
More Android Devices to Feature Google Assistant Lock Screen Access

Avadhesh Kumar
By Avadhesh Kumar | Last Updated on March 6th, 2023 2:05 pm

At the CES 2019, the search engine giant, Google announced that its smart assistant will now be accessible on many more Android device lock screens. The lock screen access feature was first introduced by Google at their hardware event in October 2017. However, at the time, it was exclusive to their newly launched Pixel 3 handset. The feature though was available through opt-in for security reasons, meaning users would have to tick the box in settings to enable it. If designed poorly, this kind of access to the lock screen can leave your handset vulnerable to malicious parties. This is why once it has been set up, it will only respond to your own voice (unless of course someone who has your handset can do a really good impression of you). Once you have activated this feature, you can easily get restaurant recommendations, turn off alarms, schedule reminders, and accomplish so much more without having to unlock your device. However, there is still no word about the specific models on which this feature will be available.

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