How to Integrate Zendesk with Jira

How to Integrate Zendesk with Jira?

By Ruchi | Last Updated on June 8th, 2024 2:07 pm

Zendesk and Jira are two powerful tools often used in project management, customer support, and issue tracking. Zendesk, a customer service platform, offers a range of products, including Zendesk Chat, CRM, and Zendesk Support, to enhance customer interactions and improve support teams' efficiency. On the other hand, Jira is a family of products owned by Atlassian, which includes Jira Software, a project management tool, and Jira Service Management, a powerful IT service management solution.

Both platforms are widely adopted and offer robust features. However, using them as standalone solutions may result in missed opportunities for improved efficiency and streamlined processes. This is where Zendesk and Jira integrations come into play, offering a seamless connection between the two platforms that enhances collaboration, simplifies workflows, and provides a unified view of customer interactions and project progress.

Organizations can automate various tasks by integrating Zendesk with Jira, ensuring that support tickets, customer queries, and project updates are efficiently managed and synchronized across both platforms. This not only reduces manual effort and potential errors but also enables teams to work cohesively, making informed decisions with real-time data from both systems.

Let’s move further and explore the benefits of integrating Zendesk and Jira and highlighting their advantages. We will also provide a step-by-step guide on how to set up this integration, ensuring your team can leverage the full potential of both platforms.

What are Zendesk Integrations?

Zendesk integrations allow you to connect your Zendesk products, such as Zendesk Chat and Zendesk CRM, with other software tools your team uses daily. By integrating Zendesk with these tools, you can automate workflows, streamline processes, and ensure a seamless exchange of information between different systems.

For example, integrating Zendesk with your CRM system can ensure that customer support interactions are automatically synced with the respective customer records, providing a comprehensive view of the customer journey. This enables sales and support teams to work together effectively, using the same data to deliver consistent and informed service.

What are Jira Integrations?

Jira integrations connect your Jira Software or Service Management instance with other tools and services, enhancing collaboration and improving efficiency. For example, you can integrate Jira with version control systems like Git to streamline development workflows, or with communication tools to ensure that project updates trigger relevant messages in your team's collaboration channels.

Jira's flexibility and extensibility through integrations make it a powerful tool for managing complex projects and ensuring all stakeholders are aligned. By integrating Jira with other software, you can create a centralized hub for project information, reducing the need to switch between different tools and manually update data.

Suggested reads: Exploring the right project management tool for your team? Trello and Jira are both popular project management tools, but they cater to different needs. To learn more about these tools and explore other options, read our comprehensive comparison, “Trello vs. Jira”.

How to Integrate Zendesk with Jira?


To give you a brief overview on the integration of these two ticketing platforms, an issue is registered in Jira and you need a ticket to be created in Zendesk. Hence, you will automate this task by integrating Jira with Zendesk. So, let’s explore the steps to integrate the two ticketing platforms, Jira and Zendesk:

  1. Appy Pie Homepage

  2. homepage

    Go to Appy Pie Automate’s website and explore the Connects to make your workflow seamless.

  3. Log in/Sign up

  4. sign-up

    After exploring the homepage, log in to start your Connect, if you don’t have an account you can sign up as well.

  5. Create a Connect

  6. dashboard

    After logging in you will be redirected to the dashboard. Simply click the “Create a Connect” icon to start the process.

  7. Select the Trigger App

  8. trigger-app

    Now, type “Jira Software Cloud” on the search bar and select it as the Trigger App.

  9. Select the Trigger Event

  10. trigger-event

    Next, you have to select the Trigger event. Select the “New Isuue” box. This will trigger the moment a new issue is created. Then click “Continue”.

  11. Connect Your Jira Account

  12. jira-account

    Next, connect your Jira account. Simply click on the “Connect Your Account” icon or if you already have an account that is connected, just click on that.

  13. Authenticate Jira Account

  14. verify-jira

    After clicking “Connect your Account”, you will be redirected to Jira’s page where you can authenticate your account. After filling in the necessary fields, click “Accept”.

  15. Set up Trigger-Event

  16. set-up-jira

    In this step, you have to fill in the “Site Name” and “Project” fields. Then click “Continue and Run Test”.

  17. Successful Trigger Test

  18. test

    You can view the latest record of your Jira Software Cloud account here to see if your Connect is triggering from the right data.

  19. Select the Action App

  20. action-app

    Next, you have to set up the Action App. You will select “Zendesk” as your Action App if you want a ticket to be formed.

  21. Select an Action Event

  22. action-event

    The next step is to select the Action Event. As for your case, you will select “Create Ticket”. Then click “Continue”.

  23. Connect Zendesk Account

  24. zendesk-account

    To move further with this Connect, you have to connect your Zendesk account so that it can create new tickets. Simply click “Connect an Account”.

  25. Authenticate Zendesk Account

  26. verify-zendesk

    Now, connect your Zendesk account by entering the Account details, Agent Email, and API token. Then click “Yes, Continue”.

  27. Set up Action-Event

  28. set-up-zendesk

    After setting up the account, set up the options according to your needs.

  29. Add a Description, If Needed

  30. add-details

    If you feel the need for a description with every ticket, you can fill in the “First Comment/Description” field. Then click “Continue”.

  31. Apps Connected

  32. successful

    Zendesk and Jira will be connected. You can either edit the Connect or move to the Dashboard. Also, you can check the status of your Connect.

  33. Result

  34. result

    Here is a demonstration of the way this Connect will work. You can see, that the minute an issue is created a ticket will be formed with an accurate description.

Following this process, it will be easy for you to keep track of all the issues that are created. You won’t be creating any ticket manually, it will be created through this Connect with a description the team will easily understand.

Suggested reads: To explore the differences and uncover the perfect solution for your team, read our in-depth comparison, “Zendesk vs. Jira”. We dive into the strengths of each platform, highlighting how Zendesk's customer service focus differs from Jira's project management capabilities.

What are the benefits of integrating Zendesk with Jira?

Integrating Zendesk with Jira offers a range of advantages, especially for teams that rely on both platforms for customer support and project management:

  1. Streamlined Ticket Management
  2. By connecting Zendesk and Jira, support tickets can be automatically created, updated, and synchronized between the two platforms. This ensures that your support and development teams have a unified view of customer issues, reducing the time spent on manual ticket management and minimizing the risk of errors.

  3. Improved Collaboration
  4. The integration enables better collaboration between customer-facing teams and back-end developers or IT operations. Support agents can provide more accurate and timely updates to customers. Additionally, development teams can access all the information they need to resolve issues, leading to faster resolution times and improved customer satisfaction.

  5. Automated Workflows
  6. Zendesk and Jira integrations provide powerful workflow automation capabilities. For example, you can automate the creation of Jira issues from Zendesk tickets, set up notifications to ensure the right people are alerted, and automatically update ticket statuses in both systems as progress is made. This saves time, reduces manual effort, and ensures that nothing slips through the cracks.

  7. Enhanced Reporting and Insights
  8. With integrated data, you gain a more comprehensive view of your support and development operations. You can generate reports from both platforms, identify trends and areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions to optimize your processes.

  9. Reduced Context Switching
  10. By connecting Zendesk and Jira, your teams have access to the necessary information without constantly switching between tools. This reduces the cognitive load on your employees and ensures they can focus on their tasks without interruption.

Popular Zendesk and Jira Integrations

When it comes to optimizing your customer support and project management operations, the integration between Zendesk and Jira plays a pivotal role. By connecting these two powerful platforms, you unlock several benefits that streamline your workflows, enhance collaboration, and provide a unified perspective on customer issues and project progress.

Here are some other Zendesk and Jira integrations, respectively:

Other Zendesk Integrations

  1. Zendesk and Salesforce integration
  2. Creating a Zendesk and Selesforce integration synchronizes data between Zendesk and Salesforce CRM, ensuring that customer support interactions are seamlessly linked to the respective customer records. This provides a 360-degree view of the customer, enabling sales and support teams to collaborate effectively.

  3. Zendesk and Slack integration
  4. By setting up a Zendesk and Slack integration, you can receive Slack notifications for new Zendesk tickets, enabling faster response times. Your team can collaborate and resolve issues directly from Slack, improving efficiency and ensuring timely support.

  5. Zendesk and WhatsApp integration
  6. Creating a Zendesk and WhatsApp integration allows businesses to manage customer support inquiries sent via WhatsApp, providing a convenient and familiar channel for customers to seek assistance.

  7. Zendesk and GitHub integration
  8. Setting up a Zendesk and GitHub integration connects Zendesk tickets with GitHub issues, ensuring that bug reports and feature requests from customers are seamlessly linked to your development workflow.

  9. Zendesk and Microsoft Teams integration
  10. By creating Zendesk and Microsoft Teams integration, you can receive Teams notifications for new tickets and updates, enabling efficient collaboration and ensuring that your Teams users can stay informed without leaving their collaboration hub.

Other Jira Integrations

  1. Jira and GitHub integration
  2. Setting up a Jira and GitHub integration connects Jira issues with GitHub pull requests, branches, and commits, streamlining your development workflow. It ensures that code changes are linked to the relevant Jira issues, providing transparency and enabling better collaboration between developers and other stakeholders.

  3. ServiceNow and Jira integration
  4. By creating a ServiceNow and Jira integration, you can synchronize data between these two powerful service management tools, ensuring that issues, changes, and other relevant information are shared seamlessly, which is especially useful for IT operations and help desk teams.

  5. Jira and Salesforce integration
  6. Setting up a Jira and Salesforce integration enables you to link customer issues and support tickets to the respective customer records in Salesforce. This provides a comprehensive view of the customer, improves collaboration between sales, support, and development teams, and ensures everyone works with the same data.

  7. and Jira integration
  8. Creating a and Jira integration allows you to visualize and manage your Jira issues in's flexible project management platform, providing a unique perspective on your projects and enabling you to leverage's powerful collaboration and automation features.

  9. ClickUp and Jira integration
  10. By setting up a ClickUp and Jira integration, you can bring the power of ClickUp's task management and collaboration features to your Jira issues, ensuring that tasks related to Jira issues are efficiently managed and that your team can work in the tool that suits their needs best.


Integrating Zendesk with Jira is a powerful way to streamline your customer support and project management operations. By connecting these two platforms, you can automate workflows, improve collaboration, and ensure that your teams have access to the information they need when they need it.

The benefits of this integration include reduced manual effort, improved data consistency, and enhanced reporting capabilities, all of which contribute to improved efficiency and better decision-making. With Zendesk and Jira working together, your teams can focus on delivering exceptional customer service and managing projects with greater success.

Remember, the key to successful integration lies in understanding your team's unique needs and configuring the connection to suit your specific use case. By tailoring the integration to your workflows, you can maximize the benefits and ensure a seamless experience for your users.

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