How to Monetize Your App with Ad Networks - Learn Online

Ideas to monetize your app experience from outside of the app stores

Lesson Details:
December 16, 2019

This course is brought to you by Appy Pie as part of our Academy series in this lecture I'm going to give you three ideas for how to monetize your app beyond the app store so totally unrelated outside of the app store and one thing I'm gonna I'm gonna show you some products that to use as examples for your ideas for products now I don't mean to sell these products to you I'm just using them as an example okay so I'm not really sad I'm not selling these to you so the first is I'm gonna show you the books that I created and my apps are business planning apps right so take a look the first app I made the first the book I made is uh this is my Amazon author page the first book I made was a mobile app marketing motivation book after I figured out how to do that successfully for my apps then because my people my app users were starting a business I wrote this book because you know it helps you takes you all the way to start a business and then I wrote a business planning book as well and of course they all needed marketing so I wrote this marketing book for them so I actually hope have like a whole book series that is based on the struggles of my app users, I saw what they were struggling with and I actually explained it all in a book now when you're creating a how-to book which that's what these books are and basically explaining how to you can also create a YouTube channel for this okay, anything how-to that you can write a book about you can do a YouTube channel about it and make money on YouTube now that's what YouTube is the second way to monetize now actually I'm gonna give you two more ways to monetize this if because if you can create courses based on what your app users went through so if you can create books or YouTube videos you can create a a course like a udemy course based on you know teaching people the struggles to overcome the struggles with whatever your app helps them with but coolest of all if you're able to develop your mobile app yourself you can make an app college course like app training course on udemy and actually teach people how to create apps just like you created your app so these are ways that you totally unrelated ways that you can monetize your experience with your app but on Amazon or on udemy or in different places where you can sell books or online courses.

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