How to obtain the Plist file for iOS configuration ? | Appy Pie Help

How to obtain the Plist file for iOS configuration ?

By Abhinav Girdhar | Updated on February 22, 2024, 1:15 pm

Follow the steps below to get your Plist file :-


Step 1 : Go to Firebase and Sign in to your account.

Step 2 : Click on Get Started

Step 3 : Click on Create a Project

Step 4 : Enter your project name.Step 4 : Enter your project name

Step 5: Click on Continue.
Step 6: 
Go to your project settings and navigate to "Cloud Messaging". Enable it to use push notifications in your app.

Step 7: Under “General Settings”, click on the iOS icon to begin the registration process.Follow the 5-step process outlined by Firebase to register your iOS app successfully.

Step 8: Now login to your Apple developer account and click on “Certificates” under certificates,IDs & profiles.

Step 9:
Click on the "Keys" tab to manage your authentication key and click on the plus button to add a new key.

Step 10:
Provide a name for your key and register it. Then, click on "Continue” to create the new key.

Step 11: Finally, download your key (Auth key) from Apple Developer.

Step 12: Go back to your firebase account >>Navigate to the apps section in the general settings, and select the upload button beneath the authentication key.

Step 13: Navigate to your Apple Developer account, click on "Account," and copy the Team ID from the membership details.


Step 14: Upload the downloaded authentication key and enter the Key ID and Team ID obtained from your Apple Developer account.


Step 15: In the general settings, navigate to the SDK and Configuration section. Locate your Plist file and click the download button to obtain the file.








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