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FreshBooks vs Xero: An Accounting Software Comparison

By Ruchi | Last Updated on May 4th, 2024 11:26 am

Selecting the right accounting software is essential for businesses seeking efficiency and accuracy in their financial management processes. In the realm of accounting software solutions, FreshBooks and Xero stand out as leading contenders, each offering unique features and pricing structures tailored to the diverse needs of businesses. As businesses increasingly rely on digital tools to streamline their financial processes, the role of a workflow automation tool becomes pivotal in optimizing efficiency and productivity.

In this article, we delve into a detailed comparison of the pricing factors between FreshBooks and Xero, shedding light on key considerations such as starting prices, tiered plans, additional charges, and customization options. By examining these aspects, businesses can make informed decisions when selecting the accounting software best suited to their needs and budget constraints.

What is FreshBooks ?

FreshBooks is a cloud-based accounting software designed with small businesses and freelancers in mind. It offers intuitive invoicing, expense tracking, time tracking, and reporting features, making it ideal for service-based businesses looking for simplicity and ease of use.

What is Xero?

Xero is another cloud-based accounting software known for its robust features and scalability. It offers comprehensive accounting tools, including invoicing, inventory management, bank reconciliation, and project tracking, catering to the needs of small to medium-sized businesses and accountants.

Top FreshBooks Integrations

FreshBooks integrates seamlessly with a variety of business tools and apps, including payment processors like PayPal and Stripe, project management platforms like Trello and Asana, and CRM systems like Salesforce, enhancing its functionality and streamlining workflow processes.

Here are some popular FreshBooks Integrations:

  1. Create a FreshBooks with Shopify integration
  2. Form a FreshBooks and Stripe integration
  3. Create FreshBooks Square integration

Top Xero Integrations

Similarly, Xero offers a wide range of integrations with popular business applications, such as payment gateways like Square and PayPal, e-commerce platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce, and time tracking tools like TSheets and Harvest, allowing users to customize their accounting workflows according to their specific needs.

Here are some popular Xero Integrations

  1. Create Stripe with Xero integration
  2. Form a Shopify and Xero integration
  3. Create Xero integration with Salesforce

FreshBooks vs Xero at a Glance

1.FreshBooks is more intuitive, especially for freelancers

FreshBooks excels in intuitive design and simplicity, ideal for freelancers, whereas Xero offers more comprehensive features catering to established businesses with complex accounting needs. Let's understand why FreshBooks is considered more intuitive, particularly for freelancers.

Ease of Use:

FreshBooks boasts a user-friendly interface with intuitive navigation, making it easy for freelancers to manage their accounting tasks without the need for extensive training. The platform's straightforward design ensures that users can quickly access essential features and tools, streamlining their workflow and saving time.


FreshBooks excels in the area of invoicing, offering customizable templates and automated billing options that simplify the invoicing process for freelancers. With features like recurring invoices and late payment reminders, users can ensure timely payments from clients, enhancing cash flow and reducing administrative burdens.

Time Tracking and Client Management:

FreshBooks provides robust time tracking and client management features that cater to the needs of freelancers. The platform allows users to easily track billable hours, allocate time to specific projects, and generate detailed reports for accurate client billing. Additionally, FreshBooks' client management tools enable freelancers to store client information, track communication history, and maintain client relationships seamlessly.


FreshBooks offers a mobile app that allows freelancers to manage their accounting tasks on the go. The app provides access to essential features like invoicing, expense tracking, and time tracking, empowering freelancers to stay productive and organized, even when away from their desks.

2.Xero has more (and better) accounting features for established businesses

Xero offers advanced accounting features like robust reporting and inventory management, tailored for established businesses. In contrast, FreshBooks focuses on user-friendly design and simplicity, making it ideal for freelancers and small businesses. Let's understand why Xero is preferred by established businesses


Xero offers comprehensive reporting capabilities, allowing established businesses to gain valuable insights into their financial performance. The platform provides customizable reports that cover various aspects of business operations, including profit and loss, cash flow, and budgeting, enabling users to make informed decisions and drive business growth.

Bank Reconciliation:

Xero streamlines the bank reconciliation process for established businesses, offering seamless integration with bank accounts and automatic transaction matching. This feature eliminates manual data entry and reduces the risk of errors, ensuring accurate financial records and compliance with accounting standards.

Inventory Management:

Xero provides advanced inventory management features that cater to the needs of established businesses with complex inventory requirements. The platform allows users to track stock levels, manage purchase orders, and streamline inventory workflows, enabling businesses to optimize inventory levels, reduce carrying costs, and improve efficiency.

FreshBooks vs Xero vs Quickbooks:

When comparing FreshBooks vs QuickBooks, FreshBooks stands out for its user-friendly interface and simplicity, making it ideal for small businesses and freelancers. On the other hand, QuickBooks offers more advanced features and customization options, making it better suited for larger businesses with complex accounting needs.

In the Xero vs QuickBooks comparison, Xero shines in terms of accessibility and collaboration features, with its cloud-based platform and multi-user access. QuickBooks, on the other hand, offers more robust reporting and inventory management capabilities, making it a preferred choice for businesses with inventory needs.

FreshBooks vs Xero Pricing

Pricing Factors table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } th, td { border: 1px solid #dddddd; text-align: left; padding: 8px; } th { background-color: #f2f2f2; }
Pricing Factors FreshBooks Xero
Starting Price Starts from $15 per month Starts from $11 per month
Tiered Plans Tiered plans available Tiered plans available
Additional Charges Additional charges for extra features and users Additional charges for additional features and users
Pricing Structure Based on features and number of clients Based on features and number of users
Add-Ons Extra charges for add-ons such as Gusto payroll and advanced reporting Additional charges for add-ons such as payroll and expenses
Free Trial Offers a 30-day free trial Offers a 30-day free trial
Customization Limited customization options More customization options available
Scalability Suitable for small to medium-sized businesses and freelancers Suitable for small to large-sized businesses


In summary, while FreshBooks excels in terms of ease of use, invoicing, time tracking, and client management, Xero offers superior accounting features such as reports, bank reconciliation, and inventory management, making it the preferred choice for established businesses looking for advanced accounting solutions.

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