Enter your text/paragraph here:
Word Counter is a free online tool for counting words, characters, and lines in a text. It can be useful for writers looking to meet the guidelines of a specific magazine or publishing house, or anyone who just wants to see how much they're writing.,/p>
Word Counter is not only a word counter but also a content analyzer and grade level estimator that can analyze the readability level and text complexity of any web page. It is able to count words, characters, and lines in plain text files. This means most of your documents will probably be fine.
Word counters are really simple. They basically count how many words are in a document. But they’re also very powerful. For bloggers, a word counter can tell you how long your blog posts are. For writers, a word counter can tell you how long your novel is. For businesses, a word counter can tell you how many words you have to say in your copy and website content. For anyone who wants to know how many words are in something, a word count is the easiest way to measure it.
This Word Counter tool is online, by using this tool you can easily count the total number of words in running text. You can also use this tool to count the number of words in an article, research paper, novel, or any other kind of text. The following steps will help you to use the Online Word Counter tool.
Step 1: Paste your text in the text box provided on our Online Word Counter tool.
Step 2: Click on the "Count Words" button and your word count will be shown on the screen.