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Evernote Tutorial: A Step-by-Step Guide to Using Evernote

Neeraj Shukla
By Neeraj Shukla | February 20, 2024 8:35 am

Evernote has established itself as an essential tool in the domain of note-taking and organization, offering users an unparalleled ability to keep their digital notes synchronized across all devices. This platform excels in storing a diverse array of content, from recipes and strategic work plans to personal diaries, effectively acting as a digital filing cabinet for every kind of note imaginable. This comprehensive guide explores the foundational steps to get started with Evernote, alongside a detailed comparison of Notion vs Evernote and Evernote vs OneNote. Additionally, it ventures into the extensive array of Evernote integrations, highlighting their potential to significantly enhance workflow automation. By integrating with a wide variety of other apps and services, Evernote not only streamlines your note-keeping process but also transforms into a powerful engine for workflow optimization, making it an invaluable asset for both personal and professional organizations.

How to Get Started with Evernote?

Getting started with Evernote is a straightforward process that opens up a world of organizational possibilities. Evernote is designed to be intuitive and user-friendly, allowing users to seamlessly create, organize, and share notes across various devices. Here's how to begin:

  • Sign Up: Begin your Evernote journey by signing up for an account on the web or via the mobile app. Simply provide your email address and create a password to get started.
  • Download Evernote: Install Evernote on your devices to access your notes from anywhere. Evernote offers apps for desktop, mobile, and web platforms, ensuring seamless synchronization across all your devices.

How to Create Notebooks in Evernote?

Creating Notebooks in Evernote is a foundational step in leveraging the platform's organizational capabilities. Notebooks act as dedicated spaces for your notes, akin to physical binders, enabling you to categorize and compartmentalize your information systematically. This structure is particularly beneficial for maintaining a clutter-free workspace and ensuring that your notes are always within reach.

  • Organize Your Content: Notebooks serve as containers for your notes, allowing you to categorize and compartmentalize your information. Create notebooks based on topics, projects, or categories to keep your notes organized and easily accessible.
  • Create a Notebook: In Evernote, navigate to the "Notebooks" section and click on "New Notebook" to create a new notebook. Give it a descriptive title and start adding notes to populate it.

How to Compose Notes in Evernote?

Composing notes in Evernote goes beyond mere text entry, transforming your notes into rich, multimedia documents that cater to a variety of needs and preferences. By leveraging Evernote's array of formatting tools and features for inserting multimedia, you can create notes that are not only informative but also visually engaging and highly organized. Here’s how to make the most out of composing notes in Evernote:

  • Basic Formatting: Use the bold, italic, and underline options to emphasize key points or sections within your notes. These basic formatting tools are essential for drawing attention to important information.
  • Lists and Bullet Points: Organize your content using bullet points for unordered lists or numbering for sequential information. This is particularly useful for creating step-by-step guides, checklists, or outlining topics.
  • Headers: Apply header styles to segment your notes into clear, distinguishable sections. Headers are invaluable for structuring lengthy notes, making them easier to navigate.
  • Text Color and Highlighting: Change the color of your text or highlight sections to categorize information visually or mark items for review.

How to Insert Multimedia in Notes on Evernote?

Evernote supports a variety of multimedia elements, allowing you to capture and incorporate different types of content directly into your notes:

  • Images: Add images to your notes to provide visual context or to keep visual records. You can drag and drop images into your notes or use the attachment feature to insert them.
  • Audio Recordings: Record audio directly within Evernote or attach audio files to your notes. This feature is perfect for capturing lectures, meetings, or voice memos.
  • Attachments: Attach files such as PDFs, documents, and spreadsheets to your notes. This makes Evernote an ideal platform for compiling all relevant project materials in one place.
  • Handwritten Notes and Sketches: If you’re using Evernote on a device with touch screen capabilities, you can add handwritten notes or sketches, offering a more personal touch or capturing information that’s difficult to type.

How to Add and Filter By Tags in Evernote?

Step 1: Adding Tags to Notes:

To add tags while creating or editing a note in Evernote, locate the "Tags" field. Type "#" followed by the desired tag name. Separate multiple tags with commas. Alternatively, add tags to existing notes by clicking on the note and selecting "Add tags."

Step 2: Creating New Tags:

If the desired tag doesn't exist, type "#" followed by the new tag name. Evernote prompts you to create the new tag. Press Enter to confirm.

Step 3: Viewing Tags in Evernote:

In the sidebar, under "Tags," find a list of all used tags. Click on a tag to see notes associated with it.

Step 4: Filtering Notes by Tags:

Use the search bar at the top. Type "#" followed by the tag name you want to filter by. Evernote displays notes containing the specified tag.

Step 5: Combining Tags in Searches:

Type "#" followed by the first tag name. Add another "#" followed by the second tag name. Evernote shows notes with both tags applied.

Step 6: Using Tag Hierarchies:

Create a nested structure for tags by using a forward slash ("/") to separate levels. For example, "Work/Projects" would be a sub-tag of "Work."

Step 7: Editing or Deleting Tags:

Click on the tag in the sidebar. Rename or delete the tag as needed.

Leveraging Evernote Integrations

Leveraging Evernote Integrations significantly enhances the utility and efficiency of Evernote as a central hub for managing both personal and professional life. Evernote, known for its robust note-taking and organizational capabilities, becomes even more powerful when integrated with other software and services. Here's a closer look at how you can harness Evernote integrations to streamline your workflow and boost productivity:

Evernote and Notion Integrations

While Evernote and Notion are often seen as competitors, integrating the two can provide the best of both worlds. Utilizing third-party tools like Zapier, users can automate workflows between Evernote and Notion, such as syncing notes and to-dos, enhancing productivity across platforms.

Evernote Todoist Integration

For those who rely on Todoist for task management, integrating Evernote can streamline your workflow. This integration allows you to turn Evernote notes into Todoist tasks, ensuring that your ideas and to-dos are seamlessly connected.

Evernote OneNote Integration

Transferring content between Evernote and OneNote is made possible through Evernote's export features and OneNote's importer tool. This integration is useful for users transitioning between platforms or those who use both for different purposes.

Evernote Integration with Outlook

Evernote's integration with Outlook simplifies email management by allowing users to save emails directly to Evernote. This feature is invaluable for archiving important communications and keeping all pertinent information in one place.

Evernote Calendar Integration

Linking Evernote with your calendar (Google Calendar, for instance) enables you to associate notes with calendar events. This integration aids in preparing for meetings, tracking deadlines, and ensuring that all related information is readily accessible.

Evernote Slack Integration

Integrating Evernote with Slack revolutionizes team collaboration by making it easier to share notes, notebooks, and reminders directly within Slack channels or direct messages. This integration is crucial for teams looking to streamline communication and ensure that important information is easily and quickly disseminated among team members. Users can share Evernote content in Slack to discuss projects, meeting notes, or action items without leaving the Slack environment.

Evernote Google Drive Integration

The Evernote integration with Google Drive takes document management to the next level, allowing users to embed Google Docs, Sheets, and Slides directly into their Evernote notes. This integration provides a seamless workflow between note-taking and document creation, making it possible to access and edit Google Drive documents without leaving Evernote. By linking directly to files stored in Google Drive, users can ensure their notes always have the most up-to-date information, fostering a more dynamic and interactive way to organize projects and ideas.

Evernote Trello Integration

Combining Evernote with Trello empowers users to manage projects and tasks with greater efficiency. By integrating Evernote notes into Trello cards, users can enrich their project boards with detailed information, research, and resources necessary for task completion. This integration is ideal for project managers and teams who rely on Trello for workflow management but need the rich note-taking capabilities of Evernote to capture ideas, meeting outcomes, and project plans. The synergy between Trello's visual task management and Evernote's organizational prowess makes managing complex projects more manageable and organized.


Evernote stands as a versatile powerhouse for digital organization and productivity. From mastering the fundamentals of note-taking to exploring integrations with popular tools like Notion, Todoist, and Outlook, Evernote offers endless possibilities for streamlining workflows and enhancing collaboration. By leveraging tags, notebooks, and multimedia capabilities, users can create a personalized digital workspace that caters to their unique needs and preferences. With Evernote, the journey towards enhanced organization and efficiency becomes not just achievable, but also enjoyable. So dive into Evernote today and unlock the full potential of your digital productivity arsenal.

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Neeraj Shukla

Content Manager at Appy Pie