowledge bases, it becomes easier for users to search and find the information they need.

  • Video and Audio Support
  • You can add both video and audio files to a knowledge base. This makes teaching easier as you can put both relevant textual information and support with audio and video recordings explaining concepts. This is especially helpful when dealing with sciences and mathematics. Video files can be added and specialised video pages can be created in knowledge bases too.

  • Mathematical Symbols
  • The text section where you write a knowledge base is almost always well designed. It always has excellent features. Even our Appy Pie Knowledge shares this feature. The text editor provides mathematical and scientific symbols that can make it easier to put scientific derivations and mathematical solutions in the same document.

  • Knowledge Bases Instill Self-Learning
  • The purpose of knowledge bases from a business standpoint is to allow customers to solve their problems. This translates well to the education industry where the knowledge base allows your students to self learn.

  • Affordability
  • Unlike classroom software, and video call services, knowledge bases are an extremely affordable solution for educators. Even subscription based knowledge bases are usually cheaper when compared to the other educational alternatives.

  • Add Information from Multiple Sources
  • It’s difficult for higher classes to study concepts from a single textbook. With a Knowledge Base, you can link to relevant information and academic journals. This allows you to provide your students with complete education even when they are studying from home.

How Difficult is it to Create a Knowledge Base

This is an important question. How difficult does it get? Usually, simple knowledge bases are easy to make. The learning curve for knowledge base making is easy. The great thing is that since you can keep editing a knowledge base, you can keep improving it with time. Our Knowledge Base Creation Guide will help you through the process of creating a knowledge base system. Even without it, an educational knowledge base is easy to create. All it needs is a logical table of contents. You can then add information as you add it normally in a course or simply add notes for your students.

Choosing a Knowledge Base Software

The next step in creating a knowledge base is choosing a knowledge base software. This brings up a very important question. How does one choose a knowledge base software? To be honest, from an educator’s perspective, it is a recommendation to choose the easiest knowledge base you can find. An intuitive backend UI is crucial and Appy Pie Knowledge provides just that. Apart from the user friendliness, Appy Pie Knowledge is a completely new software and lacks the problems that come with legacy systems and older knowledge bases. It's superfast, new, and free to use. Another advantage of using Appy Pie Knowledge is that you can integrate it easily with education apps built with Appy Pie AppMakr. This way you can teach children through video calls on their app and provide notes using a knowledge base


That was it for this blog. Knowledge bases are excellent for the education industry. For educators looking towards online education and teaching, it is suggested that you start making your own knowledge base today. It has other uses too. You can create knowledge bases to share data and information between faculty, students, and administrators too. These knowledge bases can be used for various purposes. The best part is you can start trying out knowledge bases for free. Check out Appy Pie Knowledge today!


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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie