How much do the YouTubers get paid?
There are more than one ways for the YouTubers to make money
- For Promotion of Products
Though the amount varies according to the number of followers but typically a YouTuber charges around $10,000 for 100,000 views
This is done through AdSense and the YouTuber gets 68% of the ad revenue. YouTube typically charges the advertisers $0.18 per view when a viewer watches 30 seconds or more of an ad. But only about 15% of the viewers actually make it to the ‘paid view’ category. Hence, if you have 1,000 views to your video and 15% turn into paid views, it means you have 150 of them. This means the advertiser would be charged $27 at the rate of $0.18 per view. The YouTuber or the content creator would receive 68% of $27 that is $18 for every 1000 views.