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Poorly Written Email Templates

Poorly written emails can be detrimental to the impression you want to make on a potential employer or interviewer. It can convey a lack of attention to detail, carelessness, and lack of professionalism. A poorly written email can also make it difficult for the recipient to understand your message, which could lead to confusion or delays in the hiring process.

Therefore, it is important to avoid using poorly written email templates in your follow-up emails after an interview as they can create a negative impression and potentially harm your chances of being considered for the position.

Poorly Written Email Examples and Templates

Here is the list of poorly-written email templates:

Bad Email Example 1:

Subject: Hey

Hey there,

I was just wondering if you wanted to get together sometime. Let me know what you think.



Bad Email Example 2:

Subject: Hi!

Hi [Name],

I’m just writing to see if you’d be interested in meeting up next week. I’m sure it will be great fun. Looking forward to hearing from you.



Bad Email Example 3:

Subject: There!

Dear [Name],

I am writing to inform you of a new product we are offering that I think you may be interested in. It is a revolutionary item that will help you increase your productivity and save time. It is the perfect solution for busy professionals like yourself. Please let me know if you would like more information or if you have any questions.

Thank you for your consideration.



Bad Email Example 4:

Subject: Have Your Seen This?

Hi everyone,

Thought you might enjoy this!

[Your Name]

Bad Email Example 5:

Subject: Urgent!!!

Body: Why haven’t you done this yet?



Bad Email Example 6:

Subject: Problem

Body: This is ridiculous. Fix it.



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What a bad email includes?

A bad email might include:

  • Incorrect or unclear subject line

  • Lack of proper greeting or closing

  • Unprofessional or offensive language

  • Incorrect or incomplete information

  • Poor grammar or spelling errors

  • Lack of context or background information

  • Attachments that are not relevant or requested

  • All caps or excessive exclamation points

  • Overuse of technical jargon or acronyms

  • Inappropriate or irrelevant tone.

Examples of Bad Email Subject Lines

Here is the list the bad email subject lines:

  1. Action Required: {insert subject}”

  2. “Alert: {insert subject}”

  3. “Urgent: {insert subject}”

  4. “Notice: {insert subject}”

  5. Re: Re: [Topic]

  6. Fwd: Fwd: [Topic]

  7. “FINAL WARNING: {insert subject}”

  8. “New {insert subject} Available Now”

  9. “Hi there!”

  10. “just wondering if u decided yet”

What are the Bad Email Practices?

Some common bad email practices include:

  • Using an email address that is not yours – it is important to use your own email address when sending emails.

  • Using an incorrect subject line – the subject line should accurately describe the content of the email.

  • Not following up on emails – it is important to follow up on emails in order to ensure that the message was received and understood.

  • Sending too many emails – sending too many emails can clutter inboxes and lead to recipients unsubscribing or blocking you.

  • Writing emails in all caps – this is considered yelling and can come off as aggressive or unprofessional.

  • Sending emails without proofreading for typos and grammar errors – always take the time to proofread your emails before you send them.

  • Failing to use a signature – including a signature with your name and contact information at the end of all your emails can help promote professionalism and consistency.

  • Sending messages to the wrong recipients – although particularly embarrassing, it can happen more easily than you might think. Always double-check the recipient(s) before you hit send.

  • Including too many recipients in the “Cc:” or “Bcc:” fields – using the “Cc:” and “Bcc:” fields should be limited to necessary people.

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What are the effects of bad email etiquettes?

Poor email etiquette can result in a variety of negative consequences, including

  • Miscommunication or confusion due to unclear or incorrect information.

  • Damage to professional relationships or reputations as a result of unprofessional language or tone.

  • Loss of credibility or trust with recipients.

  • Delays in completing tasks or projects due to unclear instructions or lack of necessary information.

  • Missed opportunities or failure to establish new relationships due to poor first impressions.

  • Frustration or annoyance of recipients due to excessive or irrelevant emails.

  • Difficulty in finding important information or attachments due to poor organization.

  • Reduced productivity or efficiency due to miscommunication or confusion.

  • Lost business or sales due to unprofessional or unresponsive emails.

  • Inability to effectively collaborate or work with others due to poor email etiquette.

How to Stop Writing Poor Emails

Here are some steps to stop writing poor emails:

  1. Take your time: Before you hit send, take a few moments to re-read your message and mentally put yourself in the recipient’s shoes. If something doesn’t sound right or could potentially be misinterpreted, take the time to edit it.

  2. Keep it clear and concise: Get to the point quickly, use simple language, and avoid long-winded sentences and paragraphs. If there is a lot of information to include, consider breaking it up into smaller chunks or using bullet points instead of lengthy paragraphs.

  3. Use the proper tone: Depending on the context of the email, you may need to adjust your tone. For example, emails sent to clients should be more formal than emails sent to coworkers or friends.

  4. Proofread: Nothing says ‘poor email’ like typos and grammar mistakes! Always take a moment to proofread your emails before sending them off.

  5. Be mindful of formatting: It’s important to format emails properly so that they are easy to read. This includes using headings, bold important points, and using short paragraphs.

  6. Avoid Negative Language: To maintain a professional tone, avoid negative language such as criticism, sarcasm, and inflammatory statements.

  7. Don’t be too casual: While it’s okay to use informal language when appropriate, make sure you stay professional and don’t use slang or overly casual language in a formal setting.

  8. Stick to one topic: If you need to cover multiple topics in an email, split them up into separate emails or use a numbered list so they are easier to read and understand.

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Page reviewed by:Abhinav Girdhar | Last Updated on June 2nd, 2023 11:25 am