Enter a URL
Broken Links Finder is a free tool aimed to find all broken links on a given website. The tool can be extremely useful in improving the usability of a website, as it helps to identify broken links on a page and fix them. This way, you will prevent visitors from encountering 404 Error pages which are the biggest annoyance for users.
The program was created with the help of our SEO experts, and it can be used by professionals as well as beginners in the field. It is very easy to use and does not require any special knowledge from the user. You can get started right away.
It is very easy to use the broken link checker. The process can be broken down into 3 simple steps:
Enter a URL you want to scan – In this step, you need to specify the URL of the site you want to scan for broken links. We recommend using the homepage of your website if you want to scan its entire content.
Choose a scanning method – Broken Links Finder has three scanning methods: Standard, Advanced, and Super Advanced. The Standard method is intended for regular users and is a fast way to scan a website quickly. The Advanced and Super Advanced methods are more focused on professional users and allow for more precise results. In this step, you should choose the scanning method that best fits your needs.
Click ‘Submit’ – After selecting a scanning method, you need to click ‘Submit’ in order to start scanning the specified URL for broken links.
Broken Links Finder is based on the following two concepts:
The HTTP protocol allows the Web server to notify the browser that a page has moved. It does so by setting a special header: "Location". The header indicates the new URL where the page has moved to. The header may have multiple values, indicating that the page has been moved several times.
The HTTP protocol allows to check if a page responds (i.e. if it is available). To do so, the browser sends an HTTP request to the page, and checks if it receives an answer (the HTTP response). If it does not receive any answer, this means that the page is not available any more.
Using these two concepts, Broken Links Finder periodically performs a large number of HTTP requests (hundreds or thousands) on your web site, and checks if each page answers with an HTTP response. If a page does not respond, Broken Links Finder stores this information in its database, together with the URL of the page and the date of the last check. This way, Broken Links Finder keeps track of all non-working pages of your web site (and those of your competitors!).