Blog Article

How to Create Detailed Google Calendar Events Using Appy Pie Connect

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on July 16th, 2024 4:45 am | 3-min read

Hashmark Event Colors

Recognise the hashmark with its color to create an event within the Google Calendar app.

Change Date & Time to specified format

Mostly, the Connect accepts the Date only in a specific format. Likewise, Google Calendar (your destination app) accepts the Date only in yyyy-mm-dd format. If you’re selecting your Date format from the dropdown menu, then ensure the acceptable format otherwise you’ll face an error on your screen.

Say ‘NO’ to error on Date & Time format

In this scenario, you’ll need to add the Formatter by Connect (Appy Pie in-house applications), check out the following steps:
  • Pick Date/Time as an action event.
  • Choose the required format from the dropdown menu of the Transform field.
  • Now click the Continue option.
  • Here, at Google Calendar’s Date & Time field you need to select Formatter by Connect action to work error free.

How to create a Delay in Google Calendar?

Ultimate situations arise where you need to delay your actions. For your convenience, Appy Pie has a Delay by Connect in-built application to assist your business in each phase. So, in cases like this you need to add an action app Delay by Connect before your destination action app.Appy Pie provides you two action events - Delay for & Delay until. *Your application will work as per your selected moves, if you want to edit any event or format you are free to do so. Note: read the instructions carefully before filling the required fields to avoid error. You’re always free to contact our support team for better assistance. Watch EventsYou’re free to retrieve the details of an event when the event is created, updated, deleted, started, or ended at ‘My Connect’ in your dashboard.

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie