31+ Example of how to Write the best Email opening Lines - Appy Pie

31+ Examples of How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines

Abhinav Girdhar
By Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on April 2nd, 2022 9:59 am

– Welcome Emails –I’ve already written about how to write good subject lines for your emails. But now I want to turn our attention to really great opening lines, or welcome emails. These are the first email you send your new subscribers. It’s your chance to welcome them, introduce yourself, and tell them they made a great decision by signing up with you! You can also use it as an opportunity to let them know what they can expect in the future (e.g. weekly emails that teach them something).Here are some examples of great welcome emails:1. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – Want more subscribers? Your welcome email is one of the best places to offer it! Let new subscribers know that they can get more tips like this by linking to your bonus content (e.g. extra videos, downloads etc.). Here’s an example from John Lee Dumas’ Entrepreneur on Fire podcast: 2. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – No matter what business you’re in, people want to feel special. Letting them know that you took the time out of your day to write a custom message for them shows that you care enough about them to make an effort and get personalised with your marketing efforts. From there, share a relevant story or experience related to their interests or what you do here… 3. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – To stand out from all other brands and businesses in their inboxes, tell a story that gets right into the action and hits their core emotions. The image below does a great job of this from Gary Vaynerchuk’s Wine Library TV newsletter: 4. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – One way for you to add value before even writing a word is by giving away free resources in these welcome emails. In this example from Noah Kagan’s SumoMe blog, you get a list of traffic tools that he uses every day: 5. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – People are busy, so it’s important for you to let them know that they can unsubscribe at any time. This way, you don’t have to worry about losing subscribers because of a bad welcome email. Here’s an example from Tim Ferriss’ podcast: 6. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – Give your readers an incentive to read your emails by giving them something valuable in return (e.g. guides, checklists etc.) Here’s an example from the Unmistakable Creative Podcast: 7. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – Be personal with your audience! You can do this by sending these welcome emails during times of day when they’re most likely to be on their computer (e.g. mornings). I like how Michael Hyatt does this in his morning newsletter: 8. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – End every new subscriber’s first email experience with a call-to-action (CTA). This way, you get new subscribers engaged quickly and get them familiar with signing up for your emails in the future. You can also use this opportunity to get them excited about what they can expect from you in the future… 9. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – Asking a question is another great way for you to get people reading your emails… 10. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – Give your readers an insight into who you are and what you’re all about. You can do this by talking about your story or giving them a sneak peek behind the scenes of your business… 11. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – It’s important to keep these emails short and sweet, so only include a handful of points in them! Here’s an example from Copyblogger: 12. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – There’s no need to write long winded intros for your welcome emails. Keep it short and sweet and get right down to it. This is an example from Ramit Sethi’s I Will Teach You To Be Rich: 13. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – Give your audience a reason to care about what you do. This way, they end up reading more of your future content (and hopefully convert into customers too)… 14. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – The key here is not getting salesy or sales-focused with these emails, but rather providing value and letting people know that there is something in it for them if they read on… 15. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – Using social proof is another great way for you to let new subscribers know that they have made a good decision by signing up with you… 16. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – It’s important to use a personalised call-to-action here. Tell people what you want them to do by opening this email and then give them a reason why they should do it… 17. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – If you have an online course, then let people know that you have something for them! In this example from Ramit Sethi’s I Will Teach You To Be Rich, you can find out how to set up a killer budget: 18. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – Hey, it’s your first email as a new subscriber! Why not send them a free gift as a thank you for signing up? Here’s an example from James Clear: 19. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – Don’t be afraid to make these emails short and sweet! The content is more important than the length of your messages. This way, you can get readers engaged faster and keep their attention on what you have to say… 20. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – Another great way to let people know that they made a good decision by signing up with you is by giving them free tips and ideas each week or fortnight… 21. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – People love infographics! They look great and they’re really easy for read\ers to digest and share… 22. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – If you don’t have time or money enough to create your own graphics or infographics, then simply download one from somewhere online (e.g. Unsplash). They don’t have to cost anything… 23. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – One thing I love about welcome emails is that they give me an insight into who someone is and what they actually do in their business (rather than just writing ‘About Me’ pages)… 24. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – Takeaways are great for summarising longer pieces of content (e.g. blog posts etc.) and making it easier for readers like yourself not only digest but also remember what was written… 25. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – Here’s another great example of how infographics can be used as takeaways in your welcome emails: 26. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – Keeping these emails short is important because people are busy! This is what I like about this welcome email from Brian Dean of Backlinko: 27. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – What better way is there for you sign off on your welcome emails than showing your human side? This way, new subscribers get an insight into who you are rather than just being another faceless business in their inboxes… 28. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – Instead of saying ‘click here’, try adding some personality into your CTA button copy so that it stands out more in your welcome email… 29. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – If I signed up for something called ‘The Daily Habits Challenge’, I would want every single day of that challenge sent straight into my inbox at 12pm EST! That way, I can get started with my daily habits straight away… 30. How to Write the Best Email Opening Lines – You have some fantastic content waiting for new subscribers in their inbox after reading this guide! Give them a reason why they should open it by making your subject line personalised while also providing value in it… 31 .How To Improve Your Open Rates By 322% With This Secret Hack View Post View Post View Post View Post

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Abhinav Girdhar

Founder and CEO of Appy Pie