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10 Best Employee Scheduling Software in 2024

Neeraj Shukla
By Neeraj Shukla | Last Updated on June 15th, 2024 11:51 am

Effective staff scheduling is not only necessary but also essential to the success of businesses in an environment where time and other business assets are valued equally. A plethora of tools that simplify this crucial process have entered the modern workplace, providing creative answers to age-old scheduling problems. But it can be difficult to choose the best options when there are so many to choose from. We examine the top ten employee scheduling apps that are currently transforming corporate operations while ensuring workflow automation. These tools not only make scheduling easier, but also improve teamwork, boost output, and guarantee efficient resource use. These software solutions meet a wide range of business requirements for both small and large corporations, making them essential in today's fast-paced business world.

The Best Employee Scheduling Software

  1. Calendly
  2. Wrike
  3. ClickUp
  5. Deputy
  6. Clockshark
  7. 7shifts
  8. DeskTrack
  9. ZoomShift
  10. Homebase

The Best Employee Scheduling Software at a Glance

Software User Interface Integration Capabilities Industry Focus Real-Time Updates Additional Features
Calendly User-friendly Extensive General Yes Automated reminders, Group scheduling
Wrike Intuitive High Project-based Yes Task & subtask management, Workload analysis
ClickUp Customizable Extensive General/Project-based Yes Goal tracking, Workflow automation Highly visual Good General Yes Drag-and-drop tasks, Deadline reminders
Deputy Straightforward Moderate Shift-based Yes Auto-scheduling, Labor compliance
ClockShark Functional Moderate Field services Yes GPS tracking, Job costing
7shifts Simple Limited Restaurant Yes Shift trading, Communication tools
DeskTrack Minimalistic Limited Remote work No Productivity analysis, Efficiency reports
ZoomShift Easy-to-use Moderate General Yes Shift swapping, Payroll integration
Homebase Clear Moderate Small business Yes Hiring tools, Employee performance tracking


Calendly has emerged as a premier choice in the realm of employee scheduling software, renowned for its exceptional ease of use and seamless integration with a wide array of calendar systems. This tool effectively eliminates the tedious back-and-forth typically associated with scheduling, empowering employees to select from pre-set available time slots. Its user-friendly interface simplifies the scheduling process, making it accessible even for those with minimal technical expertise. Calendly's advanced features are particularly noteworthy, as they significantly reduce administrative tasks and enhance overall efficiency.

Key Features
  • Automated scheduling based on availability.
  • Integrates with popular calendar platforms.
  • Customizable meeting durations and slots.
  • Automated reminders via email and SMS.
  • Group scheduling and collective availability settings.


Wrike transcends traditional scheduling tools by offering a powerful project management platform, adept at aligning employee schedules with project timelines for optimal resource allocation. Its detailed scheduling features are integrated within a broader framework of project management, ensuring that all tasks and deadlines are meticulously coordinated. A standout feature of Wrike is its real-time updates, which maintain team synchronicity and awareness, fostering a collaborative environment where every member is consistently on the same page. This combination of scheduling precision and Wrike's integration capabilities positions Wrike as a comprehensive solution for businesses aiming to enhance productivity and streamline their operational workflows.

Key Features
  • Advanced project management and scheduling integration.
  • Real-time updates and collaborative workspace.
  • Customizable dashboards and reporting.
  • Task and subtask organization.
  • Time tracking and workload management.


ClickUp has revolutionized modern workplace dynamics with its exceptional versatility. More than just a scheduling tool, it serves as a comprehensive all-in-one workspace that caters to various aspects of project management and team collaboration. Its capability to offer customized views allows teams to tailor their workspace to their specific needs, enhancing both focus and productivity. Performance tracking is another key feature, providing teams with the insights needed to optimize workflows and achieve objectives more efficiently. Additionally, ClickUp's robust integration capabilities with a range of other tools streamline processes, making it an invaluable asset for teams that require a flexible and detailed approach to project tracking and management. This blend of scheduling, customization, and integration makes ClickUp a standout choice for teams seeking an adaptable and multifaceted platform to manage their diverse work requirements.

Key Features:
  • Customizable views for tasks and projects.
  • Time tracking and performance reporting.
  • Task dependencies and workflow automation.
  • Multiple integrations with other tools.
  • Goal setting and progress tracking. distinguishes itself in the realm of employee scheduling and project management with its visually intuitive interface, making it exceptionally user-friendly and accessible. The platform excels in enabling effortless tracking of employee hours and streamlining shift planning, making it an ideal solution for workforce management. One of its most notable features is the drag-and-drop functionality, which greatly simplifies the process of making schedule adjustments. This feature is particularly beneficial for managers needing to respond quickly to changing circumstances. Moreover, enhances team coordination by offering the ability to set up personalized notifications and reminders. These ensure that all team members are kept informed and up-to-date, significantly improving communication and reducing the chances of oversight or scheduling conflicts. The combination of these features makes a robust and efficient tool for businesses looking to optimize their scheduling and team management processes.

Key Features:
  • Visual, intuitive interface for easy scheduling.
  • Drag-and-drop functionality for task management.
  • Customizable workflows and boards.
  • Time tracking and employee workload overview.
  • Automated notifications and deadline reminders.


Deputy is specifically designed to meet the unique demands of shift-based businesses, offering an exceptional solution for simplifying complex scheduling challenges. It stands out in the retail and hospitality sectors, where managing shifts can often be a daunting task. Deputy's auto-scheduling feature streamlines the creation of shift patterns, efficiently matching staff availability with business needs. This automation significantly reduces the time and effort traditionally involved in scheduling. Additionally, the platform facilitates shift swapping among employees, adding a layer of flexibility and employee autonomy to the scheduling process. Time-off management is another key aspect, allowing for efficient tracking and approval of leave requests, ensuring that staffing levels are always optimal.

Key Features:
  • Auto-scheduling for shift-based businesses.
  • Shift swapping and time-off management.
  • Mobile app for schedule access and updates.
  • Time and attendance tracking.
  • Compliance with labor laws and regulations.


ClockShark emerges as a vital tool for businesses with on-the-go employees, such as those in construction or field services. Its standout feature is the robust GPS tracking capabilities, which are essential for managing mobile workforces. This feature not only ensures accurate tracking of employees' locations but also enhances accountability and operational efficiency in field operations. ClockShark goes beyond mere location tracking; it integrates efficient scheduling functions, enabling managers to effectively organize and dispatch their teams. Furthermore, ClockShark provides comprehensive time tracking tools. These tools are instrumental in accurately logging work hours, an essential aspect for businesses where time is directly tied to billing and payroll.

Key Features:
  • GPS tracking for on-the-go employees.
  • Job scheduling and time tracking.
  • Mobile app for field service management.
  • Job costing and budget tracking.
  • Geofencing for location-based reminders.


7shifts is a software solution meticulously crafted for the unique demands of the restaurant industry. It stands out in the fast-paced world of hospitality, offering a suite of functionalities tailored to the sector's specific needs. One of the key features of 7shifts is shift trading, which allows restaurant staff to exchange shifts easily and autonomously. This flexibility is crucial in an industry known for its dynamic scheduling requirements. The platform also places a strong emphasis on labor compliance, a critical aspect in the restaurant business. It helps ensure that staffing levels are aligned with labor laws and regulations, thus safeguarding businesses against potential legal issues and promoting ethical labor practices.

Key Features:
  • Shift trading and labor compliance for restaurants.
  • Communication tools for team coordination.
  • Time-off and availability management.
  • Mobile app for real-time schedule updates.
  • Employee engagement and feedback tools.


DeskTrack excels in the realm of employee productivity management, particularly for remote teams. Its strength lies in automated time tracking, a feature that meticulously records how employees allocate their work hours. This automation eliminates the need for manual timekeeping, ensuring accuracy and consistency in tracking. The software's capability to analyze employee productivity is another significant benefit. By providing detailed insights into employees' work patterns and productivity levels, DeskTrack enables managers to make informed decisions regarding workload distribution and project assignments. This data-driven approach is invaluable for remote teams, where direct oversight is limited.

Key Features:
  • Automated time tracking for remote teams.
  • Employee productivity analysis.
  • Detailed reports on work hour utilization.
  • Project tracking and time management.
  • Idle time and efficiency analysis.


ZoomShift is renowned for its streamlined and efficient approach to scheduling, particularly for part-time and hourly employees, making it a favored choice among small to medium-sized businesses. Its greatest strength lies in its simplicity, offering a user-friendly interface that demystifies the scheduling process. This platform facilitates seamless shift swapping and efficient management of time-off requests, enhancing flexibility and autonomy in the workplace. These features, combined with its intuitive design, ensure that both managers and employees can handle scheduling tasks with ease and efficiency. ZoomShift's emphasis on straightforward, practical scheduling solutions addresses the unique needs of businesses with variable staffing requirements, establishing it as a key tool in modern workforce management.

Key Features:
  • Scheduling for part-time and hourly workers.
  • Shift swapping and time-off requests.
  • Simple interface for easy schedule management.
  • Mobile app for schedule access on the go.
  • Time clock and payroll integration.


Homebase is specifically tailored to meet the multifaceted needs of small businesses, offering a comprehensive suite of tools that go beyond mere scheduling. Its all-in-one platform approach significantly simplifies the management of part-time workers, making it an invaluable resource for small business owners. Alongside robust scheduling features, Homebase provides functionalities for hiring, which include job postings and applicant tracking, streamlining the recruitment process. This integration of hiring tools with scheduling capabilities ensures a seamless transition from hiring to onboarding and scheduling. Additionally, Homebase enhances workplace communication with integrated messaging features, allowing for efficient and direct communication between team members and management. This combination of scheduling, hiring, and communication tools in a single platform makes Homebase a versatile and practical solution for small businesses looking to optimize their workforce management and internal processes.

Key Features:
  • Scheduling combined with hiring tools.
  • Integrated messaging for team communication.
  • Time tracking and labor law compliance.
  • Mobile app for schedule and task management.
  • Employee performance tracking and reporting.

How to Choose the Best Employee Scheduling Software?

Choosing the best employee scheduling software for your organization involves considering several factors to ensure the software meets your specific needs. Here's a guideline to help you make an informed decision:

  • Identify Your Needs: Before you start looking at software options, understand what you need from the scheduling software. Consider factors such as the size of your workforce, the complexity of your scheduling needs, industry-specific requirements, and any unique challenges your business faces.
  • Ease of Use: The software should be user-friendly. It’s essential that both management and employees can easily navigate and use the software without extensive training.
  • Mobile Access: In today's mobile-centric world, having a mobile app or a mobile-friendly interface is crucial. Employees should be able to view their schedules, request time off, and receive notifications on their mobile devices.
  • Integration Capabilities: Check if the software can integrate with other systems you use, such as payroll, HR management, and time tracking systems. Integration can save time and reduce errors by streamlining processes.
  • Flexibility and Customization: The software should be flexible enough to accommodate your specific scheduling requirements, including different shifts, part-time workers, and varying job roles. Customization options can help tailor the software to your exact needs.
  • Reliability and Support: Look for software that is reliable with minimal downtime. Also, consider the level of customer support provided. Good customer service and technical support can be crucial in resolving any issues that arise.
  • Cost: Evaluate the cost structure of the software. This includes not only the upfront cost but also any ongoing fees such as monthly or annual subscriptions. Ensure the cost is within your budget and that the software offers good value for the price.
  • Trial Periods and Demos: Many software providers offer free trials or demos. Use these to test the software in your environment. This can help you get a feel for how the software works and if it fits your needs.
  • Reviews and Feedback: Look for reviews and feedback from other users, especially from those in a similar industry or with similar business sizes. User experiences can provide valuable insights into the software’s performance and reliability.
  • Data Security and Compliance: Ensure that the software complies with relevant data protection regulations and that it has robust security measures in place to protect sensitive employee data.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Analytical tools can provide insights into labor costs, employee performance, and scheduling trends, helping you make data-driven decisions.


Selecting the right employee scheduling software requires a thoughtful consideration of various factors such as the nature of your business, the size of your workforce, specific industry requirements, and the unique challenges you face. The best software should offer a user-friendly interface, robust integration capabilities with existing systems, real-time updates, and a range of additional features to streamline scheduling processes. Whether you operate in a general business environment, a project-based setting, shift-based industries, or manage remote teams, it's crucial to choose a tool that enhances teamwork, boosts productivity, and ensures efficient resource utilization. Balancing these considerations with cost and scalability will lead you to a solution that not only meets your current needs but also supports your business's future growth.

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Neeraj Shukla

Content Manager at Appy Pie