How and what to talk about on the shows to sell your products

How and what to talk about on the shows to sell your products

Lesson Details:
February 27, 2021

Video Transcription: All right so we're getting to the most exciting part so you're gonna do these pictures you're gonna get invited to some interviews hopefully this video is brought to you by Appy Pie’s Academy and depending on how well you pitch on and on how good your promotional asset is and other factors but what do you do during the show to get sales this is the most important part so let's cover it right because if you appear in a podcast and you listen you got some listeners well you've gotta sell to them right you haven't sold yet this is just half of do your job right the other part of your job is to get people in front of whom you appeared to really engage with whatever you're one of them to do right what's the whole purpose of you gaining publicity right you gotta sell something promote something okay here's how your interview is going to go it's usually gonna be 30 or 60 minutes right the format is going to be like this they're gonna ask you about you a little bit about your journey how you got there you're gonna tell them a little bit about your current business how you help people all that kind of stuff it's usually that kind of predictable progression predictable progression then you're going to get into the meat and potatoes of the show where you talk about the thing that you're actually pitched to talk about and then after that there's gonna be a conclusion and the host is going to ask how people should get in touch with you and you're gonna get your email and website URL and all that but here's what you really should be during your conversation always at least 3 to 4 to 5 times 95 is a little much but a few times right if it's a 30-minute show maybe two or three extra times and if it's a 60-minute show maybe four or five times allude to your products that you're promoting definitely first of all provide value to the listeners you have to appear as knowledgeable and insightful so that they go be people who want to learn more from you once they learn once they want to learn more from you mentioned throughout the podcast not just at the end of how they can get in touch with you okay so encourage people to engage with you encourage to email with questions encourage to get something for free which gives you their email encourage you know like however you can get them to this to your sales funnel encourage them to engage with you while always making it a valuable thing for them it's for really for them it's not for you to have them in your sales funnel it's something beneficial for them then gets them into your sales funnel okay and if you don't encourage people throughout if you don't and what's called these are called calls to action you basically call them to action by learn read make them you know tell them you interest them and then you gotta get them actually doing that stuff and so if you don't encourage these things they won't realize that you're actually on the show to get them to do it like it would be very much in passing or they will wonder like what is the next step but they won't know and it will be a waste you waste a lot of opportunity so don't waste ad even if you the radio the show host won't ask you until the end but you take your own liberty and pitch your own things it's a little too aggressive I have to say that it's a little too aggressive and ballsy but that's how you make the sales that's how you take the people from being listeners and people who enjoy the show to people who actually listen and enjoy and take the next step and actually get to your sales funnel to maybe buy something of yours right that's the difference okay that's the main difference now you know how to kind of now you have a sort of a game plan for being a guest on these shows and you have a game plan for getting on this shows now go ahead get on the shows and I look forward to actually hearing podcasts with you as the guest speaker  

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