Enter a URL
The Keyword density checker helps you to detect the right keyword density of your content. It is a free tool used to measure the density of keywords on a web page. This free keyword density checker tool generates a report that helps you to check your keyword density and also allows you to track your usage of keywords on your site.
The Keyword Density Checker tool helps you to find the right keyword density in your content. With the help of this free online keyword checker tool, you can search for the right keyword, then enter them in the search bar and get the results for that particular keyword. You can also learn about how many times each keyword is used in your content. Your search will be automatically done by this free keyword checker tool! This free online tool saves your precious time!
To use this tool, simply click on the “Keyword Density Checker” option. Here you will be able to enter your website URL or any page URL on your site. Now paste the URL to check in the box and click on “Check”. This will automatically check the keyword density of that page. This tool will help you analyze the keywords in your content and also give you suggestions for improving the keyword density in your content.
Even if you don’t have a website or any web property, but want to check the keyword density of any webpage, then also you can use this tool by just entering the webpage URL in the box and clicking on “Check”.
Keyword density is the number of times that a keyword or phrase appears in any given piece of content such as an article, blog post, or webpage. The higher the keyword density, the more frequently a keyword or phrase appears in the content. In other words, if an article has 100 words and “keyword” appears 5 times in that article, then the keyword density for that article is 5%. Keyword density is also known as keyword frequency or simply TF-IDF (Term Frequency – Inverse Document Frequency). These three terms are used interchangeably when referring to keyword density.