Follow below Steps to create JSON file :
Step 1: Go to Google Developers Console. If you have a Google account, login, else Create an Account.Step 2: On the dashboard, click on the Project dropdown menu.
Step 3: Select an existing project or create a New Project.
Step 4: Click on Credentials.
Step 5: On the credentials page, click on Create Credentials.
Step 6 : Select Service account
Step 7: Enter the service account name, service account ID, and description, then click on Create.
Step 8: Select a role from the dropdown menu and click on Continue.
Step 9 : Fill in the required fields to grant access to the services account, if required. Click Done to finish creating the service account.
Step 10 : Under Service accounts, click on the Edit icon.
Step 11: Click on Add Keys dropdown menu.
Step 12 : Click on create new key
Step 13 : Select key type JSON and click on Create.
Step 14 : Your JSON file will be created and saved to your computer. Once done, click on Close.