While infographics look great and help communicate in a better way, a small mistake like a slight misalignment or font variation can ruin the presentation completely. An infographic becomes a bad infographic by:
1. Selecting wrong data visualization
A common mistake designers make is selecting a data visualization that does not accurately provide the information. The designer needs to understand the data and see if they want to compare values, show individual charts, analyze trends, or comprehend relationships. This will help present the data accurately in a line chart, pie chart, or bar chart. It is for the designer to decide which data fits in what kind of chart.
2. Including too much information
Another common mistake made by an infographic creator is including too much information in a single infographic. Instead of including loads of text, use impactful text with a combination of strong visuals to deliver the message.
3. Using too many illustrations
Illustrations can sometimes clutter and backfire, especially when it comes to characters, which are the most difficult to illustrate. To enhance your design using illustrations, choose only a few elements and images to bring your infographic to life.
4. Using uninformative and non-creative headlines
If you want your infographic to stand out, use catchy and informative headlines that summarize and explain your data. Using too long headlines confuses and puts off readers.
5. Complicated comparisons
Another error is using comparisons that don’t make it easier to get an overall sense of the data. This makes it difficult to compare data and comprehend information which defeats the entire purpose of creating a comparisons infographic.
6. Arranging data wrongly
To make sure that anyone reading the infographic understands your visual information at first glance, always try to arrange the data in an intuitive manner. Don’t place your data segments randomly but in an order and in the form of a chart to make it visually impactful.
7. Using bad font
Font plays a powerful role in conveying the message and if used incorrectly leads to visual clutter. It is best to use a simple readable font than using too many typefaces or type styles, or an inconsistent font that doesn’t go well in building and preserving your visual brand image.
8. Using wrong Colors
Colors have their own language. The infographics give you an opportunity to use them creatively to increase comprehension. The thumb rule is to use 1 or 2 dominant colors and be subtle rather than going overboard.
Whether you are developing infographics on your own or working with a designer or creating an infographic online, remember what leads to a bad infographic and avoid creating those mistakes in the future.