Automatisez les intégrations pour HubSpot avec des agents et assistants IA

Obtenez une visibilité totale sur les prospects, les opportunités, les équipes, les comptes, les campagnes ainsi que l'activité des contacts en connectant
votre compte HubSpot avec Appy Pie Automate.

  • Pas de carte de crédit nécessaire
  • 7 jours d'essai gratuit
  • Installation rapide comme l'éclair
20 millions d'heures de travail économisées

Plateforme d'intégration d'applications primée

À propos de HubSpot

HubSpot sert de solution CRM holistique, combinant de manière transparente les fonctionnalités de marketing, de vente et de service client. Il permet aux entreprises de rationaliser des tâches telles que le marketing par e-mail, la gestion des réseaux sociaux, la génération de leads, l'automatisation des ventes et le support client, augmentant ainsi l'efficacité opérationnelle et améliorant les relations clients.

HubSpot Alternatives

Vous cherchez des alternatives à HubSpot ? Voici une liste des meilleures alternatives HubSpot.

  • Zoho CRM Integration Zoho CRM
  • Pipedrive Integration Pipedrive
  • ActiveCampaign Integration ActiveCampaign
  • Freshsales Integration Freshsales
  • GetResponse Integration GetResponse
  • Sendinblue Integration Sendinblue
  • EngageBay Integration EngageBay
  • SharpSpring Integration SharpSpring

Choisissez l'application que vous souhaitez intégrer à HubSpot

  • crown Prime Vend Integration Vend
  • Odoo ERP Self Hosted Integration Odoo ERP Self Hosted
  • Zoom Integration Zoom
  • crown Prime MINDBODY Integration MINDBODY
  • SugarCRM Integration SugarCRM
  • crown Prime Amazon SQS Integration Amazon SQS
  • crown Prime Expensify Integration Expensify
  • crown Prime Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Integration Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central
  • Microsoft Exchange Integration Microsoft Exchange
  • crown Prime Google Groups Integration Google Groups
  • Shippo Integration Shippo
  • Shipwire Integration Shipwire
  • crown Prime MailChimp Ecommerce Integration MailChimp Ecommerce
  • Entreprise Tableau Integration Tableau
  • crown Prime BambooHR Integration BambooHR
  • ClickUp Integration ClickUp
  • Etsy Integration Etsy
  • crown Prime SMS By Automate Integration SMS By Automate

Voici une liste de déclencheurs et d'actions HubSpot.

Comment intégrer HubSpot avec Appy Pie Automate

Suivez les étapes ci-dessous pour commencer à intégrer HubSpot à l'aide d'Appy Pie Automate :

  1. Aller à Appy Pie Automate

  2. Créer un compte ou se connecter si vous avez déjà un compte

  3. Recherchez l'application HubSpot dans le répertoire des applications.

  4. Sélectionnez un événement déclencheur dans la liste

  5. Cliquez sur "Connecter un compte" et entrez la clé API du compte HubSpot.

  6. Votre application HubSpot est maintenant prête à intégrer des centaines d'applications supportées par Appy Pie Automate.

Guide étape par étape pour créer des intégrations pour HubSpot

Guide d'intégration HubSpot étape par étape

  1. Pour intégrer l'application HubSpot à Appy Pie Automate, cliquez sur Connecter HubSpot. Maintenant, connectez-vous à votre compte Appy Pie Automate ou créez-en un nouveau pour commencer le processus d'intégration.

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    Par la suite, choisissez votre service préféré et cliquez sur Continuer. Lors de la création d'un HubSpot Connect, il vous sera demandé de sélectionner votre compte.

  1. Maintenant, un pop-up apparaîtra qui vous demandera de vous connecter à votre compte HubSpot, ensuite, vous devez ajouter au serveur et cliquer sur Continuer.

  1. Enfin, cliquez sur le bouton Autoriser pour permettre à Appy Pie d'accéder à votre compte HubSpot. Cliquez sur Continuer pour reconfirmer le compte. 

  1. Génial ! Vous êtes prêt à intégrer HubSpot sur Appy Pie Automate !


Major HubSpot Integrations for Workflow Automation

Major Hubspot Integerations - Appy Pie
One of the famous market analysts truly quoted that it takes months to find a customer and seconds to lose one. Maintaining a healthy relationship with customers is necessary for any business. Customers at every point of time should be nurtured properly. Businesses nowadays deploy Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems in their workflows to easily serve their customers.*HubSpot is one of the leading CRM tools that can help your business maintain a seamless relationship with your customers. However, if you integrate HubSpot with other business-related software, it can increase the productivity and efficiency of teams while managing customers.Let us explore the major HubSpot integrations that can take your business to all-new levels.A Complete Guide to Major Hubspot Integrations

Major HubSpot Integrations You Need to Know

In this technology-driven era, workflow automation is the need of any business. Automating various business workflows can save your employees from regular repetitive tasks and gives them more time to strategize. Integrate Hubspot with AppsBy integrating HubSpot with other software, you can easily automate your business tasks. Let us explore some of the major integrations that you can set up for your business.
  1. HubSpot Slack Integration
  2. Slack is one of the leading team collaboration software that is basically used to communicate within your team. The best part about this software is that it can be integrated with other apps like HubSpot and help businesses smoothen their workflows.

    For instance, you are using HubSpot CRM to manage the customer feedback system. Without integrating HubSpot with Slack, you need to manually check your website and other platforms for customer feedback at regular intervals. However, if you choose HubSpot as a trigger app and authenticate it with third-party workflow automation software like Appy Pie Automate, every time a customer writes the feedback, concerned employees will directly get notified on their Slack accounts.

  3. HubSpot Google Contacts Integration
  4. Google Contacts had made the syncing of contacts across all our devices easy. Even if you lose your phone, you need not worry about the contacts saved in that device. Google Contacts helps you safely back up your contacts in the cloud. Let’s see how integrating Google Contacts with HubSpot CRM can help you automate this task.

    Suppose a new visitor landed on your website page and shared contact details with your team. (obviously, you are managing visitors with the help of HubSpot CRM). To store their details in your phonebook, you need to enter them manually. However, if you integrate HubSpot CRM with Google Contacts, as soon as a new contact detail is entered or old is updated on any of your business-related platforms, your contact list will be updated automatically.

  5. HubSpot Microsoft Teams Integration
  6. Microsoft Teams is one of the leading software that lets your team have a threaded conversation, meetings, video conferencing, and much more. The software can be integrated with various other software and help you automate your regular business workflows.

    Real-time conversation with users is important for your sales, marketing, and services teams for the growth of a business. If you integrate HubSpot CRM with Microsoft Teams, every time a user interacts with your dedicated business platform like website, social media account, etc, the concerned team will be notified immediately on their Teams account. By notifying teams, it would be possible for your business to communicate with users in real-time and assure seamless experience of customers.

  7. HubSpot Gmail Integration
  8. Gmail is an intuitive and easy-to-use email software that keeps your messages safe and secure. Since 2004, Gmail has revolutionized the way businesses and individuals used to send emails to each other.

    Integrating HubSpot with the company’s Gmail account can help your business send one-to-one emails from CRM, reply directly from HubSpot, and much more. Also, you need not spend time sorting out through emails and then replying to them accordingly. You just need to set HubSpot as a trigger app and authenticate via third party software like Appy Pie Automate. Then, you need to set up Gmail as an action app and trigger action for automating the workflow. And you are done!

  9. HubSpot Salesforce Integration
  10. Salesforce is the powerful cloud-based CRM software that helps in building long-lasting relationships with customers after understanding them carefully. It assures that your every customer interaction will ultimately result in growing profits for your business.

    You might be wondering that what is the use of integrating two CRM software i.e., HubSpot and Salesforce. HubSpot with Salesforce integration can result in better database management, richer lead intelligence, and efficient revenue reporting.

    For example, you have set up the master database of all your visitors, users, and customers in HubSpot CRM. You had deployed Salesforce for managing the data on which your team is currently working. Every time an action is taken over the database managed on Salesforce; you need to manually enter the changes on HubSpot CRM. However, if you integrate both the CRMs, every change that takes place in the database managed on Salesforce will automatically get updated on HubSpot CRM.

  11. HubSpot Zoom Integration
  12. Zoom is one of the popular cloud-based software for video communications, conferencing, and webinars. It has become the new medium to generate leads, disseminate new updates among users, and retaining customers for a long.

    Integrating Zoom with HubSpot CRM can be helpful in organizing and managing webinars. You can automatically add video conference links to the meeting schedules mentioned in HubSpot and automatically add registrants to Zoom webinar. You just need to remember that you cannot connect multiple Zoom accounts to HubSpot and need to set up HubSpot as a trigger app while Zoom as the action app.

  13. HubSpot Shopify Integration
  14. Shopify is an e-commerce platform that helps your business sell your products online, on Facebook, or in person. It offers various tools to customize your e-commerce software as per your business requirements.

    By integrating Shopify with HubSpot, your business can generate more traffic and increase revenue from an existing customer base. Your financial teams can easily analyze the Shopify data like average order values, abandoned cart recovery, and much more in HubSpot as integration will allow the automatic syncing of data between Shopify and HubSpot.

Summing Up

In the present era, it has become necessary to automate some of your business tasks. It won’t only help you increase the efficiency but also spare more time for you to decide the further business strategies.

Appy Pie Automate can help you in integrating thousands of business-related software and automate the workflows. You need no technical knowledge to combine two software but are just required to follow the step-by-step guide mentioned in the software itself. So, for every major HubSpot integration and many more integrations, you can try Appy Pie Automate now!

Page révisée par Abhinav Girdhar  | Dernière mise à jour le July 21, 2024, 2:07 am
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