Best Questions to Ask in an Interview

By Snigdha | Last Updated on November 22nd, 2022 1:01 pm | 4-min read

For most interviews, you may be focusing more on the HR interview questions and answers than on the questions you want to ask the interviewer. Of course, the answers you give at the interview are important, but the questions you ask your interviewer are a great reflection on you as a person and give deep insights into your personality. Most interviewers end the interview with the question - so, do you have any questions for me? If you are not careful, you might fumble, stutter, and may not even form a coherent answer. Take your time figuring out what is important for you to know before you join a new organization. I have compiled a list of common interview questions that you can browse through and choose the ones that work best for you.

Insightful questions to ask in an interview

  1. How should I expect my career trajectory or advancement to shape up?

  2. Why did this job open up?

  3. When did the previous employee in this position leave?

  4. What will be my team size?

  5. What suggestions do you have for someone in their first 60 days in the organization?

  6. Can you map the career path for someone in this role?

  7. Where do I stand compared to others interviewed for the role?

  8. Would you be my direct manager?

  9. Would you like to know about something that’s not on my resume?

  10. How would I fit in with your company?

  11. What will be the next steps in the hiring process?

  12. What should I know before I start working here?

  13. Most common interview questions to ask

  14. Could you elaborate further on my everyday responsibilities in this profile?

  15. Will I meet my hiring manager and supervisor in future interview rounds?

  16. How do my team and supervisor collaborate on projects, and where do I fit in?

  17. What are the biggest challenges I’ll face in this job?

  18. How would you describe the ideal candidate for this position?

  19. Please tell me about my direct reports. Could you share your insights about their major challenges and strengths?

  20. Have things changed in the last few years? How?

  21. As a new employee, what kind of surprises may come my way?

  22. Best questions to ask in an interview

  23. What qualities are critical for an ideal candidate for this position?

  24. For how long has this position been open?

  25. Would you like me to brush up or read up on any subject before starting to help me have a shared understanding with others on the team?

  26. What made previous employees successful in this role?

  27. Which one is your favorite tradition in the office?

  28. How often do you collaborate with other departments or teams on projects or events?

  29. How has this role evolved over time?

  30. What should someone in this role expect to learn or accomplish in the first 30 days?

  31. Good questions to ask in an interview

  32. What are your expectations for me in this role?

  33. What’s the performance review process like here? How often would I be formally reviewed?

  34. What metrics or goals will my performance be evaluated against?

  35. What are the most immediate projects that I would take on?

  36. What types of skills is the team missing that you’re looking to fill with a new hire?

  37. Do you expect my main responsibilities in this position to change in the next six months to a year?

  38. How has the company changed since you joined?

  39. What learning and development opportunities will I have in this role?

  40. What are the common career paths in this department?

  41. Where have successful employees moved on to?

  42. Unique interview questions to ask employer

  43. What’s the one thing you enjoy the least here?

  44. What do employees do to socialize or break the ice during downtime?

  45. What is the process for implementing or executing any new idea in the company?

  46. Where does it generally lead when an employee takes the initiative to bring up new ideas?

  47. What is the company policy about employee training?

  48. What is the process and mode of employee feedback?

  49. What do you do in case an employee makes a mistake?

  50. What makes working here different from other jobs you've been in?

  51. Questions to ask at the end of an interview

  52. What is the working environment in the office like?

  53. What does an average workweek/day look like?

  54. What measures does the company take to ensure it's inclusive of all ethnicities?

  55. What is the work culture like at this job level?

  56. What do you like best about your job at this company?

  57. What direction do you envision the business taking in the next five or ten years?

  58. What would this person's contributions be to the company's mission?

  59. Does the company live by its values each day? What do you think?

  60. What traits, skills, abilities, or qualities define a successful employee here?

  61. Who would you consider our top competitor, and why?

  62. In what ways have you experienced growth by working here?

  63. What are the biggest challenges the organization faces or is facing?

  64. How is the business adapting to the changes in the market?

  65. What's the current employee turnover rate within the company and my team?

  66. What do you expect from a new employee here?

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