Why this 'Thing' is a Waste of Time

Why this 'Thing' is a Waste of Time

Lesson Details:
January 11, 2020

This course is brought to you by Appy Pie as part of our academy series number 68 why the news is a waste of time how the news works now you you tune into news as a consumer or as a person watching the news you want to catch up on events you want to see what's going on in the world etc etc but how the news works is they're trying to tune you in they're trying to capture your attention use your eyeballs so they can then talk to advertisers and then show them a rate card and then show their advertisers rate cards we're getting this many views on these days this is how much it's gonna cost for you to place an advertisement on our news organization that's all it is the news is just a way to help advertisers sell you products help them sell you their services help them brand their products and services and their businesses unless all the news is the news isn't to help you and your life the news isn't designed to make you a better person it's to capture your attention for a short amount of time so a advertisement can then sell you on something that's how the news works so that being said there is a psychological psychological impact and a psychological impetus that these news organizations feed on they want to sell you fear they want to make you afraid so that way you tune in every time and you get afraid you get depressed then you become addicted to the news there's a psychological impact that has to do with the amygdala and your emotional processing center and that's how they work so the news comes up with these stories that are scary to you and then they provide you the solution and you tune in every day day in day out to be fed this and this is how the news works so this is a psychological impact you do become addicted to the news if you've ever if you don't believe me then maybe you've watching that you've been watching the news consistently then you take a day off or take a couple days off and you like you're missing out you feel like a crack addict trying to get his crack if you had felt out before but the point is here that it is an addiction the news doesn't help you what does it matter what somebody is doing a thousand miles away when it has zero effect on your life cut out the news save that time use the energy elsewhere use it to actually accomplish your goals and actually get ahead in life

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