What is lead generation & How it's work - Learn Online

What is lead generation and difference of leads vs. newsletter signups

Lesson Details:
April 09, 2020

Video Transcription:  Could you please explain just basically what is a lead generation and maybe how people can use lead generation for their business, This video is brought to you by Appy Pie's Academy, yes lead generation is very different than building your newsletter list there are leads and there are prospects there are two very different things in this customers so leads in a service business.

I want to get more leads so I can sell them more web design services more conversion optimization services your mailing lists or your opt-ins they want to be on your they want to get your content so in order to do lead generation you need to figure out who your ideal target customer is and then ensure that you're building a I click through experience pay-per-click ad landing page to conversion experience that's directly focused on what that lead is really all evolved around your mailing list is all about providing lots of free value you know people sign up for a mailing list because they want to engage with you in a passive way they want to receive your content but not necessarily comment on your blog or post on YouTube videos so your mailing list is all about value how much value can I provide to show that I'm credible and build a consistency over time and a consistency is really key to all of those aspects the more touch points you have and create relationships with individuals online you're more likely to be able to sell to them because you're building trust and they ensure that you're an authority in your niche and when they think about the problem that they have they come to you immediately yeah because especially you always hear about like mailing lists have that I really built from buy you have a really high engagement rate and I think it's because of the whole trust factor that you took you know they chose to follow you I really like that. 

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