Cut Down on Email Back and Forth by Using this Strategy

Cut Down on Email Back and Forth by Using this Strategy

Lesson Details:
January 11, 2020

This course is brought to you by Appy Pie as part of our Academy series number 75 cut down on email back and forth alice is gonna save you a lot of time I'm sure you've been caught in the loop where you start a question you're asked a question to a co-worker to a friend family member or somebody you're talking to via email they go back and forth you go back and forth at the end of it you realize you could have just taken care of it with that one quick simple targeted email not having to deal with that whole thread spending all your time doing that so here are some tips first is outcome oriented so what is the purpose of me sending this email what is the purpose of me doing this task most the time you might find that I'm just gonna share this video well don't share the video get back to work so look at the outcome what are you trying to accomplish by doing this then you can focus that email and target it towards that one subject one thread this is especially important when you are going back to your email and looking through your email for a certain topic or for what somebody said or for a specific document if you have three subjects and you're all talking about different things and it's all in one email thread then it's gonna be hard to find what you're looking for as soon as you start talking about another topic or something else comes up start a new thread it's gonna be a lot easier to find what you're looking for no essays there is a software that you should find and search on your own it's called five sentences or five sentence ly or something along those lines where it forces you to use less than five sentences when you're sending emails you're not writing an essay you're not writing your life story you are writing less than a hundred words get the outcome accomplished you're not writing the next novel out there simply send what you need to send and no more nor less now then also batch process email so when you're going through email INBOX this is a bonus tip for you when you're going through your email inbox do it at one time instead of checking your email every five minutes you know reading one email at a time read all of your emails for the hour or for the day at once then you don't have to worry about doing that over and over again okay and then the final bonus tip here and tip to help you out with your email and with cutting down on back and forth it's inbox zero this is the covenant holy grail of email where you don't have anything in your Inbox it's clear once you're done with your emails there's zero messages zero notifications always try to get back to inbox zero or else it's always going to be nagging you will have ten unread messages I have five unread messages I have a thousand unread messages I need to get to it's gonna constantly nag you and bring you down get your inbox to zero you will think

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