Hiring Freelancers to Help With Publicity

Hiring Freelancers to Help With Publicity

Lesson Details:
February 27, 2021

Video Transcription: Of course when you're thinking about hiring a publicity expert to help you one impulse is can you get a freelancer this video is brought to you by Appy Pie’s Academy and so let's look at the options of the freelancing site they're not particularly encouraging this is Fiverr and I search for publicity and what happens is weirdly it gives some like nursing public health and so it's very little on this now go to PR is a confusing term because it means something in the SEO world PageRank so that's not gonna help us public relations it's also not gonna help us too much because public relations consultation it's a little vague okay so these are not great now let's go to up work and I'm going to search for publicity so the people here are at least a little closer as you see they're a little bit too expensive but that's fine we can maybe find someone cheaper but the people here don't particularly fit our needs either right content manager this one is a social media content and blog pro like they're not a fit there just aren't particular like people who are very good now this the only person here so far that I found this press release specialist a little bit expensive now she might be actually good see that thirty-six years of journalism Media Relations about development okay so the media relations a lot of experience she might be good but she's super expensive maybe you can hire her for a few hours to perfect your press release and brand message but at the same time you can hire her full-time is really expensive and you see if you go down the list it's kind of like database specialist why are they showing me a database specialist just say it's a sign that the the options are few and far between so you can message some of the ones that fit the bill and kind of like stents the water see if they might be a good fit now what you could do and what I would suggest to do to hire a cheap freelancer maybe somebody five or ten dollars an hour but you would teach them what you  need to do you will teach them here's the pitch you need to write here are all the here's all the podcast in the world go pitch them or hear all the podcast to manage here here's the script to send them on email to just blast a lot of people so as a brute force you would essentially have them find everybody's email send them an email but the pitch is something that you would give them and the pitch is something that you and I we perfect that in this course essentially how you stand out your branding message all that but you just give them the materials and it's is you hire a cheap freelancer who's just basically going to brute force all the time all they're gonna do is find opportunities for you and pitch the opportunities and you they're gonna get a very small response rate maybe two three percent really but it doesn't matter because it's even though they're doing this manually as you experience it it's almost an automated strategy because you know that in a few hours of work of theirs you will get maybe some kind of invite to a podcast or a blog or something so that for you it's essentially a way to automate the boring brute force called outreach and that can be done by a freelancer very effectively  

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