Electronic Device that Destroys Dreams and What to Do About it

The Electronic Device that Destroys Dreams and What to Do About it

Lesson Details:
January 11, 2020

This course is brought to you by Appy Pie as part of our academy series number 43 the electronic device that destroys dreams and it's TV now the average American watch is about 4 to 5 hours of TV per day now if you take that time that could be spent with family that could be spent doing work that could be time spent getting out of debt that could be time spent making more money that could be time spent on getting together and planning out a dream vacation that could be time spent on any number of things I could literally list out things all day as to what your time can be better spent on rather than watching TV now best way to do about this I consider TV a bad habit we talked about bad habits cut it out mercilessly substitute with something else is there something else you can do instead of watching TV can you cut down the amount of TV that you watch it's just 1 hour instead of 4 hours just to start you can read you can learn you can watch this course over and over again you benefit from that learn more productivity hacks there are so many more things you can do with your time so much more that you can accomplish and do and live if you cut out TV out of your life.

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