Recognizing bias in LLM outputs

A Practical Guide to Recognizing Bias in LLM Outputs

Garima Singh
By Garima Singh | Last Updated on July 16th, 2024 6:31 am

Bias in LLM outputs is a phenomenon where the generated text from an LLM reflects or reinforces harmful stereotypes, prejudices, or discrimination against certain groups or individuals based on their social identities, such as gender, race, religion, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, etc. According to a 2020 study by Goldman Sachs, global GDP could grow by 7% in the next decade thanks to generative language AI, which could also automate 300 million jobs worldwide. However, the growth doesn’t necessarily mean that no code AI language models are better for the human race. The growth comes at its own expense. Therefore, it is vital to recognize and address bias in LLM outputs and ensure fairness and equity in LLM applications. Recognizing bias in LLM outputs is the process of detecting and measuring the extent and impact of bias in the generated text from an LLM. Addressing bias in LLM outputs is the process of correcting or mitigating the bias in the generated text from an LLM or preventing or reducing the bias in the LLM development and deployment process.

What is bias in LLM outputs?

Bias in LLM outputs refers to the phenomenon where the generated text from a large language model (LLM) reflects or reinforces harmful stereotypes, prejudices, or discrimination against certain groups or individuals based on their social identities, such as gender, race, religion, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, etc. Bias in no code AI development can have negative impacts on the users and society, such as eroding trust, spreading misinformation, perpetuating injustice, and causing emotional harm. Bias in LLM outputs can arise from various sources, such as the training data, the model architecture, the optimization objective, the decoding algorithm, and the human feedback. Depending on the type and degree of bias, different mitigation strategies may be required to reduce or eliminate the bias from the LLM outputs. However, recognizing and measuring bias in LLM outputs is not a trivial task, as it involves complex and subjective judgments that may vary across different contexts and stakeholders. Therefore, it is important to develop rigorous and reliable methods and tools for evaluating bias in LLM outputs and ensuring fairness and equity in LLM applications.

Measure bias in LLM outputs

Measuring bias in LLM outputs is a challenging and important task, as it can help to identify and quantify the extent and impact of bias in LLM applications. However, there is no single or universal metric or method for measuring bias in LLM outputs, as bias is a complex and context-dependent phenomenon that may vary across different dimensions, such as the type of bias, the target group, the domain, the task, and the stakeholder. Some of the possible ways to measure bias in LLM outputs are:
  • Human evaluation: This involves asking human annotators or experts to rate or label the LLM outputs based on some predefined criteria or guidelines for detecting bias. For example, one can use a Likert scale to measure the degree of offensiveness, stereotyping, or sentiment polarity of the LLM outputs. Human evaluation can provide qualitative and subjective feedback on bias in LLM outputs, but it can also be costly, time-consuming, inconsistent, and prone to human errors or biases.
  • Automatic evaluation: This involves using computational methods or tools to automatically measure or estimate bias in LLM outputs based on some predefined metrics or indicators. For example, one can use word embeddings to measure the semantic similarity or distance between the LLM outputs and some reference words or phrases that represent certain social groups or attributes. Automatic evaluation can provide quantitative and scalable feedback on bias in LLM outputs, but it can also be limited, noisy, inaccurate, or incomparable across different methods or metrics.
  • Hybrid evaluation: This involves combining human and automatic evaluation methods to leverage their strengths and mitigate their weaknesses. For example, one can use automatic methods to filter or sample the LLM outputs for potential bias and then use human methods to verify or refine the results. Hybrid evaluation can provide comprehensive and reliable feedback on bias in LLM outputs, but it can also be complex, challenging, or resource-intensive to design and implement.
Regardless of the method used to measure bias in LLM outputs, it is important to consider the following factors:
  • Validity: The method should measure what it intends to measure and capture the relevant aspects of bias in LLM outputs.
  • Reliability: The method should produce consistent and reproducible results across different settings and scenarios.
  • Fairness: The method should not introduce or amplify any new or existing biases in the measurement process or outcomes.
  • Transparency: The method should be clear and explainable about its assumptions, limitations, and implications.
  • Accountability: The method should be responsible and ethical about its use and impact on the users and society.

Reduce the impact of bias on LLM outputs

Bias in LLM outputs is a serious and complex problem that can have negative impacts on users and society. There is no single or easy solution to reduce the impact of bias on LLM outputs, but there are some possible strategies that can help to mitigate bias at different stages of the LLM development and deployment process. Some of these strategies are:
  • Pre-processing: This involves modifying the training data or the input data to remove or reduce the sources of bias before feeding them to the LLM. For example, one can use data augmentation, data filtering, data balancing, or data anonymization techniques to enhance the diversity, quality, and fairness of the data.
  • In-processing: This involves modifying the LLM architecture, objective, or training procedure to minimize or counteract the bias during the LLM learning process. For example, one can use adversarial learning, regularization, debiasing loss, or fairness constraints to discourage or penalize the LLM from learning biased representations or generating biased outputs.
  • Post-processing: This involves modifying the LLM outputs or the evaluation metrics to correct or compensate for the bias after the LLM generation process. For example, one can use output filtering, output rewriting, output ranking, or output calibration techniques to detect and remove or reduce the bias from the LLM outputs.
  • Human-in-the-loop: This involves involving human experts, annotators, or users to monitor, evaluate, or intervene in the LLM development and deployment process. For example, one can use human feedback, human evaluation, human oversight, or human collaboration techniques to identify and address the bias issues in the LLM outputs.
  • Ethical principles and guidelines: This involves following some ethical principles and guidelines that can help to ensure fairness, equity, and responsibility in the LLM development and deployment process. For example, one can use transparency, accountability, explainability, privacy, or consent principles and guidelines to inform and empower the users and the stakeholders about the potential bias issues in the LLM outputs.

Sources and types of bias in LLM outputs

Bias in LLM outputs can arise from various sources, such as the training data, the model architecture, the optimization objective, the decoding algorithm, and the human feedback. Depending on the source and the nature of the bias, different types of bias can be observed in LLM outputs. Some of the common types of bias in LLM outputs are:
  • Data bias: This refers to the bias that stems from the data used to train or fine-tune the LLM. Data bias can occur when the data is not representative of the target population or domain, or when the data contains implicit or explicit biases that reflect the social and cultural norms of the data creators or collectors. Data bias can lead to LLM outputs that are inaccurate, incomplete, inconsistent, or skewed toward certain groups or perspectives. For example, data bias can cause LLMs to generate stereotypical or offensive sentences about gender, race, religion, etc.
  • Model bias: This refers to the bias that stems from the design or implementation of the LLM. Model bias can occur when the LLM architecture, objective, or parameters are not suitable or optimal for the task or domain, or when the LLM learns spurious or confounding correlations that do not reflect the true causal relationships in the data. Model bias can lead to LLM outputs that are irrelevant, illogical, contradictory, or misleading. For example, model bias can cause LLMs to generate nonsensical or contradictory sentences about facts, events, or entities.
  • Decoding bias: This refers to the bias that stems from the algorithm or technique used to generate text from the LLM. Decoding bias can occur when the decoding algorithm or technique introduces noise, randomness, or preferences that affect the quality or diversity of the LLM outputs. Decoding bias can lead to LLM outputs that are repetitive, generic, ambiguous, or ungrammatical. For example, decoding bias can cause LLMs to generate repetitive or vague sentences about topics or opinions.
  • Feedback bias: This refers to the bias that stems from the human interaction or intervention with the LLM. Feedback bias can occur when the human feedback or evaluation is not consistent or reliable across different settings or scenarios, or when the human feedback or evaluation influences or reinforces the existing biases in the LLM outputs. Feedback bias can lead to LLM outputs that are subjective, biased, or harmful. For example, feedback bias can cause LLMs to generate biased or harmful sentences that reflect human preferences or prejudices.

Challenges and limitations of recognizing bias in LLM outputs

Recognizing bias in LLM outputs is a crucial and difficult task, as it can help to prevent or mitigate the negative impacts of bias on the users and society. However, there are many challenges and limitations that make recognizing bias in LLM outputs a non-trivial and open-ended problem. Some of these challenges and limitations are:
  • Subjectivity: Bias is a subjective and context-dependent phenomenon that may vary across different dimensions, such as the type of bias, the target group, the domain, the task, and the stakeholder. What is considered biased or fair in one setting or scenario may not be in another. Therefore, recognizing bias in LLM outputs requires making complex and subjective judgments that may not have a clear or universal answer or solution.
  • Complexity: Bias is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon that may involve multiple sources, types, levels, and effects of bias in LLM outputs. Bias may also interact and amplify each other in complex and unpredictable ways. Therefore, recognizing bias in LLM outputs requires understanding and addressing the various aspects and dimensions of bias in LLM outputs and their potential impacts on the users and society.
  • Data scarcity: Bias is a data-driven phenomenon that depends on the availability and quality of the data used to train or evaluate the LLM. However, there is often a lack of sufficient or reliable data to measure or estimate bias in LLM outputs, especially for low-resource languages, domains, or tasks. Therefore, recognizing bias in LLM outputs requires developing or acquiring more diverse, representative, and unbiased data sources for LLM development and evaluation.
  • Evaluation difficulty: Bias is an evaluation-driven phenomenon that depends on the methods and metrics used to measure or estimate bias in LLM outputs. However, there is often a lack of robust or comparable methods or metrics to evaluate bias in LLM outputs, especially for high-level or semantic aspects of bias. Therefore, recognizing bias in LLM outputs requires developing or adopting more rigorous and reliable methods and metrics for LLM evaluation.
  • Ethical dilemma: Bias is an ethical phenomenon that depends on the values and norms of the users and the society. However, there is often a trade-off or conflict between different ethical principles or goals when dealing with bias in LLM outputs, such as accuracy vs fairness, diversity vs quality, privacy vs transparency, etc. Therefore, recognizing bias in LLM outputs requires balancing or reconciling different ethical considerations and expectations for LLM development and deployment.

Best practices and tools for recognizing bias in LLM outputs

Recognizing bias in LLM outputs is a vital and beneficial task, as it can help to improve the quality and diversity of the LLM outputs and enhance the user experience and satisfaction. However, there is no one-size-fits-all solution or approach for recognizing bias in LLM outputs, as bias is a context-dependent and multifaceted phenomenon that may require different methods and tools depending on the type and degree of bias, the target group and domain, the task and goal, and the stakeholder and scenario. Therefore, it is important to follow some best practices and use some tools that can help to recognize bias in LLM outputs effectively and efficiently. Some of these best practices and tools are:
  • Define the scope and criteria of bias: Before recognizing bias in LLM outputs, it is important to define the scope and criteria of bias that are relevant and appropriate for the specific LLM application. This involves identifying the target group or domain, the type and level of bias, the task and goal, and the stakeholder and scenario of the LLM application. This can help to narrow down the focus and scope of bias recognition and set clear and consistent standards and expectations for bias evaluation.
  • Use multiple sources and types of data: To recognize bias in LLM outputs, it is important to use multiple sources and types of data that can provide diverse, representative, and unbiased information about the target group or domain. This involves collecting or acquiring data from various sources, such as web pages, social media, news articles, books, etc., and using different types of data, such as text, images, audio, video, etc., to train or evaluate the LLM. This can help to enhance the coverage and quality of data and reduce the data bias in LLM outputs.
  • Use multiple methods and metrics for evaluation: To recognize bias in LLM outputs, it is important to use multiple methods and metrics for evaluation that can capture different aspects and dimensions of bias in LLM outputs. This involves using different methods, such as human evaluation, automatic evaluation, or hybrid evaluation, and using different metrics, such as accuracy, diversity, fairness, sentiment, etc., to measure or estimate bias in LLM outputs. This can help to provide comprehensive and reliable feedback on bias in LLM outputs and compare or contrast different results or outcomes.
  • Use existing tools or frameworks for bias recognition: To recognize bias in LLM outputs, it is useful to use existing tools or frameworks that can facilitate or automate the process of bias recognition. This involves using some tools or frameworks that are available online or offline, such as [BiasBuster], [CheckList], [Fairness Indicators], [Fairseq], etc., that can help to detect, measure, visualize, or mitigate bias in LLM outputs. These tools or frameworks can help to save time and resources and leverage the existing knowledge or expertise on bias recognition.
  • Involve diverse stakeholders in the process: To recognize bias in LLM outputs, it is essential to involve diverse stakeholders in the process of bias recognition. This involves engaging with different stakeholders, such as users, developers, researchers, regulators, etc., who have different perspectives, experiences, needs, or interests related to the LLM application. This can help to gain insights and feedback from different viewpoints and ensure fairness and equity in the process and outcomes of bias recognition.

Ethical and social implications of bias in LLM outputs

Bias in LLM outputs is not only a technical or scientific problem but also an ethical and social problem that can have significant impacts on the users and society. Bias in LLM outputs can affect the values, norms, and behaviors of the users and the society, such as trust, fairness, justice, diversity, inclusion, etc. Some of the ethical and social implications of bias in LLM outputs are:
  • Trust: Bias in LLM outputs can erode the trust and confidence of the users and society in the LLM technology and its applications. Trust is a key factor for the adoption and acceptance of LLM technology, as it influences user satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty. If the users or the society perceive or experience bias in LLM outputs, they may lose trust or faith in the LLM technology and its developers or providers, and they may avoid or reject using or interacting with the LLM technology or its applications.
  • Fairness: Bias in LLM outputs can undermine the fairness and equity of the users and the society in the LLM technology and its applications. Fairness is a key principle for the development and deployment of LLM technology, as it influences user rights, opportunities, and outcomes. If the users or the society encounter or suffer from bias in LLM outputs, they may face unfair or unequal treatment or discrimination based on their social identities, such as gender, race, religion, ethnicity, age, disability, sexual orientation, etc., and they may be excluded or marginalized from accessing or benefiting from the LLM technology or its applications.
  • Justice: Bias in LLM outputs can compromise the justice and accountability of the users and the society in the LLM technology and its applications. Justice is a key goal for the regulation and governance of LLM technology, as it influences the user's responsibilities, liabilities, and remedies. If the users or the society witness or endure bias in LLM outputs, they may face unjust or unlawful consequences or harms based on their actions or decisions influenced by the LLM outputs, such as misinformation, deception, manipulation, coercion, etc., and they may have limited or no recourse or redress for addressing or resolving the bias issues in the LLM technology or its applications.
  • Diversity: Bias in LLM outputs can reduce the diversity and inclusion of the users and the society in the LLM technology and its applications. Diversity is a key value for the innovation and improvement of LLM technology, as it influences user creativity, productivity, and quality. If the users or the society observe or tolerate bias in LLM outputs, they may lose diversity or representation of their views, opinions, preferences, or interests based on their backgrounds, cultures, languages, etc., and they may have limited or no voice or influence on shaping or enhancing the LLM technology or its applications.


The journey to recognizing bias in LLM outputs requires a commitment to continuous learning, collaboration, and ethical reflection. By acknowledging the limitations, embracing best practices, and fostering a culture of responsible no code AI development, we can work towards mitigating bias and creating AI technologies that enhance human understanding and promote inclusivity. As AI continues to shape our world, the imperative to recognize and address bias remains at the forefront of ethical AI development.

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