Beginning to set up your Facebook page

Beginning to set up your Facebook page

Lesson Details:
October 07, 2020

I: Introduction

Facebook is the most used social media platform in the world. This is not only because it is accessible by all age groups but also because it’s very easy to use. It has also become more popular among businesses, both big and small. With almost 80% of the population on Facebook, it has become a great place to market your business.

II: Body

A: Beginning to set up your facebook page

When you have decided to start your own facebook page, there are several things you need to consider before you get started. First of all, figure out what your goal is with your facebook page. Are you just trying to market your brand or are you trying to gather clients? Are you trying to get people to sign up for your newsletter? These are some of the questions you need to answer before you begin building your facebook page.

Secondly, give your facebook page a name that is easy to remember. You will want to make sure that when someone sees your page they can immediately tell what your business is about. If you are selling cosmetics then call it “Lipstick for sale” or “Makeup by Mandy” this way it will be easier for people to find you. Also, when you mention your business in updates, say something like “This week’s makeup sale is lipstick by Mandy” this is much better than saying “we are having a sale on our cosmetics”

Thirdly, make sure you have a great profile picture. The picture you choose should represent who you are and what you do. If you are selling jewelry, make sure it is something classy and elegant. Next, choose an appropriate picture of yourself that will help people associate with you. If your character is very outgoing then show that in your picture, if you are quiet and subdued, then do the same thing. After this, fill out all of the information on your profile. Make sure that everything is accurate and that it shows people what you are looking for.

Last but not least, use discretion when posting on your page. You want to be able to give your followers an insight into what you do but at the same time you don’t want to tell too much about yourself. People don’t want to know how many miles you ran today or how many hours of sleep you got last night. They want to know about the products and services that you offer and the best way to get them is through quality posts.


As you can see, setting up a facebook page for your business is not hard at all. In fact, if you follow these steps then setting up your facebook page should be a breeze! In addition, if you take the time to post regularly on your page then it should attract a large following in no time at all!

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