Now add your Basic information on the developer portal
Add your name , country and add your coding skill level. Then click Next.
Add this text onto the Intended Use section.
Tick the checkbox and write this text.
Disable these 3 toggle buttons shown below , then click on Next
Now review your application and click on the Next button.
Verify your Twitter account on your email. After verifying your account Click on Projects and Apps:
Under the Projects & Apps click on Overview. Click on New Project Button
Now name your project and click on Next
Now select Making a bot click Next
Give Project description and click Next
Now Name your App and then click on Next
Copy API Key, API Key Secret and save on your text editor.
Now click on your App that you have named and scroll down to the app permissions section and click on Edit.
Select Read, write and Direct Messages.
Click on save and then click yes.
Click on edit on Authentication settings
Add Callback URL and Website URL
Add terms of service and Privacy Policy
Click on generate
Copy the tokens and click on yes, save I saved them
Now click on Products on the left panel, under Products select Dev Environments. Then click on Set up dev environment.
Set Up account activity. Give your dev environment Label and give your App name. Now click on Complete setup
Setup is complete
Now log on to your Appy Pie Livechat
Now click on Deploy on Twitter DM tab
Now add your API key onto Twitter Consumer Key field, copy API Key Secret onto Twitter Consumer Secret. Add Access Token onto Twitter Account Token , and then Access Token Secret onto Twitter Account Secret. Condition: if you don’t receive a message saying your account is already connected then you will have to regenerate these keys.
Now click on your app name and select keys and tokens
Consumer Keys - Click on Regenerate
Now click on Yes,Regenerate button
Now Scroll down further and click on Access Token and Secret , click on the regenerate button.
Click on Yes, Regenerate
Now copy your new Access Token and Secret again for the last time. Then click on Yes, I saved them
Now log back to your Appy Pie Livechat website.
Login with another Twitter Account and click on Messages
Click on New Message icon and search the twitter account (Which is integrated with Live Chat)
Send the message to @PankajLive4 on twitter
This message will be visible on Live Chat account
Now click on start chat button and reply of twitter message from Live chat account
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