How to do best Marketing of App on YouTube - Learn Online

Section introduction "I tried YouTube and..."

Lesson Details:
December 17, 2019

This course is brought to you by Appy Pie as part of our Academy series in this section of the course which is the next few videos I'm gonna cover how to do YouTube marketing to promote you are out now one caveat I get a lot of people who say I've tried YouTube it doesn't work and then I look at what they tried and they have one video and it's like their mother and grandmother watched it and nobody else watched it so does that really mean that you got a lot of districts tried YouTube not really it just kind of means that the tribe wasn't good enough it wasn't a professional try and that's for most people and then people try to get like download views on YouTube from Fiverr from some kind of like fake users that you have no idea if they want your app or not and so in this section I'm gonna walk you through what a more or less professional or high-quality amateur YouTube strategy marketing strategy might look like so that you can then replicate it and apply it to your apps and it will get you download just a matter of how good you execute what I'm gonna show you.

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