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What is a Chatbot Template?

A chatbot template is a pre-designed conversation script that you can use to create a chatbot. Chatbot templates include a range of common support conversation scenarios that are easily adjustable to fit your own specific needs. You can use templates to create bots for customer service, marketing, or any other purpose without any coding.

Many businesses use chatbot templates to reduce their support query volumes. Creating a chatbot from scratch can be expensive and time-consuming whereas ready-to-use templates can get a chatbot up and running quickly and cheaply. With a successful deployment, you can save a lot of time and money which can be spent on other areas instead.

What are the Features of Appy Pie Chatbot Templates?

Appy Pie Chatbot Templates are designed to help you create a chatbot for your business without any coding or programming required. Our templates are fully customizable and can be used to create a chatbot for any industry or use case. The Appy Pie Chatbot templates include all of the features necessary to create a functioning chatbot. These features include:

  • The ability to create a custom chatbot for your business. You can add custom buttons and menus.
  • You can also add a custom name for your chatbot.
  • A user interface that allows you to input your chatbot’s responses.
  • A database of pre-written responses that your chatbot can use.
  • The ability to integrate your chatbot with your existing website or app.
  • Chatbot templates allow you to track user engagement and conversation data.
Page reviewed by: Abhinav Girdhar  | Last Updated on July 25th, 2024 8:12 am