How 'Italian Chefs' will Help you Be More Productive

How 'Italian Chefs' will Help you Be More Productive

Lesson Details:
January 11, 2020

This course is brought to you by Appy Pie as part of our academy series number 46 how Italian chefs will help you be more productive this number six productivity hack now you're thinking what do Italian chefs have to be with now what do Italian chefs have to do with productivity you might be asking yourself you might be thinking at this point let me explain now the Italian chefs have to do and relate to productivity through the Pomodoro Technique now if you're not familiar with this it's when Italian chefs you know years and years ago and still do when they're making a specific type of sauce they have to set a timer and complete a number of other tasks related to making that sauce within a short period of time usually about 25 minutes and then recently about in the 1980s this was used and developed as a time management technique as a technique to become and do more productive things that's exactly what Pomodoro is it's a technique to accomplish more that's exactly how it works so similar to the Italian chefs you set aside 25 minutes you set on the timer you work your butt off to get as much done as possible and in that 25 minute time period then you take a five minute break now we've talked about the benefit of breaks we've talked about the benefit that has on stress on productivity so on and so forth so you're working your butt off 25 minutes have a break for five minutes and then you continue the cycle again so work break work break work break it's called the Pomodoro Technique it's broken into 25 minute intervals 25 minute work five minutes you can also do 55 minutes of work 5 minutes break so on and so forth let's take a look at a couple apps and tips you can use to actually be able to implement the Pomodoro Technique today so with the Pomodoro it's gonna be different depending what device you're using whether it's an Android or an apple or what type of browser you use but let's go and look at one of these just for example here and this is an example here so Pomodoro timer focus your productivity this one you have to pay for there are others that are free that are just as good this is an example here you can see how many Pomodoro is you have in a day and it keeps you on focus so this is if you have an Apple device you can use this here download it or there are plenty others that are free I think Palma droid o is the one I use pomo droid o for my Android device but that's exactly that's all you do then you're all set and ready to start being more productive.

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